Comments on: One more reason never to trust the CDC Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:55:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: robertwachsmuth Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:55:20 +0000 MURDER HEALTH CARE SYSTEM , Starts at Harvard Medical School , Controlled by the Pharmaceutical industry and the CDC , Brain Washing when the SOCIOPATHS are young. KILLING MY FAMILY , DUMPING THERE BODIES .

By: L. F. Sat, 18 Mar 2017 12:03:13 +0000 Thank you for the article. In 2008 I gave birth to a son who after being vaccinated has been diagnosed with Autism and developmental delay. In 2009, pregnant again, I was strongly encouraged to be vaccinated with the H1N1 Vaccine. Shortly there after I miscarried….
My family has forever been altered due these vaccines. When will the madness stop?

By: Pete Ozga Thu, 16 Mar 2017 17:14:01 +0000 In the spring of 2010 I answered my home telephone and was greeted by a representative of the CDC. This person stated that the agency was conducting telephone interviews to take information from persons who had received the flu shot the previous year. The person said they got my name and telephone number from my employer (a large defense contractor) who had administered the free shot to employees interested in having it. I was asked what I thought of the flu shot. I told them I thought it was awful. I got a reaction to it a day later and was very sick with a bad headache, general pain in my whole body and fatigue. I was left in this condition for over 1 week. I said I had never had a reaction to a flu shot before this, and have no allergies. Then I related the fact that I eventually contracted a bad case of flu several weeks later, in spite of the vaccination. The interviewer thanked me for participating in the call. To this day I wonder about the call. I told 2 doctors about it and they both laughed it off and said someone was pranking me. But why would anyone do that? I was never asked for any personal information, yet they seemed to know a lot about me. Creepy stuff.

By: mysticalraven Tue, 14 Mar 2017 23:12:46 +0000 Anything coming out of the CDC, AMA, and Big Pharma should be highly suspect. Over the decades numerous proven instances have come to light of the corruption, obfuscation and misinformation pandered by these agencies. Follow the money and you will usually come to the truth.

By: neo-paradigm Mon, 13 Mar 2017 19:41:04 +0000 Another big lie by CDC is promoting chemical water fluoridation when even a pre schooler would know that this witches brew is toxic. Because so many towns and water municipalities are now objecting to water fluoridation, the ADA in cahoots with CDC is doubling down on its efforts to mandate water fluoridation throughout the US. The other big liar in this is EPA. That agency goes through legal contortions to allow toxic waste pollution to be dumped in drinking water in violation of environmental laws. It’s a crime to release this pollution, (fluorosilicic acid) into the air or into a lake, stream river or any body of water. But EPA says it’s just fine to dump it in drinking water. Not only are these, ” trusted,” government agencies liars, they are criminals!

By: johnmarkmcguire Mon, 13 Mar 2017 13:21:20 +0000 It is actually a common practice for both the CDC and WHO to instruct states / countries NOT to report such statistics, especially as it pertains to fatalities. Instead, they would rather provide “estimates,” which is nothing more than pure fiction — designed to reinforce the fear mentality and sell more of these dangerous chemical concoctions.

By: Alan Reid Mon, 13 Mar 2017 02:41:39 +0000 If you have not seen Vaxxed, Do so, Right now. DO whatever you have to, Seeing it is more important that whatever is stopping you from getting your eyes on this movie.

By: robertwachsmuth Mon, 13 Mar 2017 02:22:04 +0000 MURDER HEALTH CARE SYSTEM . Doctors in New York City Totally incompetent to even do an Office examination .Disease Mongering by the Pharmaceutical industry ,To Incompetent to know a Vaccine Injury , Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp , making Billions of dollars off of CDC AND FDA DISEASE Scams…. BLOOD SUCKERS….

By: annj49 Sun, 12 Mar 2017 22:11:56 +0000 Yes!

By: annj49 Sun, 12 Mar 2017 22:11:19 +0000 “I estimate that I expect to hypothesize about a suspect postulation…..soon!”

That’s a good one!

May I quote you? 😉

