It may be true that fiat currency causes never ending debt, but its the people’s fault for allowing their reps to continue perpetrating peonage upon the people.
The solution is for the people to educate themselves and claim and exercise their inherent rights guaranteed by the federal and state constitutions.
]]>Social Engineering and that scientific endeavour the ideology that created Institutes like the Tavistock; they are everywhere now. Seems every corporate entity out there has a ‘Think’ tank, or a R&D dept, and the later part in that obnoxious term has a purpose; tank.
Social Engineering, is Nazis legitimizing mental torture, emotional manipulating, meddling in people’s lives, institutional sociopathology instrumented through psychopathology. Absolutely bizarre…that no one has come to the understand that the nazis like the roman empire won the war, they became something. Soldiers might have surrendered, city and towns and villages may have laid in waste. But Nazism, the intellectual idea was imported, the cancer was brought in, through the Think tank, and paperclip, and the fake science called social sengineering.
The true power of a human is by and through the spirit.
Every time I think I see the light, another battle rises. It’s a war of attrition Mark, they work at us, little by little, chipping away at the good parts, the parts you like about yourself, openness, a sense of community, the natural state to trust and love easily, and replace it with the ugliness of, a lonely normalized narcisstic paranoia. And now you need comfort, so off you go and seek a group filled with people who think like you and feel like you, and now you’re an evangelist for the cause.
And the real bastards, are in think tanks; there is a counter measure to that…
]]>Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
The Best Kept Secret in America