Comments on: Mike Adams, Alex Jones, and the war against the 1st Amendment Wed, 08 Mar 2017 23:19:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Wed, 08 Mar 2017 23:19:13 +0000 there is nothing to respond to here.

By: Wendy Wayman Tue, 07 Mar 2017 04:31:13 +0000 The quote about stinking badges comes from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart. Blazing Saddles was quoting from that famous old Western.

By: Tony Mon, 06 Mar 2017 14:18:30 +0000 More tales from the front line of social engineering (BBC):


Filipino-American Celeste Noche, who is a food and travel photographer, shared her thoughts on the “exotified” depiction of certain recipes within the blogging and gourmet community on the podcast The Racist Sandwich.

“I think microaggressions in social media are reflective of food media as a whole in that appropriation,” Noche tells BBC Trending, “These microaggressions can be as simple as a lack of research.”

Whether it’s taking photos of dishes with chopsticks sticking straight up into rice or noodles (which can be seen as offensive in some Asian cultures)”, she says, “or dramatisation in the props used to style ethnic foods (why are Asian dishes so often styled on bamboo mats or banana leaves with chopsticks?)”.


Who gets to draw the line between social diversity and cultural appropriation? Between integration and assimilation? No one has a clue how this works in actuality, beyond the trite and vacuous pages of social policy papers and governmental task forces.

So the orders from on high: “You will embrace more and more cultural amalgamation … just don’t fuck it up by pointing your chopsticks in the wrong direction”.

Homogeneity is the new heterogeneity, unless it’s the opposite.

Is it confusing enough yet?

With over 800 million going without enough to eat, and a third of food produced never eaten, thank god we’re focussed on the real issues.

In the words of the highly esteemed David St Hubbins in Spinal Tap: “It’s such a fine line between stupid and clever.”

By: Terri Sat, 04 Mar 2017 21:08:49 +0000 Arcadia, your premises are false. I never gave trump followers virtues, nor even alluded to a trump follower vs an obama follower.I never use the word follower unless i am talking about the clueless masses. I certainly follow no one, despite the people who raised me and society’s attempts at breaking me like a wild mustang. What John said below I will use as a partial response to your many questions, for I agree with what he says.
You are reading into what i said. Every individual has a choice to aid and abet evil or fight against it.

The fact that many people finally began to see the obamanation for what it is and chose Trump instead of an evil treasonous creature such as Hiillary was the beginning of turning the ship around. Not any name can be substituted for trump, certainly not obama, due to facts and evidence. Obama is a traitor and has committed more high crimes than i have time to list.

The first time I saw Obama my inner knowing raised the alarm and since i have maintained my connection to All That Is so yes, I am more aware than most. Most turn off their awareness before they are 2. I fought every day to keep mine. Most people remain limited in the mind and are under mind control. if you do the research you will see mind control is every where, and the media is a major source.

There is a great awakening occurring called the apocalypse, the lifting of the veil. The duality and divide of the orientation of the individual to s t s vs s t o (service to self vs service to others; for more info look up Ra and Seth) has become too wide to not notice. this divide is bigger than trump, he is just a messenger, and has chosen to serve, as norman vincent peale, his mentor taught him to the greater good. His energy has changed in the last year, if you have the ability to read energy. Some people are blind, does that mean those who see are better? no it just means they have an ability the other does not.

Do you have any idea how many people have prayed and worked so hard energetically and physically for lifetimes and even given their lives for this higher cause and this time in this world. to trivialize it by attempting to make this black and white and mundane is missing the whole picture. Most of the common people are not capable of verbalizing their choices, they do not know how, but the people have finally spoken and risen above oppression and generations of mind control despite the odds. This is not about Trump. He has made his intentions clear, did you listen to his inaugural address? words have power and he chose his purposely.

Those who are rioting in the streets and continue to practice black magic whether thru ritual or gossip are obstructionists and they serve evil. Anyone who supports communism and globalism supports evil. anyone who supports hillary and her club supports evil, for the facts and evidence are clear she is evil. anyone who laughs about getting a child rapist off is beyond evil.

Context is important and i am not sure what else to say, or what it is you are trying to say or seek to understand by asking questions about one sentence i wrote within several paragraphs.

By: jerzdebil Sat, 04 Mar 2017 15:33:46 +0000 Jon, you were great as usual on coast to coast. Please consider creating a one page summary of the various “big health/big pharma” scams along with weblinks to sources so that it could be printed out and left at health food stores, etc. I think it might help wake up the low-info crowd.

By: bdoyen Sat, 04 Mar 2017 14:10:58 +0000 John, another thoughtful, wise response to arcadia11 and Roger, who have not presented any persuasive logic to convince us of their position. There are many ways we allow ourselves to stop thinking; cynicism is one of them. Perhaps it hides a feeling of inadequacy, that the person is not capable of thinking things through for themselves. Or perhaps it is fear of what they might find. As John indicates, the stakes are enormous for all of us.

John, do you have a blog? I’d love to read more of your thoughts.

By: John Sat, 04 Mar 2017 04:44:58 +0000 I believe western civilization is on life support, evil is at an all time high in society and the United States has become ancient Rome on steroids. We are at a point of no return. If we do not take a stand against evil, all will be lost soon.

I was not a Trump supporter from the start but support him now for the simple reason he has the courage to call out the statist media and the corrupt system for what it actually is. The man has great courage and is not backing down to these arrogant leftist snowflake/useful idiots of the globalists. Trump is mocking the main stream media at every turn. I hope he continues to do it unmercifully. Does this mean Trump is a god and I should blindly follow him without holding him accountable? Of course not. But at least we have a puncher’s chance with him. He is not trying to destroy this country like his predecessor was trying to do. The arrogant Marxist ideologue Obama was and is the antithesis of Trump.

The leftists and the globalists are one in the same, arrogant narcissists who believe in nothing but a fantasy world facilitated by their equally corrupted puppets like Obama and the MSM. If you do not see the difference between Barack Obama and Donald Trump, there is nothing more to discuss.

It is literally like comparing a treasonous wannabe tyrant and Marxist despot with a business man who just simply wants to make his country a better place.

If you did not see the eight years of corruption/treason which resulted in: the fast and furious scandal, the Benghazi debacle, the IRS preying on innocent tea party members, the spying on the AP writers and Fox’s James Rosen, the open borders, the destruction of the US dollar, ten trillion dollars in debt, the red line in Syria, originally supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the senseless overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, the 150 billion dollars to the greatest sponsor of terror in Iran, the inaction regarding Russia’s invasion of Crimea, the ignoring of China’s bullying and expansion in the South China Sea, the lies of Obama care, the formation of ISIS, the degradation of the US military, the disrespect to Israel, the widening surveillance state, the devious Common Core education agenda and telling state governments, “do it the federal government’s way or no federal funding,” the closing down of American businesses based on cooked scientific models creating a cult called climate change, the lowest worker participation rate in over 40 years, the almost 50 million people receiving food stamps, and I am sure there is more evidence of corruption/treason I can not think of right now off the top of my head.

If you are willing to walk by and not trust your own two eyes and ears about the treasonous actions of Barack Hussein Obama and his globalist masters I can not help you. Have you listened to Alex ? Have you ever listened to an Obama speech ? Tell me what has Obama said or done to ever make this country better? Compare this with Trump and tell me how you can not see the difference? When will Donald J. Trump even ever be given a chance to do his job by the deep state, the lunatic liberals and the media?

When will people on the left be able to think with logic, see the insurmountable evidence of the destruction of Western Civilization and the United States unfolding right before their eyes? When will they be willing to take a stand that matters. Where is their moral compass?

Obama has deepened the deep state in order to sabotage the Trump administration and finish off the United States, usher in the era of world government and make freedom of speech obsolete. It is your choice to ignore this, but I assure you that your choice to ignore this puts everybody at risk.

This is the last roundup for the US Constitution and freedom. Those who choose to sit on the sidelines during such momentous times are just as complicit as the leftist tyrants they refuse to take a stand against. Yes standing in the middle and ignoring evil has pretty dire consequences. Enjoy the freedom you have to still make that choice but I ask you to think hard on what standing in the middle actually really means.

By: arcadia11 Fri, 03 Mar 2017 23:04:15 +0000 terri, are you truly meaning that those who are trump followers are acting based on inner knowing and those who do not follow trump are not acting based on inner knowing and in addition are obstructions? obstructions to what?

“I think Trump is a genius in many ways and this is the beginning of throwing off evil. Only the individual can decide if they want to contribute positively to this or obstruct.”

that’s a false choice, terri.

any name can be substituted for “trump” in the above sentence and the same thing said about that person. many people felt that obama was what you think trump is. why did you not refrain from being ‘reactionary’ and support obama as so many others did? is the choice that terri makes the only one that can come from inner knowing?

By: arcadia11 Fri, 03 Mar 2017 22:40:21 +0000 well…all of that is your opinion and that is okay for you.

it would seem that you do not feel others should employ discernment. at least if that discernment is not aligned with your mindset or opinion. just a guess, but you seem to like trump, alex jones, mike adams, yes? and i do not. and perhaps others do not. but all of us must swallow our observations and feelings and go along with the program just as you are doing? because there is nothing better or because the faculty of discerning; discrimination; acuteness of judgment and understanding, to you, seems to mean going against what should be and is not good or useful at this point?

not supporting these individuals does not necessarily equate to stupidity, ignorance, treason, not caring, or even being too fussy. why should that make you so angry?
you like trump but not obama. someone who liked obama could say the same things to you that you are saying to me, and i think you would not like that. i like neither trump nor obama and i did not and will not support them.

you state that no one is perfect. i agree. but it does not make sense to me, because no one is perfect, that i should “settle” for one of the two candidates whether or not i experience them both as, say, irreparably corrupt and more of the same. and should it?

you have settled for that. i have not. for some reason that bothers you enough to attack my not being onboard with you. why?

By: Terri Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:48:13 +0000 i agree John, cynicism is extremely harmful, it is poison, and does not create anything good. Society is so off balance we have a long way to go to get back even to a semblance of balance. What would the average person do if we went back to a constitutional republic tomorrow? no more welfare, no more bloated bureaucracy, no more blaming someone else for their lack of initiative; they wold explode. they would not be able to handle the amount of intelligence, commitment and action required to be real, not plastic.

I think Trump is a genius in many ways and this is the beginning of throwing off evil. Only the individual can decide if they want to contribute positively to this or obstruct. There is a lot to creating your reality and thoughts are things, Bruce Lipton has some good information about this. We can only create something different and better if we stop being reactionary and instead act based on our inner knowing.
