Comments on: Is the NSA the real president of the United States? Mon, 15 May 2017 17:37:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sue Mon, 15 May 2017 17:37:24 +0000 Thank you for being a great reporter and a great American. This is a fabulous and super well articulated article which sends my mind reeling….well done sir.

By: Bruce Wed, 01 Mar 2017 02:17:18 +0000 A Pro-Peace U.S. President is unheard of in our life time; but against common sense, I still retain the unlikely sliver of hope. Hard to tell if Trump is real, though certainly not probable? If he is, he can’t just fight the Oligarchs and their entrenched CFR drones on 360 different fronts and expect to win, so interim compromise is a likely strategy. He has to pick and choose his battles or he’ll go down quickly. This makes it hard to read from the fruited plain. It’s just as possible he’s another Banking/War/Oil shill with a slightly better stage show for Main Street. We’ll know soon enough.

By: Molecule Thu, 23 Feb 2017 03:28:29 +0000 Bill Binney from Breitbart mentioned the FBI, and Eileen Kuch mentioned pizzagate / pedogate.

We know from the movie about Earnest Hemingway called “PAPA,” that Mr. Gay Edgar Hoover was a flagrant homosexual. He would order his main FBI agents to lower their trousers, which to show obedience they would apparently do, whereupon he (Gay Edgar) would drop to his knees and humiliate his top agents, in front of other agents, by playing with their privates (sucking them off … sorry). Meanwhile on one occasion Gay Edgar’s main lover and chauffeur, Clyde Tolson, would make 8mm movies “just for the record.” Meyer Lansky got ahold of one of these films and was using it to blackmail the FBI.

But behind the scenes, I’m suspicious that this pizzagate has been going on for a long time … since the 1908 creation of the FBI, with homosexual blackmailer Hoover appointed as top dog. In other words, the FBI has been into organizing homosexual rings and pedophile rings for political blackmail since 1908. In fact, that may have been the primary reason for its creation, and for appointment of Hoover.

Thus a second question arises, which parallels the NSA question … the FBI was created 1908 primarily for purposes of (a) running protection racket for the pedophile rings that control the US Congress and the bureaucracy’s top layers, and (b) for general political and economic blackmail of movers and shakers, i.e. foreign ambassadors, Wall St CEOs, bankers, etc.

Remember how Louis Freeh swooped in on the Sandusky case, when Sandusky revealed in a letter to the prosecutor that his boys were transported past layer after layer of security by PA state police, from the perimeter at the sports stadium, into the lockerroom and showers where the Penn State football “gods” changed their socks … Louis Freeh was running FBI protection for the PA pedophile rings, while the prosecutor was sending Sandusky up river. I am now suspicious that the FBI has been organizing the US pedophile rings, and providing police protection for them, since its inception.

What this means is … because the FBI has been a homosexual-pedophile blackmail operation from its inception, it is the actual power behind the government, perhaps more so than the NSA.

Someone has been running a protection racket for the collection of DC pedophile rings, now known as pizzagate? (Smearjob by pizza does not a debunk make …) There’s no choice … the FBI has to be providing the protection … Jim Comey, political blackmailer in chief, successor to Gay Edgjar Hoover.

By: Mike Wed, 22 Feb 2017 22:50:39 +0000 What Monetary Reform are you in favor of, Bob?

By: Mike Wed, 22 Feb 2017 22:43:52 +0000 There is Monetary Reform, Matt… an achillies heel that goes straight to Their deranged brain.
Think about it (not their deranged brain).

By: arcadia11 Mon, 20 Feb 2017 01:19:59 +0000 the selection of trump was meant to facilitate the final beating down of the vestiges of
humanity who still hold to the cognizance, decency and highest values of those who yearn to live in the sunlight and freedom.

By: bob klinck Mon, 20 Feb 2017 01:11:47 +0000 This article leaves one with the impression that the point of no return has been passed and no way of salvaging the situation is imaginable. Despite the fact that they have been relentlessly conspired against by powermongers, that the people have colluded in the surrender of their power to Insiders must be recognized. Perhaps they are reaching the point of wanting to take it back, but in order to do so they require a mechanism. Realistically, what this must be is beyond dispute; namely, radical decentralization of financial power to the level of the individual citizen, in the form, say, of issuance of universal dividends, generous in proportion to the productive capacity of the economy. Centralized financial power, whether public or private, inherently reinforces monopoly; widely distributed financial means, unencumbered by administrative preconditions, puts the population in general in control of both political and economic policy. Any truly democratic polity would have this principle of monetary distribution enshrined in its constitution.

However, in the absence of a genuine and widespread “loving of your neighbour as yourself”–largely subverted by the Insiders’ divide and conquer tactics–puritanical conditioning (aka busybodyism) stands as a wall against the introduction of this essential reform.

By: bob klinck Mon, 20 Feb 2017 00:20:27 +0000 If the people holding real power actually wanted Trump out of the way, there is no doubt that they could effect this quite easily. Despite the unending vituperation aimed at him by the MSM, it’s apparent that a more sophisticated game is being played in which, unwittingly or otherwise, he is playing a role. Perhaps the underlying goal is to destroy Americans’ belief in their traditional institutions, all of which are appearing to be terminally tattered and ineffectual. If this belief–which to outsiders is the most striking aspect of US exceptionalism–is shattered, the country will become nothing more than a welter of factions cynically competing for control of its deteriorating assets.

By: miguelhud Sun, 19 Feb 2017 15:27:52 +0000 Abolish the NSA and it will get a new set of initials and move shop to continue doing besides under a different name. Just my guess.

By: ebolainfo Sun, 19 Feb 2017 08:39:06 +0000 Without blogs, our ignorance of their deceits, crimes and duplicity would be profound. Don’t underestimate their impact, eg Trump vs Hilary, Brexit, Zika bovine exrement
