Comments on: A miracle in Chicago Thu, 16 Mar 2017 04:12:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Whitehead Thu, 16 Mar 2017 04:12:29 +0000 Amen to all of that!!

By: lilmissheidi Mon, 13 Mar 2017 19:44:57 +0000 that’s great news….but when do you think we can get the poison to stop raining down on them? =(

By: Bill in IL Wed, 08 Mar 2017 19:34:08 +0000 I live in Chicago and these stories are patently false. As soon as the planning commission finds out you are growing a garden, they come in, shut you down and start handing out paying paper.

By: D3F1ANT Wed, 08 Mar 2017 16:23:26 +0000 A TRUE miracle in Chicago would be to somehow prevent the ghetto folks from killing each other.

By: elliottjab Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:16:21 +0000 Most likely correct on counts U’ve mentioned.

However – if ‘our’ world were to head in a sensible direction – what the growers in all the cities and urban areas are accomplishing – is grand & beyond good.

Almost impossible to hold optimism close but please try to keep a protected bit of it – for your own sake & for those you care about.

By: Aron Tue, 07 Mar 2017 21:26:01 +0000 Crisis (controllers), reaction, solution (individual). Problem solved. Next.

Thank you Jon and others for inspiring.

By: Lesley Collins Tue, 07 Mar 2017 16:33:54 +0000 I agree that should be the goal but I know someone who lives in Chicago and they aren’t even allowed to grow foods in their front gardens. Not only that but you need planning permission for a greenhouse. Here in the UK we have allotments (council,owned land used for community gardening) and they are being grabbed back and turned into car parks or for building using exceptional circumstances, ( a loophole) and taken away from people who have had them years. As the NWO want no one to have ownership of anything I can’t see this being on their current agenda.

By: mangledman Tue, 07 Mar 2017 15:48:32 +0000 I grew up south of Chicago about 130 miles. Illinois still smells foul to me since I found a little freedom across the border in Indiana. Most of my relatives live there still. Call me a pessimist, but there still hundreds of thousands of fema caskets just across the border up there in Indiana. If famine hits, these people better be able to defend their food. Michigan is cracking down on small food producers, hard. Why would Chicago not be following suit, being the liberal bastion that it is. I thought miracles left Chicago years ago. Call me a skeptic and a pessimist, but they will measure your garden plot by drone to make sure you can’t profit much for it, or have new lines on your tax forms for the money you save with a garden. The epa fda and irs have those big ole swat teams that aren’t busy. Does anyone realize that the birth of the atf now the batfe gave feds permission to defy property rights,making trespass by them legal? Welcome to the matrix. When the fed or the state supposedly gives something it comes with a bullseye. I live in Indiana where Pence came from, to think Illinois or Ohio is going to give anything to the people, my pessimism kicks in.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Tue, 07 Mar 2017 14:25:31 +0000 Thanks, Jon, for encouraging personal, common-sense solutions to social problems.

By: joanie Tue, 07 Mar 2017 12:25:47 +0000 I’m assuming each state has a group listing –

in MN we have
