Comments on: Another devastating revelation on killer medical drugs is buried Mon, 17 Apr 2017 15:31:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: RealDealTruther Mon, 17 Apr 2017 15:31:16 +0000 Good for you Mary for taking back your life. Hope you were able to taper off the meds – so dangerous to just do it cold turkey. I lost a nephew to suicide because of the horrors he experienced on meds – 2 of which were not meant for teens/young adults. He documented his horrors which the family only came across after his suicide.

Our medicine needs to come from healthy foods, great diet/exercise and continually detoxing from all the chemicals we are bombarded with. Love your success Mary.

By: Virginia Sun, 12 Mar 2017 22:49:44 +0000 Here is an article about ER and the elderly left to die. Call it Euthenasia Sp?

By: Virginia Sun, 12 Mar 2017 22:32:56 +0000 After having a complete workup by a Cardiologist he found that my cholesterol was a bit too high and tried to get me to take a RX for a statin drug which I refused. Then he came up to me while I was checking out and buddied up to me saying “what would it take for me to get you to take this drug?” I told him it was a myth and I refused on that basis. Then he said it was a myth that statins weren’t good for ppl. Hard for me to believe but I just thought of him as a drug pusher and no telling how much $$$ he would make of my RX…LOL

By: Virginia Sun, 12 Mar 2017 21:57:32 +0000 After 2 days of sleeping around the clock and only able to drink 2 glasses of water that whole time I ended up taken by ambulance to the hosp. I had extremely high blood pressure. While in the ER of 8 hours I kept asking for water saying I felt like I was very dehydrated. They would bring me an 8 ounce cup of water.occasionally and started pumping me with pills and shots. I told them I felt like I was dehydrated and didn’t want any diuretics (per Dr F. Batmanghelidj, MD) “YOU’RE NOT SICK, YOU’RE THIRSTY” After giving me 2 Hydrothiazidechloride shots (sp?) And 4 days in the hosp begging for water I refused the next shot and all hell broke loose “you have to have this blah blah…still I refused. The whole time I was in the hosp I kept thinking about an article I read in Nexus magazine DEATH BY MEDICINE (Sept-Oct 2004) and another article “DEATH BY DOCTORING (Nov-Dec 2002) It’s my life not theirs and I need to stand up for Virginia right now no matter what. Well, they told me I could go home! Wow, alive. Guess what? My blood pressure in normal and it was well over 200 in the hosp even with their medications. I am so happy to be alive. Thanks for listening

By: Betty Hiland Wed, 08 Mar 2017 01:50:45 +0000 Hospitals are like refugee centers – both are part of a system that creates its own supply of desperate and helpless people
You nailed it GregC.

By: Deanna Clark Tue, 07 Mar 2017 17:49:06 +0000 My Dad was on Lipitor and got a colon polyp removal. This almost cost his life. The ambulance had to go through a blizzard and get him just before he bled out.
I suspect many deaths are due to such oversights. He said the proctologist didn’t ask…
I’m also wondering about profiteering veterinarians…It’s wonderful when they can save your pet’s life. But be careful with unnecessary surgery. Would you want to be cut up and metal put in a simple sprained ankle when rest on the sofa would heal it? Doctors are great when they stick to what their good for…then shut up and let you alone.

By: desireerover Tue, 07 Mar 2017 11:17:54 +0000 Western medical science is a lying house of cards.
It was monetarily manipulated into position by the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie Foundations, starting with the Flexner Report in 1910. This “inventorisation of medical schools” was in reality aimed at eradicating all varieties of healing arts in exchange for the worldwide pharmaceutically based slow kill business model that we suffer from today…
In his book ‘The Drug Story’ Morris A. Bealle shows exactly how all this was done, and for exactly what amount of money which universities sold their souls to the devil…

By: jacobite2015 Tue, 07 Mar 2017 03:37:02 +0000 And with a statistic like that, you’d think people would be running away from the system instead of wanting to be a part of it. And why would any young person want to pursue a career in medicine these days only to become part of a system that is a complete joke. I guess the pay & benefits must be really good to be a pill pusher for the pharmaceutical industry.

And reference medical errors now the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., Dr. Makary of Johns Hopkins has new data pushing the number to over 250,000 annual deaths!!! ????

The U.S. Healthcare system = Medical System Madness!

By: voza0db Mon, 06 Mar 2017 19:12:32 +0000 Be careful dear Mary, ignorance can kill you. And when dealing with the mafia from the medical-pharmaceutical complex ANYONE can go there in ignorance.

By: Caroline Clemens Mon, 06 Mar 2017 15:22:01 +0000 Wow, so many responses to this issue. I’m surprised but very glad. Who thinks after all this time its normal to take 15 prescriptions robbing you of your health and costly to boot. I have seen medication prescribed for depression on someone who drank heavily. That’s contraindicated-just read the labels. I’m a nurse and I do believe in a handful or so of great meds like digitalis, a heart savior, and diabetes meds. Why someone has to be on BP meds for 130 systolic is crazy. My grandfather’s systolic was 170 and he walked everyday, drank his 3 whiskeys a day, sometimes double shots, enjoyed his life and lived to be 93. Not bad. BTW he took care of my grandma too. Everyone needs to get out walking and moving, and quit buying into the pills that will cure everything.
