Just wanted to say that I have often thought we should have a device as you’ve described here. Better yet would be to open ourselves up to more of our abilities, because I think this is one of them, if we knew how to unlock our potential.
I’ve read that our black ops money has gone towards reading someone’s brain via a scan that indicates a lie. If real and we had access to this, just think how beneficial it would be. No deceipt from a politician or fake science could be fostered on us again.
]]>Best Invention ever!!!…. a sound-wave, when emitted, that would force ppl (Politician’s, Big Pharma, CDC, Wall Street, etcetera, to tell the truth! Then we could get down to the REAL facts, put the guilty parties behind bars where they belong & stop having to have tax-payers spend billions on internal investigation’s, wars based on lies, & on & on.
Wouldn’t that be the BEST invention EVER!!!!!
Three of mankind’s most intriguing questions has been; Will immortality, time travel and a real after life ever be possible.
My latest invention ( soon to be officially launched on KickStarter ) may be the answer all three.
Although perhaps not in the way you’re expecting.
Let me know if you agree. http://www.timecapsulesdna.com
Our society is fear based because parents teach punishment and fear to their children. They do not practice real love and appreciation. The first dictatorship one experiences is in the home.
Love is a worthy ideal to practice every day, beginning with loving and accepting ourselves. It s only when we do this, that we are capable of loving others.