Comments on: I’m waiting for Google to explain why they deleted Natural News Tue, 28 Feb 2017 06:47:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher T Bowen Tue, 28 Feb 2017 06:47:36 +0000 They don’t want free speech going forward. Isn’t it obvious?

By: alan foos Mon, 27 Feb 2017 23:13:15 +0000 GOOGLE IS A LIAR? re delisting Natural News
Google claims that Natural News is using a “sneaky mobile redirect” […] That sounds pretty lame, but it suddenly hit me that six of my own websites have all had a drop in traffic and one of them had a backlink in a post I made on Natural News. Indeed, most of my traffic was coming from that post. Son of a gun, yes, some or all of those sites appear to have been delisted. The one in the Natural News Post was an expose of medical fraud, in particular an undeniable instance of vaccination fraud that injured thousands before it was quietly pulled from the market. That one was jointly perpetrated by Mayo Clinic, the CDC, Smith-Kline and Yale University.

There certainly are no sneaky redirects on any of those sites, they are as simple as you can get. But check out this one, a math theorem that was delisted. This isn’t a commercial site, nor is it sneaky in any way. it consists only of is a mundane math theorem. It has only four links which are biographies or obituaries to members of my graduate committee at Montana State University plus a statcounter button. I see it had a “Manual Review” which usually means that the delisting was the result of human intervention.

This one is a newer version of a website proving the same theorem, the only meaningful differences, aside being that the first one is HTML (not a flipbook) and hasn’t been delisted, is that at the end I recently slipped in a totally standard and common procedure called an ANOVA which in this case proves that Clinton did NOT receive a majority vote in the presidential election, at least not in the scientific, statistically significant sense. Even if the results were honest, they were not significantly different.

So that’s how it looks on my end. It was kind of nice to see these sites pop up now and then, but their only purpose was social edification. Both of these sites show up fine in Yahoo. You can SEE the math theorem here on Google cloud: […]. Guess this backlink won’t do it any good.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 26 Feb 2017 21:57:19 +0000 ‘your choice…’
i believe that is the reality of it.

By: voza0db Sun, 26 Feb 2017 18:31:21 +0000 The SOLUTION is very simple!


Look at this S.E.“Natural+News”

And please, spare me of the BS talk of “We must speak, blabla…”

In today’s Society YOUR CHOICE is the thing that really matters! If you STOP USING GOOGLE AND FACEBOOK and the other services they provide, either they CHANGE, your simply disappear!

By: jerzdebil Sun, 26 Feb 2017 16:53:54 +0000 Company logos/mottos are ALWAYS outward facing, an identity to sell to the public. In this case it was clearly a message from a big brother funded spy operation.

By: flyingcuttlefish Sun, 26 Feb 2017 12:05:46 +0000 some art buttons to link to Natural News ….

By: Celine Johnson Sun, 26 Feb 2017 05:33:34 +0000 I decided to stop using google as my search engine two years ago. I now use and I love it. If more people would boycott Google and use other search engines they wouldn’t get away with this nonsense.

By: amnesiaclinic Sat, 25 Feb 2017 20:37:06 +0000 There will be whole armies going through websites they don’t like or approve of to find a tiny bit of code they can use as an excuse. Awaiting the statement with bated breath….

By: Dana Doran Sat, 25 Feb 2017 15:48:14 +0000 We all know that it’s censorship, period. It’s almost, if not equal to Facebook – Facebook now filters comments to show only hysterical liberal propaganda and name calling on any conservative post – so, I quit looking at my “home” page….which is mostly left leaning “suggested posts.” ha. Propaganda to encourage an “unaware and compliant citizenry.”

By: Neo Paradigm Sat, 25 Feb 2017 13:39:15 +0000 Off topic but none the less jaw dropping.
