Comments on: The cruel autism trick played on vaccine-damaged children Tue, 21 Jan 2020 14:29:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: ramgbs Fri, 26 May 2017 04:37:49 +0000 How can the Bas…s get away with this?? Are there no intelligent ,caring, fair, logical thinking people representing you? We the people???

By: DNomer Sun, 16 Apr 2017 04:13:15 +0000 Yes. One of the interesting things I just learned in Episode 4 of the above docu-series is that acetaminophen, which is commonly recommended by pediatricians in the US to parents who have a baby that screams non-stop from just getting a vaccine or multi-vaccine. This toxic drug does real damage to the liver, including shutting down production of glutathione, which is important for clearing toxins from the system. Acetaminophen is no longer recommended as standard practice BEFORE shooting the kid with the vaccine, but it is still commonly recommended to parents by ‘trained professionals’ in cases of strong reaction.

By: shell1j Thu, 13 Apr 2017 18:31:58 +0000 It seems to me that the very reason that Autism-a code word for encephalitis became erroneously listed a a psychiatric mental condition when it is Not a mental condition is because Kanner wrote about it in the early 1940’s. He wrote about the first 11 cases that he observed in the 1930’s when MERCURY was first added to vaccines (1929). It was a strange set of bizarre behaviors to him. Ever since it has remained as a Psychiatric illness. Autism is a whole body illness. It affects the skin, eyes no longer working as a team, joints, bones, gut (Horrid constipation diarrhea cycles), inability to digest properly, hypotonia, and unto 50 Medical illnesses in one child. When we get it out of the DSM-we can perhaps begin to recover large numbers of children as you must heal 1 layer at a time.

By: Rastafari Thu, 13 Apr 2017 16:25:35 +0000 i am blocked from registration on that site/link.

By: DNomer Thu, 13 Apr 2017 03:42:21 +0000 There is a really fantastic docu series on vaccines that just now started online, and anyone can watch it for free at this time. See here:

By: Greg C. Wed, 12 Apr 2017 11:28:29 +0000 “Those Germans, all of them, were devoted to good health, strong families, and medicine that worked. This truth is hidden from us in order to keep the miracle of pre-WWII Germany a secret.”

Why would the Germans hide this truth from themselves? Why would they suddenly turn on themselves in self-condemnation, if they were such a vibrant, strong people? Especially since they had all the internal propaganda working in their favor during WWII, not against them? If such a strong and good force could be so easily defeated by counter-propaganda in the blink of an eye, then there really is no hope for the human race. Be careful what you believe – it will change you. Examine the hidden premises, not just someones assertions about history. History is a story, and many histories are possible by sifting and selecting evidence. When you are convinced by facts to accept one story, it says more about you than the facts themselves. Do you identify with a strong and good people who were so easily silenced? Does it make you stronger or weaker to believe in such a story? It’s been my experience that neo-Nazis are very weak people, looking to join a crowd that believes in unattainable greatness, and who can always find scapegoats to blame for their failure.

It makes more sense that the masses in Germany were looking for an easy way out – a national dream of greatness that someone would deliver to them, if they would unite in lockstep, and erase all individual thinking and goodness. It’s the same old story, repeated hundreds of times, but some people never learn.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 12 Apr 2017 04:10:32 +0000 Jon, I class autism (“standard” or not, indisputably real) as a “syndrome”.

The reason being is it is an accountable “spectral” reaction to many causes; vaccines undoubtedly being one.

To cavalierly attribute all causes of autism to vaccines would be dishonest.

Why “autism”?

Well, that’s devilishly hard to answer in the scientific sense, because science has no comprehension of how “genetics” WORK. I can say that if the true purpose of “evolution” (sic) was understood, there would be absolute clarity on the autism syndrome.


By: Terri Wed, 12 Apr 2017 03:41:15 +0000 Roy, How about not vaccinating and taking healthy children to a butcher/drug dealer/ i mean priest in a white coat.
Do you have children and if so, why would you be willing to do this? Do you really think legal mumbo jumbo which gives you a case(maybe?) is worth your childs life and well being? If you feel like you need a legal advocate when dealing with someone, is that a someone you should be patronizing and putting a precious life into their hands?

Real doctors do not vaccinate, and there are more and more of them out there. Classical homeopaths, Ayurvedic doctors, Naturopaths, Doctors of Oriental Medicine, Chiropractors, D O’s etc. Go to the truth about cancer and see many of these brave doctors, including md’s speaking out and treating people for health, not seeking to maintain the functionally ill.

Dr Burzynski was unlawfully harassed by the Texas medical board and due to the support of his patients and their families, and others, they did not succeed at taking his license so he couldn’t heal people any more. Its all about the money, and the agenda,always.

Vaccinating anyone is stupid, and no one needs vaccinations. It is bad science and does not confer appropriate or lasting immunity. Its fraud to call them immunizations.
If you eat well, practice a happy healthy lifestyle, you will have a healthy life. If you like to fill your grocery cart with crap, and fill your mind/spirit with crap as well, you will look and feel like crap. You are what you eat.

By: CPP Wed, 12 Apr 2017 02:44:25 +0000 “The Truth About Vaccines” series starts tomorrow (the 12th). Hosted by Ty Bollinger, who did “The Truth About Cancer”.

Here’s my share link for it:

By: Rastafari Tue, 11 Apr 2017 14:40:56 +0000 Maybe we are living in a dream world because of those who support TCN.
The watchers and believers.
Perhaps they are more enemy than TCN.

Can turn it off. But won’t.

That is the BIG problem.
