Comments on: Trump, Watergate, Nixon, Rockefeller: the real lesson Sun, 15 Apr 2018 13:00:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: MMV Sun, 15 Apr 2018 13:00:52 +0000 Dear Jon,
So many interesting comments. I am learning a lot.
Keep up the good work.
Very troubling and upsetting to me, this Syria bombing !

Kindest Regards,


By: toddbschlueter Tue, 13 Jun 2017 12:48:20 +0000 Here is the Jesuit-inspired painting (fresco) inside the US capital Dome — worked on immediately after US Civil War I:

By: Theodore Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:22:31 +0000 excellent point.

i am still learning about this ancient history.

for my comment above, i had limited “Phrygian-cap (smurf-hat wearing)” freedom to mean the wearer who accepts the ‘authority’ of someone else allowing him to wear the said ‘freedom cap’.

but, you have brought up an angle/viewpoint i have not thought of before.


By: binra Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:39:22 +0000 I’d say that Everything changes when we accept love as an awakening of responsibility for our alignment in true worth. Even if our little mind’ does not altogether align, understand or allow.
But if parenting itself was it – everyone with children would be ‘Awake’.
I know that the courage to be is within our hearts and minds and trust the timing by living the true of my own. If fear was not seen as protective, we would not choose it as the guide and protector.

By: binra Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:30:42 +0000 Fear attracts predators. Terror drives a masked rage and masked fear of such rage conforms to evade it – or align in its mask of power.
A self divided (at war within itself) operates both the victim and the victimizer in fragmented parts never connected).
But the whole thing is a construct THROUGH which to experience accordingly.

My sense is that in fear, the demonic operates the protection racket while demonizing true messengers. Protection rackets use the forms, symbols, images or concepts of true – but suck out the life and deny escape.

I also sense that evil is self-limiting – so that its traps to catch and suppress and deny or eradicate the messengers that would UNDO a false foundation, increasing cut off its own energy supply.

Narrative Control or full spectrum dominance is meaningless over a dead or degraded world that has no capacity to receive or appreciate such ‘lordship’ excepting to scream inside instead of the living awareness in which to feel and know life..

But in the sense of what goes around comes around – the way humans treat Life si such that it would be extraordinary if they were NOT themselves being pharmed, abused, exploited – for what we accept and act from as true of us is what sets the wavelength of our Universal Correspondence.

By: Michael Fri, 24 Feb 2017 17:05:42 +0000 @T
Phrygian as in truly free, “Spiritual Free”, or free as misunderstood by christians as carnal, natural people. there is a difference.
Phrygians believed in the holy spirit, which superceded authority of paul or for that matter Jesus.

By: Michael Fri, 24 Feb 2017 16:15:58 +0000 🙂

By: binra Fri, 24 Feb 2017 13:55:53 +0000 “Spoke loudly enough”…

Was that rage seeking vengeance or a refusal to accept false power over true sovereignty of being?

I’m not asking anyone to speak for anyone else – but to ponder that these can be co-fused and reversal operate such that the demonic is accorded faith – or the true healing messengers – demonsided and killed.

By: binra Fri, 24 Feb 2017 13:38:29 +0000 “End of story?”
Rather, the continuation of ‘Story’ as ‘narrative control’.
Look how everyone takes a part in the framing of events. Are we being manipulated? Or are we suckling the juices of our own emotional investment?

But your point is that Trump – for all the ‘outsider’ status – (true within certain levels of identity aligned within Establishment Was) – was/is being run by ‘insider’ cabal – even if as a ‘controlled explosion’ or shaped charge.

No asset – allowed or installed into agency of power or influence – is to be allowed to out-serve or out-grow its purpose. Nor will such a notion of power itself out-serve or out-grow its purpose.

So while we invest in Its framing as our own aligned identity – such purpose serves out its time in Story.

One of the realisations of noticing (aka mindfulness), is that attention WAS scattered and fragmented in preoccupation with fantasy of past and future imaginations. But the ‘continuity manager’ or ego of self-sense runs the automaton of a fantasy life or subjected virtual reality of adjustment to its lack of presence – so as to present worthiness, love or power – as if one had it. Possession is the name of the game – for who would possess, is thus possessed or entranced by the game until played out.

Story calls for sacriface in justifiction, which is backwards. Original nature creates from a just or true awareness in which no one has to deny or be denied, to behold it is good – very good.
A false sense of rightness asserts and propagates the very ‘evil’ it sees in OTHER – as its own blindness. Some carry this role to extremes – but it takes one to know one. Noticing allows awareness of choice and change in place of an apparently unchangeable self, mind or reality.

But the wish something be true… or not true – resets and reinforces the conditioned imprint of the golem. Fantasy fulfilment has one outcome – no matter how often repeated… unfulfilment. Be that structured upon the symbols of love or power.

In a book I appreciate is the line: “There is no life outside Heaven” – and yet of course what passes as life, is traded in and exchanged and made real to such mind-drift into unreality – is viciously defended against wholeness of being, against a light in which a mistaken identity is no longer accepted or accorded real. Gone!

By: Michal Fri, 24 Feb 2017 01:28:56 +0000 Steve Pieczenik tells Alex Jones how the present situation is v similar to what happened w Nixon:
