Comments on: Herd immunity used for fear and guilt Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:14:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:14:56 +0000 Great article, and it took some courage; the venom and ridicule directed at anyone opposed to vaccines is unbelievable. I do believe you can handle it though, Jon.
People also like to ignore the virus mutations and worsening of these diseases due to vaccine “immunity.” It’s the vaccinated who are the real danger to the “herd,” as shown by recent measles, pertussis and mumps outbreaks being mostly spread by the vaccinated to the vaccinated. But then people come out with, “well, they were under-vaccinated,” and they call for MORE vaccine doses and boosters. Total insanity.

By: Laura Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:04:59 +0000 Me too, Sue. There’s a vegan D3 from lichen now, I get it, as D3 is supposed to be superior to D2. It might be placebo effect, but I feel even healthier now.

By: Nobody Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:25:55 +0000 Very good point. Pharmaceutical companies are bought and doctors are sold. Did you know these sell-outs get a bonus check if they can administer the full vaccine schedule to their patient by the age of two; provided, 62% of their patients participate? They dont care about the welfare of your kids, they just want to send their own kid to private school at the expense of cooking the spirit of our childrens’ natural inbound immunity! Don’t sign the waiver! Don’t drink the Kool-ade…

By: Nobody Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:14:48 +0000 Well stated! My unvaccinated son has never been seriously ill, just a runny nose or seasonal cold that didnt last more than a few days. He did have several ear infections which he recovered from via ten days of anti biotics. I see so many children today that are underweight and seem to have stunted growth because they are allergic to so many foods; and, they also become neurologically damaged from toxic adjuvants contained in vaccines ie -mercury and thimerosal. My unvaccinated three year old is practically four feet tall and 50lbs. He is as strong as a tank engine. Vaccines contradict the Nuremburg code and these drs who are sold out are breaking the Hippocratic oath they took to protect their patients. Talk about terrorism when third partying buys pharmaceutical in order to administrate a sick society. How much does it cost to cover one sick person over the course of his or her lifetime? I would reckon its more than a $250,000 settlement reward from a blind jury.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 08 Mar 2017 02:52:04 +0000 Great article, Jon.

Pollution’s the “clincher”


By: Sue Wed, 08 Mar 2017 01:51:15 +0000 Yes, and yet I don’t get out in the sun nearly enough anymore. I supplement with extra D.

By: Michael Wed, 08 Mar 2017 00:25:50 +0000 “THERE’S AN ONGOING, PERMANENT IMMUNE-SYSTEM ACTIVATION IN THE BRAINS OF AUTISTIC PEOPLE” – Caltech scientist Dr. Paul Patterson

By: punter Tue, 07 Mar 2017 23:45:57 +0000 skedaddle, your response is a good one but it is a little too strong in the detail.

A far more effective response to herd immunity is this:

“If babies and the immune compromised are jeopardised by perfectly healthy unvaccinated children then clearly they should never be allowed anywhere near *actual* sick people in hospitals and doctors’ offices”.

This works on several levels – most importantly it shows your opponent to be a hypocrite but it also undermines the authority of doctors.

By: PJ London Tue, 07 Mar 2017 16:45:08 +0000 Fantastic science!
If more than 68% of a population is immune, then you do not have an epidemic.
Epidemic – where more than 33% of a population contracts a disease.
And they get paid for this.

By: PJ London Tue, 07 Mar 2017 16:40:38 +0000 If a woman is taking the pill, and yet gets pregnant, does it make her less pregnant?
