Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: inserting your space and time into physical reality Wed, 29 Mar 2017 23:05:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike L Wed, 29 Mar 2017 23:05:50 +0000 We are held hostage by the sickest members of our families, and of our society. Enter the mirror-neuron. So, whoever is the most confident in practice, the most forceful get it — the precedence — but there’s two-sides; one in building culture and civilization and the other in destruction and tearing down out of a malevolent hate for perceived slights that society or their own natures owe them for.

Restraint can lead to weakness when the forcefully subversive dominate the mirror-neuron stimulus marix by their signaling and the good people do nothing — remember: magic is largely inductive — or don’t make the hard choices of “killing” those that would kill us — that is, “killing” in the infowar, culture war, signals war, expression wars, stimulus wars.

Counteract this foe of communicable mirror-neuron disease, dementia, naked self-interest, do-nothing sloth, subversion, snake-like hate of everything good and innocent. This jealous foe seen throughout Rome, the ancient world, society writ large and small, expressed in the poems and told in stories of those naughty servants and meddlesome maids.

Get in the infowar and choose a truly superior side of renaissance not death and darkness.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sat, 25 Mar 2017 18:44:23 +0000 Correction: “Origin of the Chemical Elements and the Oklo Phenomenon”by P. K. Kuroda

By: Jennifer Sat, 25 Mar 2017 13:25:44 +0000 Jon, we have found another way to get outside the Matrix. When, in the beginning of our search for truth, we asked the Universe, we weren’t sure about God, and slowly truths began to appear in our life. When we questioned the Bible and the story of Joshua slaughtering all those different people, the floodgates opened and even more understandings came our way.

Sometimes we think your “imagination” is the Presence who feeds us and guides us, but for me, it’s separate from me. With Him I can do what needs to be done, and like my late husband, have done things I didn’t know how to do. He does work in mysterious ways.

Thank you, again, for sharing the “talents” you have.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sat, 25 Mar 2017 12:47:20 +0000 Thanks, Jon, for this message.

LOGIC was a major asset in physics, until they (physicists) encountered the strongest emotion – FEAR – on observing the ruins of Hiroshima in AUG 1945 and reconsidered the warning in the last paragraph of Aston’s Nobel Lecture in DEC 1922.

Physicists had met the Power of God and saw only destructive evil.

A 28-year old nuclear geo- chemist from the Imperial University of Tokyo – Dr. Kazuo Kuroda – examined the ruins of Hiroshima in AUG 1945 and recognized also the “Power of Creation.”

Kuroda’s story was published in his 1982 book, “Synthesis of the Chemical Elements and the Oklo Phenomenon,” after Kuroda came to the United States and acquired a new Christian first name, Paul.

My understanding of Kuroda’s message has been rewritten and will hopefully be published in time to celebrate the Centennial of Kuroda’s birth on 1 April 2017.

The Universe Is In Good Hands aka “There Is A God.”

Your messages have helped me let go of anger at scientists who sold out to globalists to save the world from nuclear annihilation and write a far more needed message of hope for today’s deeply troubled society.
