Comments on: In the house of joy Mon, 24 Apr 2017 10:56:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: torus Mon, 24 Apr 2017 10:56:56 +0000 “And heaven and nature sing. And heaven and nature sing….”

By: Daedalus Mon, 24 Apr 2017 09:42:10 +0000 A pleasure experiencing an up-lift. I en-joy your mind! I don’t always agree, but you always stimulate. Could that be your Stim Cells being injected?

By: bob klinck Mon, 24 Apr 2017 05:27:21 +0000 Joy is not an ephemeral, but an enduring emotion–unlike say, delight, which is what Jon seems to be describing. Joy springs from the conviction, amounting to certainty (because alternative views eviscerate life) that in the grand scheme we are loved, cared for, and protected, and that we can participate in this scheme through our relationships to others. Although many modern people would ridicule this belief as delusional wishful thinking, it seems as if we are emotionally impoverished by shedding it. Because everything experienced in this life will pass away, I don’t see how joy can be sustained without belief in a God whose unfailing love for his creatures is the model for the best expressions of their own love.

By: Larry Mon, 24 Apr 2017 00:21:00 +0000 Lovely …

By: Ginny Sing Sun, 23 Apr 2017 20:51:11 +0000 “If this “idea” that joy exists (even in the darkest moments) doesn’t say something about the human race, nothing does.” I agree.

But what exactly does it say? Does it say that humans without a “plan” are deluded? Does it say that humans who believe that gesture and words can transmit joy… are deluded? Or perhaps it says that humans who believe in “joy” while they struggle with problems, mistakes, and tragedies are obviously not really in touch with “joy”… because joy cannot exist in the midst of these.

And the idea that joy might be passed from hand to hand and mind to mind… where does that figure into the picture? Is that impossible? How exactly does joy get transmitted, if it does at all? Does the heart have anything to do with it? Or is it just a muscle? When you feel that warm feeling in your heart as your child reaches out to you with a big smile, is that pure delusion?

Personally, I think not. I believe JOY is the natural state of humankind. As such, it cannot ever be lost or beyond our grasp. It simply gets sidelined, belittled, betrayed or ignored by those who operate from ego.

When ego hijacks our mind and our reasoning capabilities, it convinces us to “identify” with our “things” or our “role or station in life” or our struggles and pains, rather than identify with the truth that is always available within us… within our heart. That truth is this: We are not our things or possessions. We are not the role we currently play. We are not our disease or our struggle. We are made in the image of God. God is love. Love is joy. We are love and joy walking around in a body trying to remember our own divine nature, while the world outside tries to convince us in a myriad of ways that we should identify with all the things the ego wants us to believe are real.

Once we realize that the world is not reflective of our true identity, which is love, we start to be “in the world, but not OF the world.” We become filled ever more fully with happiness, love, and joy. We form an inner partnership with a higher and finer reality. Synchronicity becomes more prevalent in our lives. All manner of benevolent experiences show up and we find that we can tune into a more benevolent reality. Some of what we tune into may have even been there before… but we could not perceive them in a benevolent way. We perceived them through the lens of ego. Ego depends upon fear for its’ existence.

As we nurture our partnership with the unseen higher forces of the heart within us, fear leaves us. Worry leaves us and all lower vibrational drama leaves us. It simply cannot sustain itself in the presence of joy. For it does not believe in its sovereignty. Ego tells the non-believer that struggle and pain and wealth and worldly power is what is real and sovereign… not the heart. It is a lie. The ego depends on a lie for it’s continued existence. And so, most of us crucify joy every day and are content to relegate it to a few fleeting moments now and then. Or, we try to distinguish it completely in order to live 100% “in the world”… the ego version of the world.

But there are unseen forces at work in the world my friend and the heart knows all about those forces. Meditation, combined with a hunger for truth and a disillusionment with the material world, leads one to the doorway of these unseen forces.

By: Terri Sun, 23 Apr 2017 19:10:58 +0000 The joy of children who naturally understand what life is about can teach us so much. This is why Jesus talked about this, to remind us Heaven is already here, in our hearts.
Jesus Blesses the Children
…14When Jesus saw this, He was indignant and told them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them.…

By: Terry Schiller Sun, 23 Apr 2017 19:02:03 +0000 in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman

whistles far and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it’s

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisabel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




balloonMan whistles

– E. E. Cummings

By: Terri Sun, 23 Apr 2017 18:59:07 +0000 Joy to the World! Thanks for sharing your joy and having the courage to do so! This is the way its supposed to be.

By: Terri Sun, 23 Apr 2017 18:57:03 +0000 Thank Oliver, that was a great article. How brave of Rep Buck to let the people know about this, so they can do something about it. Such fraud and racketeering! They should all be in jail.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch is another who is informing the people about all the corruption and they are taking action and are worth supporting.

By: Oliver Manuel Sun, 23 Apr 2017 18:52:14 +0000 On 13 June 1936, exactly four months before I would be born on the otter side of the world, a nineteen-year old student student at the Imperial University of Tokyo – KAZUO KURODA – realized a logical error that Drs. CARL von WEIZSACKER & JAMES CHADWICK made in 1935 in rejecting the suggestion by Prof. ERNEST RUTHERFORD, the father of nuclear physics in 1920 that about half of the mass of ordinary atoms is compacted electron-proton pairs that RUTHERFORD correctly called “NEUTRONS:”

The rest of this sad story is the betrayal of the public by the united nations and the united national academies of sciences after these were combined under the UN on 24 Oct 1945, and seventy-two of humanity’s enslavement to hide powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction” that Nobel Laureate FRANCIS WILLIAM ASTON reported in rest masses of ordinary atoms in 1922.
