Comments on: Occult systems: the trick behind them Tue, 02 May 2017 00:48:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bruce Tue, 02 May 2017 00:48:49 +0000 Great post. Thank you Mr. Rappoport. I suspect that the single, greatest occulted piece of knowledge is simply, “every life has infinite value”. This fact has been well hidden. If we knew and understood this one fact, earth would be a much better, safer place to raise our children.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Fri, 28 Apr 2017 20:02:07 +0000 Frightened world leaders, bureaucrats and “consensus-scientists” who hid Aston’s (1922) discovery of powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction” in rest masses of ordinary atoms to “save the world from nuclear annihilation” after WWII now have an incurable “God-complex.”

By: F Gregg Meagher Fri, 28 Apr 2017 15:44:09 +0000 If you are talking about ‘Being’ from the point-of-view or Being as Self, what you are stating about ‘Consciousness’ is correct. However, coming from the mentally-perceived and mechanically programmed point-of-view or beief-to-be ‘human’ (person), then there is a ‘Key’ that must be found within in order to reopen the Bridge or Gateway between a man-ufactored mind and virtual existence of being and True Being.Many of these “occult” factions are, in fact, designed to imprison ‘man’ within his mentally perceived existence and relationship with the Physical (the MANTRIX), Meanwhile, on the other hand, there are those legitimate ones, which seek to provide a path or guidance for ‘man’ that wil open the Path Gateway to the Pure Knowledge of True Being within Self; with “Self” being or two very real factions: perceived ‘man’ in his virtually programmed existence; and True Being. I believe what is necessary within ‘Humanity’ is the division of the “Occult” into two or more sectors or classifications: one being ‘Dark and Imprisoning’; and the other being “Light and Reawakening”. By doing so those evolving within Our Unique Occult Dimension and Reality … would easier identify those wntities that are “dark occult” from those, which are “Consciousness Bearing”. Obviously, and unfortunately, Pure Knowledge of ‘True Being’ comes directly from the Origin of Being; and thus, one must identify their True Being to identify “Pure Knowledge” and allow Consciousness to prevail.

By: Tim Fri, 28 Apr 2017 14:56:34 +0000 People are ripe for all kinds of systems, occult or other, in part because humans are social creatures. Individualism is necessary, as well as social contact. If the social contact is informed by the kinds of things that Jon writes about, then it can be in context of ‘no cons’. No con artistry, no coercion, no manipulation.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Fri, 28 Apr 2017 14:03:43 +0000 I agree, Jon. The joyful journey of continuous discovery is the destination.

I admire and deeply appreciate your ability to communicate that message to today’s troubled society.
