Comments on: How would you feel if your doctor were bribed to give you a drug? Sun, 30 Apr 2017 05:11:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Whitehead Sun, 30 Apr 2017 05:11:21 +0000 Jon, great reporting and I just don’t get it. Why do people still get taken in by this. Waaaay back many years ago I read that THOUSANDS of people each year were harmed and even killed by legally prescribed drugs. It was called “the other drug problem”. Not only that, it was reported that thousands more were harmed, maimed and even killed by surgeons, doctors, hospitals, etc for a total of about 425,000 annually, more than all our wars and that American allopathic medical care is the third leading cause of death in our country. I said WHAT?? Don’t go there if you like living. As a result, I have seen an MD only five times since 1970! I am 74 years old in excellent health using vitamins, chiropractic, massage, good food and common sense! If more people did that, this drug problem would die for lack of interest. No one would buy their toxins. Keep up the good reporting. I’m sure you wake up more people along the way. I catch you on Fade To Blacktoo. ????????

By: miguelhud Sat, 29 Apr 2017 20:42:06 +0000 Jeri,

The Statins have been proven to be a sham now too.

The cholesterol issue was a bogus selling point for that class of drugs, which are not without problems.

By: mysticalraven Sat, 29 Apr 2017 16:02:56 +0000 Reblogged this on The Mystical Raven and commented:
It’s imperative that we wake up and understand how royally we are being SCREWED by Big Pharma, in collusion with the AMA. Learn to question everything and try to go to neutral sources before swallowing anything Big Pharma has to sell. TMR

By: elliottjab Sat, 29 Apr 2017 11:29:42 +0000 Now THAT also is truly a curiousity. But once all particulars are known – can anyone stand responsible? It’s madness – isn’t it…? ????

By: Jeri Jones Sat, 29 Apr 2017 00:16:38 +0000 My husband had stent placement in 2005. At the time, a specific “coated” stent was highly encouraged, but within a year, there were all kinds of articles discouraging their use. He has been basically healthy since, but his Cardiologist retired and he has had no follow-up for around 10 years. Recently, he was seen by a different one, essentially to have a cardiac work up. Passed all tests with no issues. However, as soon as the doc came in with his results, he DEMANDED to know why my husband wasn’t on statins. He explained he tried different meds, but couldn’t tolerate them, and hadn’t taken any for over 10 years. Husband called insurance and asked for a different cardiologist recommendation. When he saw THAT one, the same thing happened. Rude doctor who warned him he was living dangerously. The truly amazing part of this story? NO ONE has taken a cholesterol level for over a decade. But PUSH the meds….

By: Sam Nelson Fri, 28 Apr 2017 16:00:52 +0000 Thank you so much, Jon.

By: Jaanko J Fri, 28 Apr 2017 15:02:28 +0000 Jon – again – bull’s eye- every one of your subscribers should be passing on this information to their social networks. NPR’s article which includes a link to Dollars for Docs’ should be spread far and wide. It is a great tool for empowering patients and the public to hold their medical practitioners accountable. Great work! AB

By: Jaanko J Fri, 28 Apr 2017 14:56:09 +0000 As a former research scientist with a large international not for profit working with the likes of Novartis, GSK, Merck, and Welcomme Trust, I cannot dispute anything in this article. I will though, note that there are many dedicated physicians, and research scientists and public health practitioners who work for these companies, myself included, will caution, do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Many medicines, when used correctly, do continue to save lives. This does get over-shadowed in the anti-pharmaceutical rhetoric. We strongly support the complementary medicine movement.

By: flyinggabriel Fri, 28 Apr 2017 09:07:48 +0000 Some months ago at an appointment with a General Practioner, a discussion developed along these lines whereby she stated unequivocally “Most Doctors are simply salesmen for pharmaceutical companies.” Once I had balanced myself back on the chair, we continued and I departed with some dietary advice, including some recipes downloaded off the internet.The down side is she was a visiting locum whom I’m unlikely to encounter again. But it was a glimmer of hope shining from the dark recessess of a Health Dept clinic.

By: Rixta Francis Fri, 28 Apr 2017 06:43:17 +0000 The pharmaceutical industry spends about $40,000 a year PER DOCTOR. Every year again. To make sure that the doctors prescribe their products. Any doctor who accepts gifts of any kind is bribed. Though many might not even realise it. The only objective doctors are those who refuse to talk to or accept gifts from pharm reps. But they are pretty rare.
