Comments on: Top ten reasons to doubt official story on Assad poison-gas attack Tue, 13 Jul 2021 16:07:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: gbsk Wed, 19 Apr 2017 22:09:22 +0000 I know quite a few Muslims and none of them are terrorists. In fact they are very peaceful people with good family values. That shoots your theory of “all Muslims”. Guys like you are responsible for fake news.

By: Michael Wed, 19 Apr 2017 04:59:18 +0000 well said Michael

By: Alan Grant Sun, 16 Apr 2017 05:10:40 +0000 PS And I meant to just clarify that Peter Ford is a former British ambassador to Syria, and not Egypt, and also post the following video.

Whoever miked up the senator did an abysmal job, so get ready to turn your volume down, but he makes some very salient points.

By: Alan Grant Sun, 16 Apr 2017 03:53:36 +0000 It’s funny how the presenter (who is a regular presenter on BBC Breakfast) just completely ignores what Peter Ford has just actually said and says “the sentiment that you’re talking about……chimes most with what Russia is saying”.”The sentiment that you’re talking about”! Now I don’t suppose for one moment that the presenter was briefed to say just that at an appropriate point prior to the interview, so as to undermine what Peter Ford had just said, and all that he says afterwards. No, no, no, surely not!

The presenter then immediately goes on to say “We heard from Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, he is convinced by the evidence sufficient that he backs this action” [WHAT evidence!] and then says “Why is it then that you are, if you like, a relatively lone voice”. And this is on top of how the presenter starts the interview by quoting Trump that Assad was responsible for the chemical attack, and then says that what Trump said was “a statement of fact”.

I have little doubt that Peter Ford had already done the interview with RT (and was up on youtube already with thousands of views an hour) which I posted on here yesterday (see below), so he was invited on to BBC Breakfast so they could do a demolition job on him.

What the presenter is in effect saying to the several million viewers or more who were watching is that ‘This guy is on the side of the evil Russians/Putin and believes their propaganda lies as opposed to the facts President Trump gave us and what our wonderful and totally trustworthy Defence Secretary has said, and is probably the only person on the planet outside of Russia who believes their propaganda lies, and is either a poor sad dupe or a Russian puppet’.

By: Greg C. Sun, 16 Apr 2017 01:38:17 +0000 Michael, you could be right. We are all looking for patterns, consistency, and meaning in the recent events, and it’s a stretch, no matter which way you turn. For sanity’s sake, most of us still have hope that the country will be a better place to live 4 years from now. What else is there to hope for? We’re not going to get Tom Jefferson resurrected, and suddenly everyone is a constitutionalist. By the way, the constitution was adopted only through some political trickery – bypassing the Continental Congress. And most people never heard of the Declaration until 20 years afterward. In a sense, our original government was born out of a “deep state” – closed door conclaves and all that.

Frankly, I’d like nothing better than to go live in a cabin without the internet or TV, and let all this go.

By: artiewhitefox Sun, 16 Apr 2017 01:03:59 +0000 That is good. Trump was influenced by a liar. It was a straight faced lie. Muslims who admire the Quran have honed that deceptive skill passed down one generation after another. The Muslim knew that Trump valued life using that to make Trump think that Assad gassed the Syrians. It was a ploy to bring what Muslims think is Armageddon. That won’t happen till after the second resurrection when all of the lost and saved will be on the earth all at one time. The lost get burned up in God’s light making them to look like a lake of fire.

By: JoAnn Dolberg Sun, 16 Apr 2017 00:29:28 +0000 Jonathan Hughes: I agree with you.

By: Todd Millions Sat, 15 Apr 2017 21:31:11 +0000 The 2nd gas release (search under “Hatla village”) was more clearly a hit on a ISIS/white helmet depot.
Two separate clouds after the air-strike.
No follow up reports on this one no pictures of residue test being done in sandals for the nerve agent.
Initial reports had a much higher death toll and then media attention shifted to Afghanistan. Purely by coincidence we may be sure!
Things must have come to a grievous pass there when small fry local heroin production Not under the CIA franchise-requires a Nuke.
Would this be a warning to states legalizing cannabis- and not requiring a sign up to Monsanto/Reynolds/Bayer contract farming “protection”?

By: Michael Sat, 15 Apr 2017 16:09:40 +0000 I had big doubts about Donald Trump going in…but, I am aware enough to realize that the slap in the head to wake people up, has done to most, a good thing in the now apparently waking…a good turn. But all for naught…

Politically I was almost convinced, about Donald Trump, but I see clearly that there is no POTUS. The office doesn’t exist…

The quick succession of changes in the period since he has entered office is good. 

I believe the PTB allowed that…and have said, “Ok Donald you fulfilled your promises to your voters, to the degree that it is acceptable to us; to a certain extend, but now, it’s time to get down to busy, here is how it goes…we seek world dominance; we seek a global hegemony.”

This recent NeoCon talk; he has never been afraid to speak his mind before. It’s obvious, they took him in the back room, and showed him the JFK assassination from the assassins POV. There is something in his voice, that was never there before. The words are pretentious and pale to the Donald Trump prior to Nov/2016…”The poor, poor little babies..” Sentimental garbage, scripted words.

He has done a complete 180 from November.

The chipping away at his power base has been disturbing, the bombing is a WTF moment Greg. I think invasion is next.

Donald is , “THE PRESIDENT NOW”….and that is going to be a serious problem with that ego.

I think he sold out or compromised for a seat at the big table, I would not be surprised to see him leave office, in four years and like an Al Gore jump on something like “A climate change issue” and turn whatever wealth he has into a Mega-Fortune. The next move is to become a Trillionaire, money ‘IS’ the drug for Donald. Business is his Art.

Ron Paul: I agree with you totally, but he does serve as a giga-counter of how radiative we are becoming in politics…Ron Paul is a good man, and so therefor shows how far we have fallen.

He is not a President; what ever that is…”I believe it is a Manchurian thing now.”

We’re way past crazy now Greg, we are into a new area of ridiculous, and absurd. We are into psychopathology and sociapathology as the normal operating state.

The inmates have truly taken over the Asylum; they are the nurses and the doctors and the janitors the gardeners and the administrators, and the high level beaurocrats. And finally a President.

Admit it he has gone mad. This is not the same man.

History stopped in 1963…

By: Greg C. Sat, 15 Apr 2017 13:52:41 +0000 … and what we really need is the bomb squad. It’s great that he has helped to wake people up, along with many independent journos, but the world doesn’t just magically change when we reach critical mass of wakefulness. Someone has to go in to the nerve center of power and expertly reconstruct it. Voting in congress is good, but the vermin are now resistant to voting. Judges stop us from getting what we voted for. Party leaders craft, change, and amend the content of bills in secret. We’re not going to get more freedom from having votes about it. Short of revolution, a president who knows where he’s going and can manage the vermin in Washington to get us there is our only hope.

The bombing was a mistake, but it looks like he is correcting it. N Korea must be stopped – that’s high priority. Only a president can handle that. Trump’s not the president of the world, but someone has to have the guts to defuse that nuclear threat. Watch and see. If he succeeds, his approval rating will double.
