Comments on: Michael Flynn: minding our own business vs. saving the world Sun, 19 Feb 2017 06:44:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Sun, 19 Feb 2017 06:44:30 +0000 From a highly placed NSA source (who must remain anonymous to protect what remains of the “free world”) comes this terrifying video of Russians [shiver] lolly-gagging about their decadently manicured parks, while Good and Decent Folk (aka You and Me), go about God’s Work of making the world safe for democracy. (read: dropping bombs on the heads of any poor 3rd-world sumbitch who takes it into his head to march to his own tune).

CAUTION: Thjs video reveals in all its horror, a new weapon that Mr. Putin is testing on HIS OWN PEOPLE….the F-Bomb.

There can no longer be any doubt: Russia really IS the source of all EVILE in this sector of the galaxy!

By: JB Sat, 18 Feb 2017 13:28:49 +0000 Talk about being informed. Read your post 1789 history. Start with Merrill Jensen’s The New Nation. Then Rosenfeld’s American Aurora.

There has never been an “honest” man in the White House since Washington, EIGHTH president of the United States of America. George refused to repay the French aristocrats who all went broke breaking the economic stranglehold Britain had imposed on the colonies. That bankruptcy set the stage for the bloody French Revolution.

It was George who sold out the American people when he favored Hamilton’s monetary policy and Federal bank (financed by the very British people who promoted destroying the fledgling monetary system the Colonies went to war over), causing Jefferson to resign in disgust.

It was hypocrite George, smarting from being militarily upstaged by the French, and backed by the American merchants who back-channeled agreements with Britain at the expense of the French, who was mis-nomered “father” of the new nation and allowed to preside at the 1787 Convention as long as he kept his mouth shut. (B. Franklin was the actual father of the United States of America.)

The Convention orchestrated the document that made the corruption you speak of an inherent aspect of the Federal government. The merchants and landed delegates who created that document never had any other intention than preserving their wealth and market prominence.

Jefferson and Monroe were the only presidents who ever attempted non-interventionism George “warned” against. All the rest have either done nothing or promoted such meddling.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 18 Feb 2017 07:37:08 +0000 Jon, excellent piece.

As they are so concerned about Russia breaking “agreements” with Ukraine, what about all that broken past American legislation drafted to “protect” the Native Indians. Let’s start with the Dawes Act(s), but there were 100’s of additional treaties all but “forgotten”,

Where’s the sanctions?


By: Michael Fri, 17 Feb 2017 20:52:55 +0000 Fuzzy…
Is that in, fuzzy head. I see we are being deluged by the triggered left, or some fuckin pedophile Arab.
The only reason you posted this here was to start a fire…that’s your point shit for brains.

Another muslim (Nafeez Ahmed) instilling Jihad, throwing intellectual hand grenades into the mix of weaponized illogic, fallacy, conjecture and whatever comes into the muslim pedophile mind. This blatant jihadist (Ahmed) is funded by the worst, another useful idiot of Soros, and Saudi money. More anti-Trump, anti-white gobbledegook. What was this an ttempt at virtue signaling?

“and to renegotiate NAFTA, potentially heightening tensions with Canada.” -the Muslim Ahmed

No it hasn’t ‘heightened tensions in Canada’, most are unaware that a White House meeting transpired. The fucking brain-dead left don’t read a thing…that would be news.

The mob if you haven’t noticed fuzzy wuzzy, won’t twitch unless they hear one of the seven trigger words. And it seems your author has used them all. In fact 99% of those concerned and I mean this from a business point of view, would love for that document to be literally torn up. Except for the extreme left, but of course they are stilll living in mommy basement. Is that were you are fuzzalator. And actually cheer for this dumb little cunt we call a prime minister.

The Canadian public have always felt they got a raw deal with NAFTA. It really only established publically Canada as another state in the Union of Unions. We bend over as a public, everytime American softwood, or American beef scream foul.

“Trump appears to be in conflict with the bulk of the US intelligence community,…” –The Muslim Ahmed

I suppose then his outstanding welcome by senior CIA employees on his visit to their offices was?…and an asked for return, because of overwhelming support by those employees, calling for another visit for those that missed the first visit was…?
I could go on and on here, ad finitum, but I don’t wish to throw pearls to swine.

“Trump’s White House has purged almost the entire senior staff of the State Department, and tested the loyalty of the Department of Homeland Security with its new ‘Muslim ban’ order.” -The Muslim Ahmed

The state department was completely populated with traitors and Anti-Trump bureaucrats, whom would sabotage the president, rather than obey his orders, the old staff were working for the destruction of the United States of America on the world stage. And would work for DT’s destruction. It is also swamp central BTW, if you have been paying attention Donald has sworn to drain the swamp. The place was crawling with NeoCons, infested; that’s right, slimy rotten to the core evil NeoCons. Still loyal to the killer Hillary and Obama, who are working away at the wood like termites as we speak. And Obama BTW still thinks he the POTUS. Must be all that tranny rights stuff has warped his little black mind.

Muslim ban really?…I wish we could ban you all. here’s a little reading for you…

…this is exactly what is being examined in this extreme vetting of refugees.

All in all, I have found Guardian writers to be compromised, way too spooky for me, really only presstitutes for hire. Propagandists at most. This anti-Trump rant by this muslim jihadist Nafeez Ahmed who would have us think him a independent journalist, will not float with me. He a terrorist with a pen. When your prophet is a pedophile, it is quite hard for me to take muslims seriously.

And now with them bound on the destruction of all of us in the west; the raping of our women; our children not safe around them. The constant violence they cause, and finally, I am supposeed to read their lies…no thanks fuzzy one.

By: Terri Fri, 17 Feb 2017 19:24:10 +0000 Quebec, The people have become so corrupt and participate in every day treason against our republic,(and their own well being) you are right, this is why Trump is having such a hard time. Ron Paul’s vision is for a moral and conscious humanity, one we do not have at this time. Trump is brilliant to have gotten this far and he needs all our help.

By: coconutgirl Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:59:50 +0000 How Donald Trump carried out a sting operation against disloyal elements of the US intelligence community:

Jon, do you know Wictor? Miss your ass, glad to see you (the topics you bring up) are finally getting the deserved mass exposure.

By: Terry Adams Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:13:44 +0000 What people need to understand – and please know that I am NOT talking about the people that read Jon’s blog as they are (or at least should be) well informed – is that having an honest man in the white house is “screwing up” the system. Why? Because the system has been altered, changed, CORRUPTED to the point where honesty and common sense will not mesh with it.

By: Sunshine Fri, 17 Feb 2017 13:10:39 +0000 Good comments Michael. Couldn’t agree more with Jon’s article and your outrage. I’m sick of it all too, day after day.

By: dunc Fri, 17 Feb 2017 05:21:58 +0000 just watched the press meeting with trump. wooow! he simplified it. didn’t call out the nsa cia directly. but you can clearly see he knows whats going on. what a natural display. improv. thinking on his feet. acting sincere and busting press balls completely. bravo mr trump!!

By: From Quebec Fri, 17 Feb 2017 03:57:35 +0000 He’s been in for only 20 days and every thing he is trying to do is sabotaged by the Obama shadow government bunker in DC

Please get real rabbitnexus.
