Jon’s logic course is excellent. It is greatly needed by people of all ages today. — Unfortunately, it seems that American public schools stomp out young people’s sense of curiosity and their creativity. Such schools produce mindless drones who can only repeat their indoctrination. I offered the course to a couple members of our extended family. At the time, they were attending one of the ‘highest rated public high schools in the state’. They were B+ and A average students. (I was shocked by their poor writing, mathematics, and critical thinking skills when I tutored them in math & science. These schools spend millions on fancy buildings & equipment, but they don’t do much of a job with teaching. If this is what they produce with ‘good students’ from a ‘top rated’ public school, we are in deep trouble.) These young people showed no interest in taking the logic course. I corresponded with Jon about this and he offered some approaches to try. He wasn’t very optimistic that they would go for it. He was right. By the time children going through the public system are in high school, the spark has just about been extinguished in them. They do what is assigned, the minimum. Most don’t read books (except those assigned for class). Most won’t read a single serious book as adults, after leaving high school or college. They play with their mobile devices all day, and think themselves ‘sophisticated’ and learned.
If you home school your kids, get this course and do it together. If your kids go to public school (and before they go to college) make them do this course with you. The children I mentioned earlier aren’t ours. They are a nephew and niece. If they were our own kids, they would have been required to take this course while in junior high school. They are attending a public university now. The intensity of propaganda has been dialed up considerably. Logic is the only defense against the barrage of propaganda that we all get hit with every day.
P.S. – I have offered the logic course to the young people I referred to, while they are in college. They still show zero interest.