Comments on: The CIA-media marriage and the Trump effect Fri, 07 Apr 2017 14:51:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Fri, 07 Apr 2017 14:51:19 +0000 I love the Spice show!

Check out this YT channel dedicated to the best of Spicer…

Amicus Humani Generis

By: futuret Fri, 31 Mar 2017 14:58:48 +0000

By: BRF Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:59:02 +0000 That is an interesting comment that would warrant fleshing out in an article all by itself, Anyway you have got me thinking on these allied but separate agendas.

By: futuret Thu, 30 Mar 2017 20:51:47 +0000

By: alan2102 Thu, 30 Mar 2017 17:54:50 +0000 “It took some years for the CIA to fully realize the Rockefeller agenda was global government—not US hegemony. So the CIA adjusted its sights and its motives and its invention of data, to fit the Globalist picture.”

Wrong. The CIA is not interested in global government. The CIA is a fascist entity interested in the continued hegemony of the West (particularly but not exclusively the U.S.) over the East, and South (of course). The CIA is behind the demonization of Russia and China, and the geopolitical anti-Eurasian narrative in general.

By: BRF Sat, 25 Mar 2017 01:08:19 +0000 Well Trump certainly has his work cut out for himself if he thinks he will implement any of his agenda which may go against the agenda of the plutocrats on Wall Street and beyond. What is good for the hotel and casino business, an affluent middle class, is anathema to these plutocrats. If Trump were to be sincere in his ambitions then he would need to strike hard and fast and in totality. Anything less will see him either get the Nixon, or if he becomes very vexatious, the Kennedy treatment. I don’t believe Trump understands that for the plutocrats this is a zero sum game they mean to win on any issue of importance to themselves. In the meantime Trump is wandering the halls of power aimlessly indulging in twitter wars and wasting precious time and energy on a host of buffers meant to slow him down until he realizes he is surrounded by and neutered by the plutocrats apparatchiks. What this whole brouhaha does show is is the plutocrats have moved beyond their incubation in the nation state. Now they mean to subjugate all nation states to their pleasure and this also means the peoples living within these states and as prime importance America. Does Trump have any inkling as to what he is challenging? Perhaps he does but not in the sense he needs to. If Trump thinks he can turn back the clock he is a fool. If he thinks he is going to chart a new future he had better be ready for an all out war, figuratively and real. Too much is at stake for the western plutocrats at this point and they mean to win by any means at their disposal, which is the study of power and wealth in action. Trump has wandered where angels fear to tread and is without a plan or capable enough friends to pull this one off even if he wanted to to begin with. He is not a Napoleon and sooner or later this will be shown to him so that even he understands what is what. For the people I’d say its time to get back to the drawing board and to quit wasting time on this internecine plutocratic wrangling they like to involve the masses in as a kind of sporting bet among themselves..

By: bob klinck Fri, 24 Mar 2017 21:07:57 +0000 What’s missing is insistence on the institutional foundations of freedom, such as legally protected free speech and freedom of association. Healthy people do crave the ability to govern their own lives: resistance to being dictated to is inherent in the human spirit, although it can be conditioned out of us. However, we operate in a context of resources, and if access to these, except on the condition of sycophancy, is denied, then our yearning to be free won’t actually give us much in the way of freedom. At present the ultimate control of physical and cultural resources resides with monopoly finance, which issues what are in effect licences to use and to act. The realization of true freedom awaits the unconditional distribution of this centralized power, which has duped us into believing in its natural privilege, to all citizens.

By: futuret Fri, 24 Mar 2017 13:04:58 +0000

By: pedrofalls Fri, 24 Mar 2017 01:29:08 +0000 Spies versus spies. At least back to the days of John Dee 1527/1609, networks of spies worked not just for the queen and country, but as much for the corporations(East India company) of their day. State and corporate espionage have always competed and complimented each other.

The fact that today we have 17 agencies, only goes to blur the lines of state/corporate, to a point where no one knows who’s working for who. My best guess is they all only working for themselves.

Drain the swamp.

By: Larry Thu, 23 Mar 2017 22:42:02 +0000 It’s Globalism vs. The People.

Manufactured war into perpetuity.

Create chaos in the 3-d world and in our hearts and minds by controlling The Narrative – the fictional bullshit story-line pumped out 24/7 by the corporate-OWNED mainstream media that surrounds us like water surrounds a fish:

BE AFRAID…..BE *VERY* AFRAID!!! (More after this message from our sponsor.)

But the fairy tale has become so threadbare, that a blind man can see through it. It’s not a coincidence that tens of thousands of folks show up at every Trump rally – standing room only with more thousands waiting outside the arena……even today following the Trump victory.

We need a New Narrative……sharpen your pencils Good People! Release your minds from the vise-grip of the corporate/globalist/deep state agenda.

Let your Imaginations run free!!!
