Comments on: Would you censor Alex Jones and Mike Adams if you could? Thu, 09 Mar 2017 16:10:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Shaver Thu, 09 Mar 2017 16:10:15 +0000 If I desired to censor either of them, it would be to prevent their messages from being heard and considered by other people who also have a right to have that information. When I censor you, I don’t value your freedom to think and believe what you choose to believe and I don’t value your Freedom of Speech, your Right to Bear Arms or any of the other inalienable rights that we as American’s have long cherished.

We, the people, have been brainwashed, propagandized, influenced and polarized into opposite extremes. We are fighting each other and not the real enemy. American politics is our problem. The psychology they used on us is changing our views and causing America to implode from within. American’s are causing America to become a totally defeated country and that we cause our own collapse. We suffer from a belief gap created by our new Identity politics. We have become culturally divided. A rift has been created with the purpose to destroy us all.

We have been made into our own enemy. They make enemies of our friends and give us new beliefs to the extreme. Can we please stop fighting? and how about honoring our own election process, or get out and once and for all OUTLAW COMPUTER VOTING MACHINES.

By: Daniel Sifuentes Sun, 05 Mar 2017 22:07:05 +0000 That would make sense for David Icke, wouldn’t it? But yeah he’s just on another level and doesn’t really care what other humans suffering with self denial think of him. Nevertheless, your logic resonates. Stay intuitive, humans around your person that are less aware need that frequency you emit if they are ever going to wake up and see the light for themselves.

By: Terri Sat, 04 Mar 2017 22:35:20 +0000 Hi Patricia, the rights and freedom charter clearly prohibits a bill such as the one they are proposing and probably many that have already been allowed to pass.
Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom
of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

In America, our public servants not only take an oath, but must also hold a surety or performance bond to hold office, to keep them honest. We also have the 14th amendment, sections 3 and 4 which are self executing, and provide for the automatic removal of any who perjure their oath. Any law that is not in compliance with the Supreme law of the land is null, void and without effect.

Perhaps you can contact groups or individuals and start writing letters making appointments to visit your reps and demand your rights are upheld. we dont need lawyers as much as we need committed, intelligent individuals to create change. Like you said, most are corrupt anyway. The best thing to do is keep it to legal terms, instead of allowing them to distract with sjw terms. For example either it is or is not repugnant to the constitution, and you either are or you are not upholding your oath. I agree, the oath description from parliament was very very vague and didn’t appear to mean much of anything. What good is an oath if there is no accountability and enforce ability? It must be somewhere, and they obviously don’t want it to be easy to find.

the fact that the people appear to be becoming more aware is promising, but legal and lawful action is imperative, now more than ever. The writing is on the wall and all the things many have been warning about for 50 or more years is coming to pass.


By: Tamara Pitman Thu, 02 Mar 2017 08:14:28 +0000 omg, honestly! you need to read REAL NEWSPAPERS> LEFT RIGHT AND FOREIGN< and then compare. that's how you really know what's going on. they issue errata, they get sued if they make mistakes, they have an investigative budget to really find and dig. the "alternative media" are like the "alternative facts' that kellyanne pushes…it's lies and populism, it's saying ANYTHING to make a buck.

By: Kieron Wed, 01 Mar 2017 12:51:58 +0000 Indeed it is, and each side is smugly and gleefully pointing to the other and saying, “See? See?! We told you, they lie, they censor, they hate, they shut you down, etc etc etc., but WE are the good ones, the pure ones, the righteous ones!” It’s sickening no matter what political stripe it’s coming from.

By: CPP Wed, 01 Mar 2017 00:50:56 +0000 Wow what an absurd mischaracterization of Peterson. What exactly is your problem with him, anyway? And what do you mean “horrific effort to hypnotize”? That clearly wasn’t the point of the vid at all…he and you are both basically speaking against the motion…you’re not making sense.

By: Patricia Tue, 28 Feb 2017 21:58:27 +0000 @CPP, MSM that I read, described M103 as a Private Members Bill. Good for you to discover otherwise via MSM/Global News.

But I take issued with Global’s quote: “Motion 103 is not a bill, and it will never become law.” Yes, motions don’t become verbatim law, but whatever you want to call M103 – (monstrosity103) – it’s in the house, these words set the scene, the tone, the rhetoric, the codswallop balderdash too prevalent today in MSM – and this sets the stage for laws and the state of the nation.

I was aware of Jordan Peterson and his quest for fame and resisted the urge to inform him how much I dislike his input towards the destruction of Canadian society, including kindness, love and freedom. Basically I wanted to tell him what a twit he is. Having now been exposed to his horrific effort to hypnotize via his vid about Mohammed above, I shall desist.

By: Patricia Tue, 28 Feb 2017 21:34:15 +0000 Terri, thank you for your passion and your response. Here’s a pdf of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom:

This one’s from parliament and sorta glazes over the actual content of the oath taken by MP’s:

As I have a background in law, Class Action law suit comes to mind. But as yet I have not seen any lawyers offering pro bono to do this. Of course they possibly see the increase in population as more fees for them, as Jihadi Justin sees it as more votes.

We surely must not lose our voice as a society and that is the definition of what is happening here and now.

By: CPP Tue, 28 Feb 2017 20:00:02 +0000 M103 isn’t a bill, it’s a non-binding motion.

“Motion 103 is not a bill, and it will never become law.”

“The motion will not place any new legal restrictions on freedom of speech. It has no power to change Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms or any other law. Anyone who wishes to denounce Islam or Muslims publicly can still do so if this motion passes.” (

But that last sentence is rather dubious…could we “denounce” Muslims or Jews in Canada without running into the hate speech laws? To what degree and in what context? Ask Arthur Topham about it.

Here’s a short video relating to M103 from Jordan Peterson, University of Toronto psychology professor. His notoriety erupted back around September for his opposition to “human rights” legislation that appeared to legally compel the use of invented non-binary gender pronouns.

By: floridaborne Tue, 28 Feb 2017 19:31:03 +0000 It’s on both the right and left. One cannot be too diligent.
