Comments on: Your life outside the Matrix Sun, 19 Feb 2017 02:58:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Oliver K. Manuel Sun, 19 Feb 2017 02:58:33 +0000 Life outside the matrix is a life of continuous discovery.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sun, 19 Feb 2017 02:56:07 +0000 For me

By: binra Sat, 18 Feb 2017 22:38:49 +0000 “You pursuing the future you truly want…is quite different from you not pursuing that future.”

Take this (if you will) as a basis for accepting that the result you ARE receiving is the fruit of what you are actively creating – while acknowledging that the mind is active all the time and no less so for running ‘unwatched’ or under the designation of ‘unconscious’ or ‘black op’ or masked agenda.

Co-creational synchronicity is easy to recognize and be grateful for in its positive integrative In-Sight – but rarely recognized and given gratitude in its segregative and conflicting outcome – which is interpreted as something’s gone wrong – and used for guilt, blame, anger and exclusion.

The greatest block to freedom is guilt (in any form directed anywhere) and the greatest illusion of freedom is where guilt is successfully hidden beneath trojan masks or substitute I-dolls.

Fear can shut down the mind – but guilt is the attractor of punishment, the expectation of betrayal, sabotage and opposition. The presentiment of treachery that then acts to out do the ‘enemy’ at its own game.

Conviction in guilt is judgemental foundation operating as if an unchallengable and unchangeable self-certainty. In fact the self-convicted must ‘see’ everyone in the same ‘light’ – but can the mind be altogether WRONG in its assessment of Reality?

Opening to accept and give life to anything that arises in life is releasing the ‘should’ mind – and growing willingness for Life – Now – and Now!

That the movement of joy in truly uncovered desire aligns fulfilment in life is different from the idea of forcing life as sacrifice and coercion. You KNOW you are on the right track by the defences the mind throws up to get you to STOP! ‘They’ are internalized as the blocks and ‘justifications’ as to why you cannot have the life you desire within the terms or themes you have in a sense chosen to embody and focus within.

Doing something because is is true of you is not WAITING FOR RESULTS – in other words it is truly fulfilling as an unfoldment of being. Addressing self definitions that are experienced as ‘blocks’ calls for making space of awareness where the triggering of reaction would deny it. Blame shuts down communication and makes freedom a heretical insanity. But only as it is thus employed and empowered.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:13:53 +0000 The late Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda, the first nuclear scientist to examine Hiroshima’s ruins in AUG 1945, was already a creative genius, guided through life like “iron filings drawn to an magnet outside himself.”

That intellectual humility allowed Kuroda to first realize that the “beginning of the world” was just like the destruction of Hiroshima.

Thirty years later, the late Dr. Dwarka Das Sabu and I encountered incredible opposition to the publication/presentation of experimental data from meteorites that confirmed Kuroda’s 1945 insight into the “beginning of the world.”

Before presenting the experimental data at the 1976 AGU Spring National Meeting, we sent a copy for publication in the “Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Sciences.”

Above is a hyperlink to that paper, showing first experimental confirmation of the birth of the entire solar system in the explosion of a single supernova.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:10:37 +0000 Here is the first published confirmation that the explosion of a single supernova gave birth to the entire solar system:
