Comments on: Home-School Solution for Education Mon, 03 Apr 2017 16:02:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: bob klinck Mon, 03 Apr 2017 16:02:04 +0000 George Orwell invented the perfect descriptor of the products of mass culture: “prolefeed”.

By: Ray Sun, 02 Apr 2017 20:38:33 +0000 I took Logic 101 in college. It isn’t a required minor for engineers. I took it as an elective and I loved the course. Got an A. Needless to say, for years I went through the process of weeding out bad ideas and contradictory thoughts. Logic gives truth a structure.

This isn’t taught to science professionals. Is it no wonder why so much that passes for scientific is not logical? Tons of money is spent on science looking in all the wrong directions.

Logic forces me to keep asking how does a new idea fit with other truths. It leaves a void of unanswered questions until I get to the kernel. It forces me to be alert to ways of thinking I haven’t examined before. It changes my point of view from ego to truth as the highest good.

I’m not sure how much more I can learn from Jon’s materials. But I doubt it will disappoint.

By: sean Sun, 02 Apr 2017 12:01:12 +0000 I’m betting that logic is downplayed in schools on purpose.

So this would be excellent for people going to regular schools as well as Homeschoolers.

What a great product and service to empower and turn it all around.

By: truth1 Sun, 02 Apr 2017 09:49:31 +0000 Another good topic and a vital one, too. I find that some of the problems with video are that the action or whatever is being conveyed goes too fast. Good points might not get noticed and you don’t have the time to digest it or dwell on it. TV does not have a pause button. A book or text can allow you to stop or re-read or ponder. It gives you time to digest an idea or concept.

A class room allows for too much distraction, and the sheer boredom can cause your mind to wander and lose concentration. Peer pressure might distract rather than help. Your always under the eye of an audience. Home schooling is far superior by leaps and bounds.

As well, the more you experience learning and elevated understanding, you grow hungrier for more as curiosity suddenly becomes more hungry and aroused. It can even become addictive and have quite the appetite, Learning becomes exciting and the desire is to solve things unsolved. But to get it started, one has to begin with incentive, like mom and dad delivering the teaching Japanese kids to play the violin, Dr. Suzuki found that kids learned best when the parents taught by example, and started with simple easy tunes and doing them to perfection before learning another tune or more difficult songs to play. Glad you aim for home schooling. I note that Ron Paul was also promoting a home school package a year or two back.

It really is the only solution, but with both parents working and governments like the US increasing surveillance of Home school regimen and activities, the danger draws ever closer that they will either stop home schooling or take kids away from parents. I see that is a really big possibility. Teach kids to be quiet about they think. Its dangerous for them to express ideas that conflict with the brutal police state doctrine and rhetoric. So disagree in thought, but not in word. The status quo fears thoughts more than guns. FACT!
