Comments on: Your life outside the Matrix Mon, 17 Apr 2017 02:44:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Oliver Manuel Mon, 17 Apr 2017 02:44:07 +0000 Key FACTS hidden from the public were replaced with Consensus LIES

F-1. The universe is infinite, cyclic, expands and/or contracts.
L-1. The universe is finite and started with a single Big Bang.

F-2. Stars have neutron-rich cores. They make and discard hydrogen to interstellar space.
L-2. Stars have hydrogen cores. They consume hydrogen and make neutron-rich cores.

F-3. The natural direction of nuclear evolution as the cosmos expands: Neutrons => Hydrogen
L-3. The natural direction of nuclear evolution as the cosmos expands: Hydrogen => Neutrons

F-4. Neutron-repulsion powers the currently expanding universe
L-4. Hydrogen-fusion powers the currently expanding universe

By: betty Sun, 16 Apr 2017 02:36:37 +0000 People have a lot of fear, and rarely recognize their own power, after 23 yrs of being out of the matrix both in health, and work, I still occasionlly look for approval, or rather someone to share a common idea. I don’t think most people ever have an idea about something that is so amazing that they can’t sleep. Stepping out of the health matrix terrifies people. Somehow being radiated, poisoned, and parts removed or altered is better than the body rebuilding itself. A lot of people have a total commitment to modern health, they can’t admit they were scammed. They can’t admit what they have committed their loved ones to. It’s a terrible matrix. Matrix is the perfect word for the condition.

By: Larry Sat, 15 Apr 2017 23:43:18 +0000 Last night I watched “Edge Codes: the Art of Motion Picture Editing” (2004). It didn’t take long before I realized that the knowledge gleaned in this particular area of expertise, had obviously been transferred lock, stock and barrel into the mind-warping, deep state-controlled mainstream media complex….and very likely decades ago.

From an Amazon reviewer:

“Some other reviewers have commented on the technical aspects of editing being well- or poorly described. But the real impact here is not how the material is being covered, but the implications of the film editor’s manipulation of reality. As you watch, you learn the secrets of visual rhetoric like you’d learn the mechanics of logic itself, all leading very nicely to the questions well posed (and reflected upon) in the summation: “What is truth?” and “How is it being created?”

For some there will doubtless be some annoyance with the heavy use of the bombardment style, but here the valuable secrets (ironically) are in the words of the creators who manipulate our memes for us. Concentration is recommended throughout.”

The manipulation of reality – a question we daily wrestle with on scores of websites as we dissect the machinations of the ubiquitous Fake Mainstream News.

By: will iam Sat, 15 Apr 2017 21:15:21 +0000 “People aren’t the same” and “equal really is a fantasy” checkmates the meme that evades even those whom humor themselves ‘they’ are individuals.

‘Those’ still maintain the illusion that “we are all in this together”. That there really is some ‘greater good’ out there waiting, “if only enough of ‘us’ would just wake up”.

There isn’t.
This is all ‘you’, ‘we’ got.
Eternity is now.
How could it be not?

Changing ‘others’ to ones personal pov does not allow for the inevitability of change, it only prolongs ‘that’ that has no claim to reality in the first place……because ‘that’ is not and never was to be owned in the first place.

By: Oliver Manuel Sat, 15 Apr 2017 18:17:15 +0000 Here’s my conclusion on escaping:

CONCLUSION: “This paper is meant to be suggestive only.”

“We are at the beginning of a new awakening to reality and know only a little.”

“More will be revealed if we selflessly practice the basic principles of science for the benefit of humanity,”

“as exemplified by the life and career of Paul Kazuo Kuroda.”

Real science will be our path back, from darkness into sunlight ????.

Weizsäcker and Chadwick instead assumed the validity of the QM scheme in 1935:

The W/C nuclear model is refuted by the actual energy of every known beta decay, which is always

_ a.) 0.782 MeV greater than W/C predicted when the emitted particle is an electron, but

_ b.) 0.782 MeV less than W/C predicted when a positron is emitted or an electron captured

Thus, the neutron and the hydrogen atom are collapsed and expanded electron/proton pairs, two forms of the same fundamental particle, that comprises the whole universe, as envisioned earlier by Prout (1815), Rutherford (1920) and Chadwick (1932) and the concept of atomic mass (m) as stored energy (E), E = mc^2, as explained by Einstein (1905) and Aston (1922).
