Comments on: It all started with Barbra Streisand: people who need people Sat, 15 Apr 2017 21:09:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: MetaCynic Sat, 15 Apr 2017 21:09:02 +0000 Streisand’s vision of two needy people morphing into a single ideal being: A person without legs strapped onto the back of a person without arms.

By: Tony Tue, 11 Apr 2017 22:42:11 +0000 Humanity does — gauging from our cultural output — appear to be overstimulated in the solar plexus:

“The solar plexus can be so over-vitalised that all the forces of the personality can be turned downwards and subverted to purely selfish and separative ends, thus producing a powerful personality, but—at the same time—the temporary suspension of the spiritual life of the man. When this suspension takes place, all the forces of the body which have been “elevated” are driven downwards again, putting the man en rapport with the rank and file of humanity who are working through the lower chakras; this tends to produce an immense personality success.

[…] The man is a powerful creative thinker, selfishly polarised and with an emotional solar plexus contact with the masses. He frequently also has a strong sexual complex in some form or another.”

— Alice Bailey: Problems Arising Out of the Awakening and Stimulation of the Chakras

By: artemisix Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:53:09 +0000 I hated that song too.

By: artemisix Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:51:58 +0000 You are right about this….. a great singer can carry the WORST LYRICS…. SOUL music for example…sometimes just babay, baby, YEAH>>>>>>>. That is NOT thinking music though, it is for something else…….entirely. A non though state, related to sex, or consumerist mentality, or the high/low of drugs, the magnificent physical focus of dance perhaps. Some songs are even devoted to self pity and helplessness. Every human condition imaginable…..

By: artemisix Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:45:17 +0000 Now that, is a classic……. ; )

By: artemisix Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:42:48 +0000 Sweet…….

By: artemisix Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:40:42 +0000 alienation much? That song is not in the real book, and it seemed to me, not a classic in any way, nor was it innovative. I listened to a lot of radio when this song came out, and the target audience of THIS song was not me. I think it is, lonely elderly people who feel relationships are their identity —(mrs. so and so,ect), denial of self for/family values/addictive personalities, those who KNOW the RIGHT WAY TO BE. THIS is their song. To me, it is sappy tripe. Any radio station that played it is INstantly changed. TO ME it seems very alienating. I just cannot and would never sing it (yes singing was my day job for some years). There are about a million BETTER songs. Songs that haunt you with deep truths and beguile you with power. Music is one of the highest forms of magic, i have seen it work and used it all my life. BUT the freedom to choose between forms is a good thing. If there weren’t songs like this, when you heard a really great song, you would have less to compare it to. Glad to see you are dabbling in my field…….a change of worlds is a good thing.

By: artemisix Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:20:53 +0000 People get to choose the kind of music they listen to. Can’t help people that have sorry taste in it……….Or like me, you can just write your own……Way more fun. I studies this exact song as a kid about 4 th grade. It seems to me an Orpheous archetype take. Music is the universal communicator…….what do you think?

By: SanityClaus Wed, 05 Apr 2017 04:46:34 +0000 You do not have money. Silver is money. Federal Reserve Notes are military scrip. You are ruled by the Pentagon for the benefit of the British Crown to whom they pentagon has pledged permanent service. They are traitors. YOU ARE RULED BY TRAITORS THAT PRINT FAKE MONEY. Not only do they steal our labor and our property, they steal our ability to cultivate luck using honest money as charity. When we try to use fake money for charity it will not make us lucky. This is why people live in despair of practicing charity towards others. They don’t know that fake money can’t be used for anything but selfless charity. The laws of the universe provide reciprocity for our actions both good and evil.
People who put fake money in the collection plates at their church are giving a broken promise to a deity as an offering. They can expect no benefit for their charity. Why bother serving the good when you get no reward? This is evil despair inflicted upon us by the pentagon baby killer traitors that serve the British Crown mafia.
Barbara Streisand Rocks. You live in despair.

By: dunc Wed, 05 Apr 2017 03:44:21 +0000 That tune did give me some goose bumps when i was a kid .first goose bumps i ever experienced was when my mom played clair de lune .the pop lyrics seemed unrealistic .never took me into the realm.then a buddy turned me on to bitches brew.(miles davis)WTF another reality .never been the same since .now i love hank williams to john coltrane . appreciate great pop tunesmithing.. jon? where is the blog included with the horse NY2. i soiled myself .you and mort drucker …thanks!! it is on fire lately.
