Comments on: What would be your best invention? Sat, 13 Jan 2018 01:05:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pearl Necklace Sat, 13 Jan 2018 01:05:09 +0000 soon AI will be inventing itself for a better self

By: bdoyen Wed, 10 Jan 2018 18:55:22 +0000 Thinking a bit more about this, each of us having the ability to instantly discern truth from fiction is the way to go, not a device. Devices can be hacked. Each person must know the incontroverted truth for themselves. Or else, for instance, the crazy Hillary-supporters will never believe even the most rock-solid evidence presented to them.

By: bdoyen Wed, 10 Jan 2018 18:51:26 +0000 I am catching up on my reading, sorry this is late.

Just wanted to say that I have often thought we should have a device as you’ve described here. Better yet would be to open ourselves up to more of our abilities, because I think this is one of them, if we knew how to unlock our potential.

I’ve read that our black ops money has gone towards reading someone’s brain via a scan that indicates a lie. If real and we had access to this, just think how beneficial it would be. No deceipt from a politician or fake science could be fostered on us again.

By: Sheri Wed, 05 Apr 2017 06:16:49 +0000 Well just to jump in where I don’t belong, I do keep my doors unlocked when I’m not home at at night and all time in between. I would actually welcome a terrorist to stay in my home to show them through love and trust that there is a better way to live. Call me crazy, but I’ve actually told several people throughout the past 20 or so years, that I think it would be awesome to wake up with a psychopath standing over my head holding a knife or gun. I honestly believe that my lack of fear of ‘so called crazy people’ would in itself deter that person for just enough time for me to just listen to them and what they brought them to do whatever they’re trying to do to me. I can truly say I can identify more with the people the world rejects as normal, than with supposed normal folks. I think what we need to turn the world around is to stop being afraid of people, put some trust in some you don’t feel have earned it, and start helping other people instead of always helping ourselves… Just my 2 cents lol

By: Cheryl Bond Sat, 25 Mar 2017 01:55:35 +0000 Doubt this obviously could ever become a reality…But, hey, a girl can dream, right?!

Best Invention ever!!!…. a sound-wave, when emitted, that would force ppl (Politician’s, Big Pharma, CDC, Wall Street, etcetera, to tell the truth! Then we could get down to the REAL facts, put the guilty parties behind bars where they belong & stop having to have tax-payers spend billions on internal investigation’s, wars based on lies, & on & on.
Wouldn’t that be the BEST invention EVER!!!!!

By: ItGoesOn Thu, 23 Mar 2017 13:35:50 +0000 A great question – here’s another to think about.

Three of mankind’s most intriguing questions has been; Will immortality, time travel and a real after life ever be possible.

My latest invention ( soon to be officially launched on KickStarter ) may be the answer all three.

Although perhaps not in the way you’re expecting.

Let me know if you agree.

By: betty Mon, 20 Mar 2017 02:14:55 +0000 There are more fingers in the fear and punishment pie than parents, the media, government, medical, pharmaceutical, education, globalist systems all have their fingers in the pie. Did you know there are more than 200,000 babies under two yrs on anti anxiety meds. There is so much redicioulus crap going on that the nation stood down when the pres signed an Executive order telling us which bathroom we can use.

By: Terri Sun, 19 Mar 2017 23:03:15 +0000 Andrew, we can begin this now, thru attachment parenting and homeschooling and returning to the old ways of honoring, loving and respecting ourselves and each other. This is a beautiful article about how powerful we are as parents and how we change the world. If we (as individuals) can achieve this here, in this hell world, I am sure in our next life a lot of civilizations would be happy to have us.

Our society is fear based because parents teach punishment and fear to their children. They do not practice real love and appreciation. The first dictatorship one experiences is in the home.

Love is a worthy ideal to practice every day, beginning with loving and accepting ourselves. It s only when we do this, that we are capable of loving others.

By: betty Sun, 19 Mar 2017 17:29:05 +0000 Thank you Tommy, It is rather amazing how much energy a simple rock produces. I use one at night to clear my lungs, I get the rock wet and lay back and stick it to the middle of my chest and honestly it clears my lungs so I can sleep without coughing. Anyone can use this technique who doesn’t have a pacemaker or some kind of heart implant. I’m surprised there aren’t a whole bunch of ideas on this post.

By: Greg C. Sun, 19 Mar 2017 12:43:57 +0000 Meme-based dialog never gets off the ground – by design. Throwing out words like love, fear, compassion, as linguistic bombs, when you haven’t explained anything, is just a gimmick to claim superiority without any evidence. If you want dialog, you need to have an argument, a rationale, a train of thought. You can’t just claim love – that’s not an argument. You can’t just accuse fear, or racism, or whatever. That’s not an argument. We need intelligent thought and expression in order to have a civilization. Get with it.
