Comments on: Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist Sat, 11 Mar 2017 19:28:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Sat, 11 Mar 2017 19:28:30 +0000 spinning ball earth is so yesterday

By: Sara Sat, 11 Mar 2017 02:08:37 +0000 Next to go…spinning ball earth + outer space.

By: Bud Fri, 10 Mar 2017 08:23:36 +0000 […] As to science the peer (pal) review is what lets the whole game down, excludes the innovative and bolsters the bull…

By: henry Fri, 10 Mar 2017 00:19:10 +0000 Some kids do well in school. They realize that if they use their brains more than their muscles, they could have an easier life. So, they go to a university where they meet people who are smarter than they are. If they can learn enough to convince the professors that they are capable of adding something to a field then they will get a credential that opens doors for them. If they cannot convince the professors that they have acquired the professor’s knowledge then they don’t get the credential and they must get a dead end job that pays less money. There is subtle pressure on the student to not show interest in ideas that the professors don’t agree with.

Graduates find them self in a box. Smarter and more experienced people create the parameters of the box. The student has paid a lot of money and time to get into the box. If they upset the power structure, they may lose their accreditation and find them self with lots of debt and no job. So, any information that could get them in trouble must be discarded. They may not do this consciously. They take the wisdom of the pyramid of experts as an article of faith. If conflicting evidence might be true then the whole pyramid might have to be restructured. That will take much time and energy so it is easier to ignore the inconvenient facts. If they play along, they may rise in the pyramid. They may reason that once they get to the top, they can make real changes. The few who get to the top seldom make real changes because they want to stay at the top.

Any ideas that do not come from the pyramid are ridiculed. All the experts agree so some non-expert (idiot) should not even be listened to. Their reasoning goes like this: I’m a smart person who has spent much time looking at these matters. If new set of facts are true, I would know it. But, since I don’t know it, it must not be true. Their lack of knowledge is use as proof that the knowledge is false.

By: groet Thu, 09 Mar 2017 19:30:10 +0000 Hello Jon,

Thank for the manufacturing consent in science article.

Corrupted Science is about buying conclusions which have the aura and credibility of rock bottum scientific truth whereas in reality the bias has been designed to distort and misrepresent the real thing in order to enhance long term propaganda in the eyes of a non critical public audience which is satisfied with only the notion a professor has produced a scientific result.

Corrupted and bought Science is the entrance for the manipulators and the gullible and stupid journalists will spread the corrupted bogus science results in order to brainwash the masses.

HPV vaccinations and research to improve these vaccinations will be funded and designed to gradually destroy global girl and woman populations fertility in order to reduce global population growth and transform it into shrinking numbers.

The time lag between HPV vaccination shutting off 10 to 15 year young girls fertility chances and the actual wish to reproduce in their postponed thirties will virtually erase any possible link between the subsequent vaccinations and the decreasing birth rates.

Shrewd planning and distribution of research on the Human Pappiloma Virus and the connected vaccinations amongst research institutes all over the world will enable the powers that be to gradually turn off reproduction except the reproduction capacities of a limited number of chosen people. This is eugenicism. This is selection of people and souls destined to die. This is selection of obedient people in order to do the work and production for the elite.

Vaccinations are key in this war on global population.

Woman and pregnant woman are key in attaining this population reduction goal. The medical industrial complex is prepared to increase the number of interventions aiming at the female populace.

This is why midwifery’s compulsary introduction and incorporation in the hospitals is instrumental to increase the number of interventions under the pretext of enhancing reproduction chances whereas in fact the hidden goal and practice will gradually kill girls to womans reproductive capacity.

This strategy has all the demonic features of the satanists. Unaware and aware criminal scientists are busy trying to develop the effective biotechnological engineering tools to secretly participate in this global programme in order to earn their scientific glory and montly paychecks.


Jan Ligthart

By: amnesiaclinic Thu, 09 Mar 2017 18:34:49 +0000 Well said. Incredible how many are now standing up to the bullying and lies. The house of cards falls gently down…

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 09 Mar 2017 05:05:44 +0000 Great article, Jon.

My two questions are as follows:

If it turned out the “preposterous” suggestion that Wikileaks was a “CIA cooperative” front, might that raise questions as to, ultimately, what the CIA has become?

What is the “consensus” on gravity?


By: John Thu, 09 Mar 2017 03:19:02 +0000 How many people today just go along collecting a check in a job they know is hurting society ? How many people willfully toe the line and place their fellow citizens in peril by refusing to expose corruption? It is a huge majority of society which has been bullied into submission by the deep state and the retribution it might bring upon them if they dare speak up against tyranny.

Hey, I understand people got to eat and get by. What can you do 🙁 …

By: John Wed, 08 Mar 2017 21:46:17 +0000 “The 97 percent of scientists concur on climate change” BS mantra is one of those fake consensus science decrees I imagine is one of the things you might be talking about here. A line the useful idiots on the left and their MSM liberal ideologues use often.

Real science in fact is never settled, it is open to debate and new evidence all the time. That is something the useful idiots on the left and their Marxist ideologues do not wish to comprehend. The game is now all about promoting group thought and shutting down people who disagree with their view on how the world should operate.

Collectivism verse individualism, ” settled science” verse critical thinking, Utopian liberalism verse reality, moral relativism verse logic, declared political “truth” verse actual facts and evidence. All the above are at stake right now within a society of people being groomed and conditioned to “think” in one way. The technocratic way which is always looking out for the “greater good.”

See the new fascist left is no longer open to anything which will pull them out of their insulated bubble of safe spaces. According to the leftist view, there are no lessons we can learn from the past and they also tell us the future is filled with doom. A future of doom unless we listen to the technocrats and change our whole way of life. We must become part of a collective borg run by a police/surveillance state technocracy. All of us to exist according to which the technocratic globalist elite deem is truth and which their statist media keeps parroting. All based on some collective consensus that nobody dare disagree with.

A technocracy which stamps their collective authoritarian belief system on every single individual. Any new ideas or innovation contrary to the statist view must be eradicated. This is the world the globalists envision. The only way to stop this vision from taking hold is to stand up for the individual and individualism in general.

For liberty can never be nor will ever be defined by the collective, true liberty is individual liberty.

“Liberty is not collective, it is personal. All liberty is individual liberty.”
-Calvin Coolidge-

By: Désirée L. Röver, medical research journalist Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:39:49 +0000 Crystal clear chain of events!

As far as I am concerned in Western patent medicine it all starts with a forced consensus.
Scientists and doctors have been educated in flawed principles as if these were God’s Honest Truth…
In reality they are the truths of Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur.

Nature concurs with Pierre Antoine Béchamp, Royal Raymond Rife, Gaston Naessens, Enderlein and many other, sometimes forcefully silenced scientists and researchers who discovered that the environment determines the shape and behaviour of microbes…

So Western medicine should be about the improving/repairing the quality of the internal milieu, not about the microbial witch hunt in countless laboratoria resulting in all sorts of deranged pathogens…
Before he died Pasteur seems to have admitted this: “Ce n’est pas le microbe, C’est le milieu.”
