Comments on: Spies tell lies, spying is lying Tue, 14 Mar 2017 03:38:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Tue, 14 Mar 2017 03:38:26 +0000 The CIA and other like organisations are basically state funded HATE generators.

JFK wanted to smash it into 1000 pieces, as he saw all the destabilisation they caused in other nations. I have seen enough documentaries on his demise, and feel they had a part in it anyway. The JFK assassination should be termed the JFK coup detat anyway, that may make people think about it more deeply.

How many wars and conflicts have they started and are continually feeding. if someone else did that to the USA, we know what term we would use for people like that. That’s what the USA people have to wake up and see what their government and the machinery behind it are doing to other nations.

But as the country is owned by the private shareholders of the FED, is the government you vote in really in control anyway. Not a bright looking future for the majority.

By: Theodore Sat, 11 Mar 2017 21:35:49 +0000 All interesting points. And, thanks for the lead on the Korea situation.

Also, I think you would find interesting the section in Michael Savage’s book “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country after Obama” (9/2016) ( that’s entitled “How to win at Cyberwar” (pgs 219 – 243) (in “Chapter 8: Our Complacency”)…

I would say a more descriptive term than “cockroach [energy]” for both CIA agents (American men) and Hackers (American men) on the information tech side of things, is… “rebel/criminal energy”. Savage talks about how easy it would be to entice these types of men to work within the US military (whether forced-drafted or not) to, say, disrupt the various barbarian ISIS and ISIS-type groups’ presences online.

By: Theodore Sat, 11 Mar 2017 16:23:35 +0000 “Alexa. Does Amazon work for the CIA?”

By: Michael Burns Fri, 10 Mar 2017 22:58:24 +0000 @Theo

And maybe Assange is compromised; I notice a lot of name redactions in Vault 7; interesting name don’t you thing, spooks have a habit of placing the truth within the code name..or not, but usually it gives a direction to look, it hints…lol. What a symbol, I think it will become a new Meme…”He’s been ‘Vault Sevened’…he’s been ‘Sevened’.”

Vaults are usually under ground, holding something precious, vaults are made of concrete, signifying holding something of great weight and value…from my rummaging around inside V7, it seems only legible to geeks and weirdos who know code. Otherwise…it could it be all bullshit.

“You think you surveilled by the NSA, we’re the CIA we own the Internet.”

In regards to employees, contractors, hackers redacted from the files. Why would Assange withhold that information, the country is not at war, whose life is in danger, hackers a renewable resource. Allowing the public to know the 5,000, would only bring grief to criminals, not agents. All this discloses is the SOP of ‘spookdom’; is he (Assange) protecting his own, I mean he is a hacker, it’s another secret society. Maybe he is a hacker talking to other hackers.

They are quite like the CIA, quite like the mafia. And because we are talking about hackers, why wouldn’t the crown prince of world hackers not be involved with the CIA. I believe Assange has had an ongoing relationship with the CIA, it doesn’t need to be friendly, it can be professional; as also Snowden has, and it has been for quite a long time. There is a small falling out at present with Assange and the taskmasters, killing or jailing Assange is like killing Einstein because he thought of relativity. he is way too precious to them.

When did Wikileaks gain the moral high ground, or is it that the CIA dumped the hack tools as an act of war against the NSA, using Assange. Assange is a hacker first, they think differently that the rest of us, their notion of truth is isolated, and with conditions. The CIA I presume, at any given point have enough on the government of Ecuador, to walk in and grab Assange at any time, regardless of politics. Assange claims Journalistic standing, I’ll grant him that but he is a, hacker first. That is what Wikileaks is, hacked results put out for the public as journalism. Self appointed representatives; spies spying on spies for the greate public good.

Wow how much did NSA spend on the Bluffdale cluster frak, and the other resorts they

And the CIA has turned the Internet into…what a greater equivalent of Bluffdale. Without blowing their entire piggy bank. Hacking isn’t about the actually computers, software has always been far superior than the hardware. And since hardware is obsolete the minute you buy it; software is easily rewritten and upgradable. New hardware is getting smaller and cheaper and much better each generation.

Things went quiet for Assange a while back, just after the Podesta release, the Hillary emails, no one was reporting for or from Assange, he wasn’t showing his face…some thought him dead; causes one to wonder what happened. He was so vocal; they cut of his Internet, just towards the end of the election…hmmm. He has always been one of theirs, since he was a child.

“Good and bad CIA officers”…interesting that you can merit cockroaches Theo. Alas I see a truth patriot still holds your heart…that a good thing. One should believe in something. But not cockroaches.

But for me a spook is a spook…hacker is hacker, and they both believe, each in his own bullshit.

” The CIA just being “the muscle” of the State Department”

Interesting theory…Secretary Tillerson’s first trip to Asia, specifically South Korea in light of the North Korean missile launch has no press traveling with the SOS; arrangements have been made for them (the WH press)… but not on his airplane.

They will be placed with the rest of world media, at any public appearances in Seoul or Tokyo. SOS distancing himself from the WH press corp, only allowing hand picked press.

CIA muscle…this recent Korean debacle the annual saber-rattling between the US and North Korea, but all this over 5 SCUD missiles and one of them never left the launch pad…80% success rate, antiques of cold war warfare. And that justifies THAAD, that can penetrate deeply into China…hm..CIA muscle. And that is the whole ‘Op’ to justifiy THAAD.

You could be right Theo.

Question is: “Has the State department really become an arm of the CIA?”

By: Theodore Fri, 10 Mar 2017 14:40:11 +0000 and maybe this is all a deflection away from the deep state State Department.

maybe it is the “bad” deep state State Department operatives who are really in charge. The CIA just being “the muscle” of the State Department.

By: Sue Fri, 10 Mar 2017 10:59:58 +0000 Thank you, Jon. You are the go to, for true investigative reporting.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 10 Mar 2017 04:58:12 +0000 I can see where you are going with this, Jon,

But how about expanding on the notion?

God forbid, could the CIA have leaked this to Wikileaks and why?


By: Theodore Thu, 09 Mar 2017 23:36:46 +0000 furthermore, maybe the “good (patriot)” agents in the CIA wanted to also send a double message with the Vault7 leak:

“Back off in your harassment of Trump. If not, we’ll also leak the ‘pedophile network’ information.” (note: the real ‘pedophile network’ stuff, not the limited hangout ‘pizzagate’ stuff.)

By: Theodore Thu, 09 Mar 2017 23:20:43 +0000 thanks for the lead.

it could be the “Tennent Harrington ‘Pete’ Bagley” theory.

or, maybe the Vault7 disclosure was just caused by “good (patriot)” agents in the CIA getting back at “bad” agents in the CIA — where the “bad” agents, in 2013, had used “Snowden (with a cockamamie life-story) (and maybe Snowden was sufficiently ‘cutout’ that he was a true believer in his good intentions)” and the “NSA doc leak” as foil to deflect attention from the “bad” CIA’s electronic surveillance capabilities.

By: Evan M Murphy Thu, 09 Mar 2017 21:52:18 +0000 Excellent article. Kept me reading to the end. Thank you for this.
