Comments on: What if you sell medicine that causes men to grow breasts? Wed, 23 Jun 2021 13:16:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: BlueyBlogger Wed, 22 Mar 2017 22:30:59 +0000 Maybe it’s what is turning men into women, and women into men????

By: Sunshine Wed, 22 Mar 2017 22:07:04 +0000 Let’s hope so!

By: amnesiaclinic Wed, 22 Mar 2017 14:17:41 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
The executives may be free for the moment but the wheels of justice are turning – slowly – but till turning….

By: Michael Wed, 22 Mar 2017 03:33:37 +0000 @ Rixta Francis

What about the long tern use of Talc, breathing it in becomes very dangerous.
in a study on rats that breathed talc a few hours a day, to similate the talcing of a bathed body, showed 75% of the rats collected the talc in the ovaries of the rats.

There has also been a concern the high levels of asbestos in talc which is an extreme carcinogenic.
As an artist I have used and an aware of the greater number of cancers of soapstone carvers. The Inuit carvers have shown a prepensity of cancer as carvers in soapstone. Also the carvers in Tabaka, African soapstone carvers are ridden with cancers.

Soapstone a east stone to carve it can be carved with a sharp heavy knife. It comes in greens blues and epecially the most common pink color. It is a slippery stone that has a gret quantity of talc in its composition, as well as asbestos.

There is a greater consern for Talc as it is not water soluble and therfor does not clear the human body readily. It will slightly dissolve in mineral spirits.

By: Rixta Francis Tue, 21 Mar 2017 20:44:11 +0000 I always thought that the talc powder story was weird. It’s hard to prove that the powder caused cancer, but nevertheless this case got a lot of media publicity. I always felt like this was just done to keep the public quiet. It seemed to scream “we won’t let these companies get away with a dangerous product”, while in reality the same company produces products that kill and injure millions every year again. The talc powder case was a huge smokescreen and most people fell for it.

By: Michael Tue, 21 Mar 2017 16:51:45 +0000 46 double D’s…hm. Does this happen when you give the drug to women. Cause my wife has a chest like an Irish potato famine immigrant. Actually it worse than that she has bumps on her back. Little bumps.

Ah its a terrible state…I think we should strip all those Johnson & Johnson weirdos stark naked and handcuff them together in daisy chain, and put six boxes of extra strength nicotine patches on their bodies and march them down Wall street, after the transgender LGBQRXZMMF parade with pointy hats on. And then put them in a rocket and fire it into the sun. But nooo….it’s business as usual….and the next generation learns from the last…..

“Everton!..I hear your retiring to your own Island soon.. remember, Tylenol bought that…hmm..this is your new sales asssistant Quiggleton. Soon to be your replacement..want a big office kid !…hmpt…he’s fresh out of college Everton, he’s a eager beaver to become top salesman for the Tylenol dept of Johnson & Johnson. Right kid. Don’t talk, I do the talkin. He has come up from a three month stint from our rather big legal dept at Shister Shister & Flywheel & Son Everton.

We have a new Tylenol out Everton…listen up…huddle in, start flogging it. Listen up, the new Tylenol is made with Talc, makes it easier to swallow. Slips right down the throat, like a greased marble. Isn’t that wonderful Everton, modern gawd we’re good. We have shitloads of Talc we’re not using. Theirs a mountain of it back of the old plant. Have to use it somehow.

Break that young fella in Everton. Teach this young whippersnapper the Johnson & Johnson ropes, show him the finer points of drug sales and the alternate facts.

Let see if we can get these flagging sales numbers up. A good day is when everybody has a headache, we’ll have too get those EMF waves up. Have ta rent more HAARP time, I think. Thank gawd for cellphones.

BTW, heads up, the new one out there is big brests, don’t listen to it, everybodies out for a buck…here’s a copy of our research, stick to the words, verbatim, no improvising Everton. Oh yes R&D has come up with a Tylenol for pregnant mothers with fetal headaches. The new science is arriving as-we-speak. It proves fetuses have headaches in the womb, We’re the first on this one Everton. Gonna make us billions. Now get out there, and sell some freakin drugs, Everton. Take that young fella with ya.”

By: Dana Doran Tue, 21 Mar 2017 13:24:28 +0000 Who would investigate? The FBI? hahaha

By: Kenneth T. Tue, 21 Mar 2017 11:00:28 +0000 I guess it’s okay… as long as the shampoo doesn’t cause any tears. 🙁
