Comments on: Why isn’t there a medical Edward Snowden? Wed, 08 Jul 2020 15:24:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justawhoman Wed, 08 Jul 2020 15:24:11 +0000 Hear! Hear! Thanks for your contribution.

By: JAH Wed, 08 Jul 2020 15:19:21 +0000 I think people working in medicine and science related fields are left in doubt about what will happen to them if they blow the whistle. Not just them, either, their families too. Say their mother is in hospital and they’re considered to be a risk for the cabal then their mother doesn’t come out of the hospital alive. It’s a big ask for these people, particularly if, as you say, they’re going to be ignored and attacked. I think, however, with the COVID-19 hoax, the cabal have bitten off more than they can chew and people are going to come after them like never before.

By: Kathleen Maynard Tue, 20 Mar 2018 14:31:15 +0000 I read the above response from doctorsn1, and it’s an excellent response, but it doesn’t explain why there aren’t at least some “deathbed”-type revelations. I’m a healthcare whistle-blower and have discovered that, as you note, healthcare is run by the Temple (freemasonry). I suspect freemasonry has a similar rule as North Korea, that any “treasonous” crime is punished for 3 generations–the “criminal”, his/her children, and his/her grandchildren..

And I would not be surprised if North Korea actually adopted the rule from the Temple as you call it (and the mafia as others call it–Google “mafia” “freemasonry” and “Italian Parliament” to read about the investigative report of the Italian Parliament which stated basically that the mafia=freemasonry). Please read my Facebook whistle-blowing blog, “UF Health Shands Hospital Gainesville Florida-Unofficial”.

By: conartistocracy Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:17:12 +0000 I shouldn’t think many members of the elite suffer from medical malpractice. Perhaps the rest of us are just experimental subjects.

By: doctorsn1 Sat, 13 May 2017 01:59:49 +0000 As a past and present innovator and a past whistleblower in the medical profession I can tell you why there are no Snowdens there, at least within institutional orthodox medicine. The first line of defense is the “terminate not-for-cause” clause in almost every hospital or corporate medicine contract. Failing that, there’s the sham peer review, where an administrator makes false allegations against the physician in collaboration with the administration’s retained counsel and whatever physician can be found who’s in competition with said whistleblower and who’s willing to tank the whistleblower’s career for the sake of furthering his own financial and political aims. Failing that, administrative traps with regard to privilege renewal or some such come next, and even the failed allegations from the sham peer review can be recycled to the State Medical Board and the National Practitioner Data Bank. Even if the Board inquisition is won, which I did, the false allegation lodged with the Data Bank can never be erased, and it follows you everywhere you go. Then there’s the rumor mill and the marginalization machine, which all your ex-colleagues allow to roll on even if they don’t participate because they are distracted by the quest for the almighty dollar and their own status within the medical community.

The only option left open to you ultimately is to leave town, as if that really made any difference because your besmirched record, real or not, follows you everywhere. I’ve spoken to an advocate for such physicians who told me that these are invariably the best of the best, with zero malpractice histories and thousands of happy patients acquired over the prior decades, and that about 20% of them commit suicide. As far as retrieving what you had worked for all of your life, both for yourself and for those you serve, you may as well have committed suicide.

That’s why there are no Snowdens within organized medicine. This pattern is official policy, it is business-as-usual and the go-to plan for dealing with either competitors or would-be whistleblowers. I actually completed the filming of a documentary on the subject with a number of other physician-victims, but in post-production the financing fizzled for whatever reason. I imagine you can see the potential for inertia in this system…

By: marengeti Tue, 09 May 2017 17:57:43 +0000 Sure, would love learn more, on anything than can in any way help liberate us from big pharma! How may I contact you, I do not see an email contact?

By: arcadia11 Mon, 08 May 2017 20:03:20 +0000 it cannot be otherwise.

By: Sue Mon, 08 May 2017 18:08:52 +0000 And so we are coming to realize that what Dr. Albert Schweitzer stated is true (“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, Man will not, himself, know peace”), and what medical editor Hans Ruesch wrote (representing the words of ethical doctors and scientists whose observations he published): that vivisection of animals always leads to vivisection of people.

By: Kat Mon, 08 May 2017 03:46:14 +0000 Jon, Things are even worse than you can imagine. Surgeons involved in these research trials are given free reign. Guess it keeps the fed dollars coming in. We have found there are no limits and nobody is held accountable. Everybody collects their 30 pieces of silver and colludes and covers up the damages and deaths. The surgeon does business as usual, and continues to harm others. Patients have become “lab rats” and have no protection and no recourse. You think that harvesting body parts during a completely unrelated surgery (without patients knowledge or consent) is illegal, and any attorney would want to pick it up? Think again.

By: Kat Mon, 08 May 2017 02:56:02 +0000 I know somebody who got Lyme disease from a blood transfusion while in the hospital. I’ve been told that under the prior potus, there was something passed that does not allow donated blood to be screened, ( not even for HIV or aids.) Transfusion recipients beware.
