Comments on: The trick behind occult systems Wed, 15 Mar 2017 03:55:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: 22sojourner Wed, 15 Mar 2017 03:55:58 +0000 Not sure this will help but here’s what I’ve found:

The world needs to wake up spiritually and psychologically.

We must force the governments to release all the knowledge they have about the world at large.

Half the battle is won if the people of the world know what they are dealing with.

If people knew what was happening they would not be so much on automatic pilot.

The only way to protect ourselves is through the strength of our consciousness.

If people can overcome their victim consciousness they can not be manipulated, we need our personal power, & self mastery over our energies.

And the new age will only happen if we do it.
The world will change when we change it.

When this change begins in consciousness, it leads to individual and group action.

By: deanneumann Mon, 13 Mar 2017 19:18:38 +0000 Interesting article. I agree, any time you have anything hidden from you it is bad. Nobody ever wants to be blindsided later.

Forgive me, but I do not understand how consciousness, in and of itself, can create anything. Should I have taken your other courses in order to understand this? It seems to me that there would have to be more, like “will.”

Thanks for your response.


By: truth1 Sun, 12 Mar 2017 02:41:00 +0000 Thought this will be considered way off the wall, It needs to be said. Mystery schools still exist by virtue of bribes and graft. As well, by the demonstrations of real supernatural phenomena that amaze and impress humans, because there are real entities behind the manifestations of phenomena. For what its worth!.

By: henry Sat, 11 Mar 2017 22:19:18 +0000 Western civilization is built upon a few seeds. Primarily from the ancient Hebrews and the ancient Greeks. The Hebrews were the root of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and deals with the rules that we live by and what happens to you after you die. The Greeks invented democracy, science, mathematics, philosophy, and a dozen other fields. The ancient Egyptians gave us one idea: the mystery school. The free masons and Scientology are mystery schools. Occult (hidden) information conflicts with Western civilization. I wonder why mystery schools still exist.

By: truth1 Sat, 11 Mar 2017 18:48:43 +0000 I just can’t find nuthin wrong with that, Will.Makes sense. People will “find” whatever it is they are looking for. I think they should try looking for truth. But that is part of that narrow road hard to travel and not very popular.

By: will iam Sat, 11 Mar 2017 16:22:39 +0000 Cheers Truth,

Nothing wrong with exposing the deception but attacking and exposing have completely different meanings. One has no stake in the outcome while the other wants to win, just like the architect designed.

Agreed that it is nearly impossible, (although i would say that it is completely impossible), to get another to let go of their security blanket. That is because WE are the delusion, WE are the conspiracy. It is not separate from US in that the creator can never be separate from its creation.

The WE wants all the glory but none of the responsibility.

By: truth1 Sat, 11 Mar 2017 02:42:27 +0000 Will, a delusion, or a hallucination can seem very real to the ignorant. A TV screen has a similar appearance to life on the surface. But if you apply Machiavelli’s precept of checking the actions rather than token appearance, one will then see that TV is not at all real. Everything always works out good and right. People are often sensible and certainly, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. Oh, heavens, no! That is for conspiratards and tinfoil hatters like my self. Personally, I think I look really good in tinfoil. but I could be biased. So we attack, i.e. expose the deception of delusions. the biggest problem with delusions is that people really like them and cling hard to them. Its nearly impossible to get them to let go of their security blanket, the delusion. A con man never tries to sell to a skeptic or doubter, or non-believer. He will only sell to those who already want what he offers and believe in his offer. Just the cold hard truth1!

By: markbrems Sat, 11 Mar 2017 02:12:48 +0000 “X” is a tiny fragment of the very light of the cosmos that has been occulted by the reigning power/control systems. In a world of darkness, the thirst for light is the carrot that drives the acolyte to higher levels of initiation. In this scenario, the initiate is propelled upward through the ranks by their innate desire to know truth, and therefore to gain knowledge into the way the cosmos actually operates. Indeed, it eventually is revealed to them, but through the layers of initiations is gradually revealed the exact science of occultation, which as their ransom they are now bound to perpetuate as they have become the new generation of controllers.

By: will iam Fri, 10 Mar 2017 19:20:54 +0000 But why would i “attack” delusion? Isn’t the definition of delusion what is not real? Aren’t i validating ‘its’ insignificance by using a tactic of war on ‘it’ ? Isn’t war the ultimate delusion?

“Am i Don Quixote? Hmmmm must think here,”

Liars create delusion…..

The CIA are liars.
The CIA creates wars
The CIA creates delusion

Those are masters at creating fake realities. Do i resolve ‘them’ by validating ‘their’ creation? Methinks ‘they’ would luv for me to keep attacking ‘their’ windmills…… ha!

By: Greg C. Fri, 10 Mar 2017 16:18:05 +0000 Creation trumps content – beautiful. You’ve heard “the devil is in the details” – so true, in more than one way. Going after the details instead of the process that yields them is a mistake.

For instance, with my piano students, instead of giving them all the details about how to position their hands, I give them a little procedure I call hand balancing, that involves the arms, but more importantly, opens their sensitivity to using little effort to get results. You see, it doesn’t really matter exactly how you position your hands – what matters is the sense of ease and control that you are going for. We go directly for that, without getting bogged down in the effort of details. Isn’t that the secret to doing anything well?

To me, the big secret is, it’s so easy! Whatever the problem is, the answer is always much easier than we suppose. Once you grasp that, then you can use your intuition to discover it.
