Comments on: Logic and non-logic in education Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:02:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lee Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:02:32 +0000 Hear hear Terri, very well said. I concur.

By: Terri Wed, 29 Mar 2017 03:28:09 +0000 The democrats claim he is not “mainstream” enough because of that. Anyone with any intelligence knows they don’t want an honest judge on the supreme court who will uphold his oath to the constitution.
These reps are pathetic corrupt and rotten to the core. What a joke and what a joke are the people who continue to support this depravity.
There does not appear to be a line they will not cross, a truly despotic limbo contest.

By: Terri Wed, 29 Mar 2017 03:21:49 +0000 How soon can the foundation be laid for logic? At birth, (or before), when you are able to hear and pay attention to what your baby is telling you in regards to what he or she wants and needs. Why is this important? Being able to think for oneself begins this early. When a child is treated as a toy, and told when he/she should eat, sleep, talk, etc, a child never learns to think for them self. They then automatically look outside themselves for a clue to how they feel or what they want. Pretty soon no thinking is involved at all, and unconscious repression begins and then behavior issues develop of all kinds to cover up the pain that can not be expressed in words. This pain is not easily expressed, if ever, for the root of the pain occurred before words were spoken.

This is why no one understands truth, and we see all of these meltdowns and crazy behavior, for they have no inner compass, or security, or capability to know what is true to them. They have lost their connection to their heart and soul. This connection was destroyed by their care givers when the child had to choose between putting themselves and their inner wisdom and spirit first, or obeying the authority of something nebulous outside themselves.

Babies are capable of knowing and asking for what they need, and their wishes should be fulfilled and not second guessed if we want our society to be strong and authentic. It is vital to be validated in this way and the devastation is pretty much irreparable if this is not done. No one knows what is good for anyone else, despite all the good intentions in the world. We all know where good intentions take you. As they get older their responsibility for themselves grows and you will find they are amazing. There is no fear of someone else controlling them, and needing outside approval, hence no need for addictions or buying into the latest trends so they can fit in. They will not desire to obey authority mindlessly and can not be bribed or bought. Their self respect and respect for others will be obvious.

They will choose well being and their choices will reflect their desire for good health. Logic will come naturally, for no one has corrupted their brains with shoulds and outside bogus information that was forced on them against their will. They will feel valuable and valued, loved and loveable, and will contribute positively with their expansive imaginations and their ability to create without doubts.

They shall think for themselves and naturally use logic for no one filled their heads with things that didnt belong to them. They will love life and learning, because learning is natural and fun. Their curiosity and questions will be boundless, as will their energy.

Raising your child this way requires consciousness, commitment, patience and love. This is what it takes to have a conscious, aware society capable of logic.

This is the missing piece that society is in dire need of implementing if humans plan to be around in a form other than zombie in the future.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 29 Mar 2017 03:02:50 +0000 You know my feelings on this by now, Jon.

As a “basis” it is a staple, but, if not carefully managed, it can still hinder the discovery tour and turn out intelligent “robots”.

I wrote recently that science, in its material setting, measures the root of an illusion. What if it was possible to expand beyond the illusion, would all those “fundamentals” change?


By: Oliver K. Manuel Tue, 28 Mar 2017 18:35:55 +0000 On 13 June 1936 a 19-year old student at the Imperial University of Tokyo recognized a 1935 logical error in the concept of nuclear binding energy that has isolated humanity from reality (God) for the past eighty-one (81) years.

By: Sylvain Lamoureux Tue, 28 Mar 2017 18:23:45 +0000 A beginning in logic would be heading in the right direction. Perhaps, after that, we could learn how to communicate.

By: Greg C. Tue, 28 Mar 2017 13:56:45 +0000 When we use a formal argument, the supposition is that someone is listening and evaluating what is said, using logic. Polemics is about taking sides and justifying it any which way you can. The Gorsuch hearings were illuminating, because he was asked may times how he would rule in a given case, and his answer was that as a judge, he is not supposed to decide in advance how he would rule, He seemed shocked that a congressman would ask him such an idiotic question. They just figured that he would be a polemicist like everyone else. Didn’t he get the memo that the legal system is a weapon, a tool to accomplish your goal?
