Comments on: The Individual on trial Wed, 22 Feb 2017 12:44:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: will iam Wed, 22 Feb 2017 12:44:02 +0000 “A hollowed out life is a wasted life” …….IS A JUDGEMENT, how is it not?

The ‘world’ is a complicated place, this is why you would be wise to approach it simply.

Intend the short cut.

By: Michael Tue, 21 Feb 2017 19:04:58 +0000 Society has never been based on truth, liberty and the constitution.
Elitism has feigned it was based on those ideals.
Every body I know or grew up with or talked too, was a wage slave…who never got his just reward.
2017 has just gotten worse, now we are $4000 per family a year poorer for carbon taxes.
Next comes a breathing tax. They will be happy when they eliminate money completely.

By: binra Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:33:50 +0000 Everything ALWAYS changes – but the mind can be so programmed as to believe it is a static identity. Hence the matrix-mind of : “There is nothing new under the Sun” and the Awakened appreciation: Behold I make all things new!

You are free to use mind in place of creative freedom – as IF your source of self and reality. But once you en-trance your identification – you are free only along the lines of the thought you accept true as your self/reality.

Thus to shift or awaken ‘upstream’ to the embracing perspective is the freedom to release by NOT using or investing identification in the mind-limiting thought.

Identity can be played with in fantasy but is set or conditioned by reaction. Once you react as if something is true, you set it as your default.

The fantasy of the lead dog – or the winner or the hero of the dream is always the same outcome – There is nothing new under the Sun. Yes we all have different stratagems of self-specialness (that reinforce by alliance AND by conflict). But a getting device is a getting device and a hollowed our life is a wasted life. Sure you can get stuffed by illusions and play the movie in your head.

Why doesn’t a poor (impoverishing) result immediately bring a questioning back to the source of which it comes? Because fragmentation of mind is the strategy of persisting forcefully against and overriding the messengers of our true being. Such that the messengers of the need for healing at Source are personified in projection, demonized as the ’cause’ of evil and so judged and defended against – if not pre-emptively destroyed. Welcome to the machine of thought reversal. The exit is the en-trance – and the sword that denies you is your own cutting into an unconsciousness in the belief you alone are the judge – and so you are judged to be alone – isolated, cut off behind enemy lines – abandoned, and left to die in a squalid failure to create your dream.

The willingness to override your own true being, is the same that overrides others and your living world. Therefore the opening to a co-creative relationship – of the same movement of being, is the release of the blind urge to get in front.
No one is as fast as that which is always and has therefore already arrived. Anyone can seem a big fish in their pool until the tide comes in. Gratifiction is a substitute for gratitude – which is always a relationship and never alone.

The true will is denied to attention by the substitution of mind. But all the ’emotion’ of such mind is likewise substitute for true feeling intimacy. Its just part of the matrix of the denial of your true will so as to play out fantasy and make it real to your focus of attention.

If you can see that the overriding of true will is by the devices of coercion and deceit – then you can be the leading edge of uncovering such blocks to joy in life in your thought – even if alerted by reaction to similar in others. But this leading edge is re-opening into an intimacy of being – though the matrix-mind tells you that you are losing everyone and everything by persisting in de-tuning from the jamming signal. Why would we want to listen to fear but to persist in jamming a true appreciation of what fear is. Fear is a lack of love and therefore a call for love. The word love is adulterated by abuse. You have to open Feeling to know. The mind – in its right timing will follow. Reverse the reversal without attempts to catch up, get in front or make the grade. Open the inner eye. Look upon the horror so as to be free to look beyond it, and open to appreciation of Life anew.

The short-cut is : don’t take the long-cut! And the journey truly lived – is the freedom within your ‘destination’. What is the active purpose in your heart? Be willing to yield to it unafraid – for anything NOT true is the fear that you are NOT you – and fear, given creative control – is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So be ye perfect in the knowing and owning of your purpose – which is never truly lost but only covered by fear and guilt driven division.

By: John Folger Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:49:30 +0000 I did think he was talking about the future, i thought it was a Clinton type court room.

By: will iam Tue, 21 Feb 2017 01:28:37 +0000 Unless you are the lead dog the view never changes.

By: CPP Tue, 21 Feb 2017 01:15:52 +0000 Silly prosecutor and judge, the founders weren’t Russians, they were Freemasons, just as the two of you likely are.

Speaking of “fake news” as crime:

By: John Tue, 21 Feb 2017 00:01:44 +0000 This country no longer values the Constitution. The left mocks the rule of law and the MSM applauds them for doing it.

To the left, evil is now relative and their outrage has become selective. Accountability and responsibility go together but the two no longer exist. Oh maybe they now exist in an inverse reality where good men like General Flynn are forced to step aside. While treasonous tyrants like Obama and Clinton are given passes.

Until we fight back hard, virtue and justice will never return to this Republic. Trump must keep moving forward and continue to fight hard.

This cancer on the left is metastasizing and soon will implode. It is almost there, please do not let them off the hook. This evil fascist liberal disease must become marginalized. It is the only way we can return to a society based on truth, liberty and the Constitution. The spotlight must continue to shine upon this great evil.

When the damn breaks, this extreme Marxist leftism will be drowned for good. Globalism needs to be beaten down where it can not ever get up again.

By: From Quebec Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:15:35 +0000 ‘But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round
He never listens to them
He knows that they’re the fools
They don’t like him'”

By: From Quebec Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:07:56 +0000 Paul McCartney – Fool On The Hill Live

By: binra Mon, 20 Feb 2017 21:11:36 +0000 Of course everything is the same while you wait for everyone else to change!
