Comments on: Ann Coulter UC Berkeley clash reveals massive covert op Mon, 01 May 2017 19:41:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: CPP Mon, 01 May 2017 19:41:06 +0000 I’ll leave you to your rhetorical gymnastics in trying to deny her obviously poisonous character.

Re. Jones, I don’t know how to tie crazy shoes.

Oh, and he apparently went on to blame George Soros for spreading this performer idea when it came through his own lawyers. […]

By: Greg C. Sun, 30 Apr 2017 14:56:09 +0000 It’s more subtle than acting. Putting on a persona is really what everyone does, consciously or subconsciously. The difference is, most of us adopt a persona that protects us in some way. We all put our game face on when we go to work, and other public places. We put our virtual game face on when we communicate online. What most people can’t stand is when someone adopts a persona that is designed to irritate or draw angry responses from certain corners. It’s not acting – when it is done anonymously, we call it trolling. We can invent ourselves, and we do, whether we acknowledge it or not.

Put yourself in AJ’s shoes. He has gone through a turbulent year in his home life, things are not exactly normal there. So he evaded the “gotcha” question rather than risk a wrong answer in court.

By: CPP Sun, 30 Apr 2017 06:45:33 +0000 “I like Ann Coulter”…Oh dear. She’s not that good of an actor. No one is.

Speaking of AJ’s persona, I hear it came up in his custody battle recently, where his high-priced lawyers argued that his being an unhinged maniac on air was just “performance art.” Of course then he had to run damage control when people started calling him out as being fake. He also apparently said in court that he couldn’t remember his kids’ ages and grades because he had had a big bowl of chili for lunch…WTF!? (I have to credit Josh Reeves of The Global Reality for this hilarious info.)

By: arcadia11 Fri, 28 Apr 2017 21:38:09 +0000 like. thanks.

By: Greg C. Fri, 28 Apr 2017 16:09:27 +0000 I like Ann Coulter, because she, and Milo, and Alex Jones, have consciously adopted a narcissistic persona for a good purpose. Trump understood it early on, that in order to be successful in his business, he had to have a huge ego. So he cultivated it. All of these people are not arrogant, abusive, and manipulative to people in general. They can switch off their game persona around family, friends, and non-competitors when the camera is off. I think that is healthy – just as it is healthy for a doctor to learn to be coldly calculating when cutting into a human being, when that same trait would be murderous in anyone else.

With people like the Clintons, they do the reverse. They have the nice persona in public, and reserve their narcissism for when the cameras are off. When you actually do harm to people – rape, murder, defame, steal (real criminal theft) – now you have a problem. You have good reason to be ashamed, so you cultivate the nice persona, and manipulate other people to go along with the act. Big difference between the criminal mind and the successful artist or businessman. You’ve gotta make that distinction.

By: CPP Fri, 28 Apr 2017 05:34:04 +0000 That may be, although there seem to be many of both around. Many in politics and the world of celebrity are much more narcissistic than your average person. Ann Coulter exhibits this character corruption to a very obvious and extreme degree, for those who can recognize it. She displays a total incapacity for empathy, and a stark inability to be self-critical. All emotion is drained out and replaced with a mask of righteous posturing. She’s a provocateur, entirely absorbed in seeing her reflection in the reactions of others.

It’s not like the left is without its own… Bill Maher comes to mind.

Then there’s this on Hillary:

And here’s an interesting piece I read years ago: “Michael Moore as a symptom of the culture of narcissism” (And this [Moore] is the guy who called Trump a “malignant narcissist”…I guess he would know.):

(Note from that piece, considering your reply to my comment under “Insane shrinks…”: “If we could talk in the language of ethics rather than of medicine, we might say that personality disorders comprise patterns of knowing, evil conduct.”)

By: arcadia11 Thu, 27 Apr 2017 04:54:18 +0000 thanks. this was the only laugh i had all day.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 27 Apr 2017 03:27:05 +0000 Lol Jon, Ann Coulter, come on now?

If there was any “justification” for censorship, she would be it.


By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 26 Apr 2017 19:45:44 +0000 David, the communists were at UC-Berkeley in 1962-64, but I was too stupid to see that they had taken over “Consensus Scientific Models of Reality until Climategate emails surfaced in Nov 2009 and then a UC-Berkeley Professor tried to rescue the scoundrels.

By: joz Wed, 26 Apr 2017 17:28:32 +0000 Don’t want to listen to her…. Don’t! No one is demanding or forcing you! But don’t deny her the right to free speech!
