Comments on: The “dependent victim” psy-op Mon, 03 Apr 2017 19:31:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Mon, 03 Apr 2017 19:31:56 +0000 Jennifer, with all respect, you are quoting other sources for info an that would be your prerogative but the only source I trust is the bible. The Phyrigians were a sort of Germanic/Celtic “sons of Gomer” race who were steeped in paganism and were in the province of Galatia in Roman times. I am a Scot by inheritance, but I can tell you that they were the worst of pagans. I have no use for those ancient practices.

Joshua conquered Canaan but I am not aware of him going further west. The command was to stay in Canaan as that was the land granted to Israel by God. God authorized the gradual destruction of Canaanites, due to their wicked practices, often involving child or baby sacrifices and blood sacrifices too, ,as well as sex worship thru priestesses, etc.

I would say we have a difference in what we consider authoritative sources.

By: Jennifer Mon, 03 Apr 2017 15:54:53 +0000 Joshua attacked the peaceful Phygrians because he thought they had plunder like gold, but after they slaughtered them all they found was a six-pointed star made out of pure gold and which was symbolic of the Somta, what the scientists call a quark, and which is the basic building block of the universe. Joshua took that star and it became the herald of the Jewish people.

The Phyrgians had become too peaceful and had failed to remain strong and warriors, and were thus easily slaughtered.

If you look up the word demiurge in very old dictionaries it will state that Jehovah was the lesser god of war and destruction, a Gnostic term.

Even Constantine was a victim of the Alien Mind, what you call Satan, same thing, as even Satan can give light visions and speak into our mind. It was during his reign that Christianity was even further mixed with paganism. Constantine effectively forged the cross into a sword, but we were told to turn our swords into plowshares.

God can certainly decide if He wants to destroy a people. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorroh for the adulterous practice of homosexuality because if left for the mindset to grow, it can lead to the annihilation of our species. He blasted those cities, as He also blasted the Tunguska region of Russia in 1908 because of the virus which had landed there and which became a threat.

We have an unfair advantage, truth1, as our mentor heard God’s voice, Man’s voice, and Man gave him quite the understanding.

Willing to share.

By: truth1 Mon, 03 Apr 2017 06:01:53 +0000 I agree with the education and understanding. Now as for Joshua killing, Only God can decie who lives or dies. He put rules in place that authorize execution of any who break certain laws. He authorized Joshua to wipe out the Canaanite peoples as these practice all kinds of wicked practices that were instituted, ultimately, by Satan. So Joshua is not acting on this own authority but on that of God. God can authorize anything He wants. Jehovah is not a Gnostic term. they might use it but its been in the OT since Moses, 1500 BC. My opinion for what it is worth.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 02 Apr 2017 15:47:33 +0000 Och meow.

By: Joe Clark Sat, 01 Apr 2017 17:24:16 +0000 I do not think Mr. Rappoport is saying he agrees with the formula at all; he is merely pointing out that that is the formula we are all supposed to believe.

By: Jennifer Sat, 01 Apr 2017 16:00:33 +0000 Yes, it is like a giant snowball travelling down a mountainside. All you can do is get out of its way.

However, we cannot meet a force with another force because that will only strengthen it, so the only counterforce we can use is education. With the controlled media this is the problem, but still it is the only way.

And, the only way we will evolve is to strengthen our Speciel Mind and this is also through education and gaining in understanding, and we were told to “get understanding first” before all else. If we could somehow share the booklet, “The Law” by Bastiat, most people would understand the dangerous place in which we stand. Government plunder, corporate plunder, and the rights of the individual denied at every turn.

Their is an eduation process regarding the adultery being committed by vaccines pushed by Pharma and the government. The Truth about Vaccines starts the 12th of April. Vaccines Revealed, another series, aired earlier this year. It is waking people up because people are sharing it. Perhaps those capable should present a series on sound government and why ours is failing. A series on honest money and what it is. A series on lost law, how wages were never considered income and therefore not taxable. How about a series on fluoride and how it dissimulates the mind and blocks the pineal and cuts us off from the push of God’s counsel through the Speciel Mind, found in the Pineal. A series about how there really is a God to whom we can pray and get answers if we keep walking and talking with Him continually. It is all a matter of education and they have been taking ours away for years.

Ask of God truth1, that’s how we came to the truth of things. We asked why would Joshua’s god have him slay all those different peoples when the commandment says, “Thou shall not kill.:” Does we kill in his name, as Bush said? That’s when the floodgates opened and the truth, for us, started rolling in. Jehovah, Joshua’s god, is a Gnostic term for a lesser god of war and destruction. This is no God at all, but another mind which tries to mimic god. It is not all knowing though it is empathetic with humanity, but it needs its surveillance state to that it can appear to know everything as does god. It’s an insane mind, evident in our leaders.

By: betty Sat, 01 Apr 2017 14:27:44 +0000 I like the ” when the echo comes back ” comment, thank you Michael Burns. My concern is the people who have been lied to and sucked into to medical victim group. I believe that is the largest and most victimized group in the country.

By: truth1 Sat, 01 Apr 2017 06:55:51 +0000 I would be inclined to describe it this way. If we were of sound mind, we would examine the problem, see the solution, and put it into motion. But when we try that, we often find ourselves alone. How do you motivate others? You can’t. they must find their motivation from within. And the odds of that, given that government schools have kept us dumb and ignorant? ZERO!

Lets all start singing: Nearer my God to thee! Our chance to turn back is too late now. Its like trying to stop a car from going over a cliff at 6 MPH with only 50 feet left. Have a nice trip down. It will be over quickly. you won’t feel a thing 😉

By: truth1 Sat, 01 Apr 2017 06:44:51 +0000 Way too fatalist? I understand. Truth is often hard to swallow, but ignoring it is even worse. But listen, reasoning usually does not solve things. Reasoning is often over-ruled by wishful hopeful thinking and that is the problem. When the evidence is scary, like if you were on the Titanic and the life boats were all gone and you were still on deck. But time is the great truth revealer.

By the way, I do believe a flood and younger Dryas are connected. Have thought that since about 2003 maybe. But as bad as natural disasters are, they are not the deliberately bad that the human species is. Natural disasters are indiscriminate. deliberately intentional psycopaths, on the other hand, who like nothing more than to kill and ruin; They are not indiscriminate and they are without mercy or remorse. they hate their own species, even as Europeans hate their heritage and spit on it and are about to bring about their own ruin. And may God do to me and add to it if they should not get what they ask for.

I, on the other hand, do not have any guilt about the past. it is not something I participated in and I accept no guilt for it. I accept my own responsibility to be different, to be better, to be the best I can be and to be part of a solution if possible, or a warning siren that we are going down. Abandon ship! Truth bears bitter fruit. It can’t be helped. Humanity can not bear to look at itself. We really are one hell of a mess. Maybe fatalism is just realism that is hard to swallow.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 01 Apr 2017 05:33:13 +0000 Populism needs victims, Jon and lots of them.

Without populism, Globalism is sunk. Propaganda relies on it.

Think of the game as a giant “cold” war: winners versus victims, science versus reason, mainstream versus alternative. Any schism works as long as it’s real and whips up hatred. The more divisive the better, drugs – yeah, rape – yeah, younger the better, violation and murder – bring it on. Options “fight” or “yawn” (dependent victim). Eventually the “elites” will be the only ones “allowed” to fight. They will have the people in their pocket.

A fait accompli….

