Comments on: Risperdal: the long and winding trail of crimes Mon, 31 Jul 2017 17:24:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Viktoria Sigrun Mon, 31 Jul 2017 17:24:20 +0000 Many thanks Jon for this valuable information.

By: MA in MO Fri, 02 Jun 2017 16:43:27 +0000 Agreed. Since the UN has been going through all kinds of organizations — Chamber of Commerce, Optimist, Masonic Lodge, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and many many more — to achieve their objectives, the President, Congress, and other legal legislative entities cannot stop their agenda.

By: P.Frank Sat, 20 May 2017 21:22:17 +0000 With a family member under psychicriac care I always wondered why they refuse to scan the organ they claim to be treating…the brain.

By: omdeva Sat, 13 May 2017 13:29:51 +0000 As a former practicing psychiatrist i left the field precisely because of all that Jon has indicated above. Writing endless prescriptions seemed to be my role in the system! That and meeting with an endless array of drug reps touting the latest, Godspeed you on your efforts to enlighten us all!

By: Psychopaths Rule the World Fri, 12 May 2017 11:55:54 +0000 Yeah. I checked out Gotzsche’s Twitter feed last night:

and he quotes Richard Dawkins for his slogan, which is a real bad sign: “There is no reason to believe in anything for which there is no evidence”.

The fact is that the mind can heal virtually anything that’s wrong with the body. However, the most important thing in that process is BELIEF.

There will be no evidence beforehand that a specific individual can heal themselves using only their mind, at least officially according to most Western scientists, despite the fact that that the drug companies have to test against the “placebo effect” in their own trials. Nevertheless, if a person BELIEVES they can do it at a very deep level, it may very well happen. Same with everything else a person sets out to do for the first time in their life.

If everyone thought like Dawkins, almost nothing new would ever be accomplished, and we would live in the cold, sterile, dreary world of people such as himself. The people who run the world from behind-the-scenes know this, which is why they promote people like him to “prominent” academic positions and throughout the media, while keeping the real knowledge to benefit themselves and weaponizing it against everyone else, then claiming it doesn’t exist.

If there is any benefit to a person from psych drugs, it is only the person’s BELIEF that they work.

[youtube/] watch?v=5kPPotbSRcA

So there is no need for them, or their terrible side effects:

[youtube/] watch?v=N57OTmM_OAw

How could they ever have been approved? This is how research is done is psychiatry:

[youtube/] watch?v=PreYCMkrLX8

[youtube/] watch?v=wIubT4J7g-o

Medicine should have been based, more than anything, on the fact that the mind can heal almost anything. And this can be used for a lot more than just healing people, because most of our lives should be creative and enjoyable, instead of just cleaning up the crap the psychopaths have dumped on us:

[youtube/] watch?v=n3XxbF9iZ2w

There is some very interesting information in the video below about this (see at 23:00), as well as what to DO about the huge number of problems being thrown at us by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. This is advanced stuff, and as the $cience of the world of someone like Dawkins is extremely limiting and conservative, he would likely immediately dismiss the entire video out-of-hand, and probably want the speaker locked up in a psych ward to make him “see the truth” (i.e. have his brain disabled to be as stupid as him):

[youtube/] watch?v=_yxTotA604M

Much of medicine would have been based on the then burgeoning field of sound and electromagnetic frequency therapy if this man (brace yourself for THAT picture, for some reason it pierces my soul more than any other image I have ever seen):

had not started the 100-year-fraud of Rockefeller pharmaceutical medicine in the early 20th century, responsible for probably hundreds of millions of deaths, and billions of people suffering needlessly.

See at 53:00 of this video for an example of what sound can do:

[youtube/] watch?v=jzpKm9QeLDo

Gotzsche may be wrong about cannabis (which the authorities have said will cause psychosis until recently, but are now contradicting each other ( vs ), even though Cathy O’Brien said it was the only thing the Bush mind-kontrolled slaves were not allowed to consume, because it would open up their minds).

Then of course there is this:

[youtube/] watch?v=5fhJvdHrxX8

And this:

[youtube/] watch?v=ZE1sUwY_q0k

However, there there is no doubt psychiatry is a deliberate genocide project. The drug companies have known for a very long time about the extremely harmful and lethal effects of their drugs, and that they do not help anyone except through “placebo”, but they push them harder and harder all the time.

For instance, by 1979, researchers found that antipsychotics actually increase vulnerability to psychosis by damaging the brain’s dopamine system (despite them still claiming TODAY that psychosis is a “dopamine imbalance”). In the 1990s, researchers found they enlarge the basal ganglia of the brain, and shrink the frontal lobes, thus causing both positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia”, which is a ridiculous concoction of many different types of problems that should never have been lumped together as a “disease”. So what did the Rockefeller-controlled drug industry do? They immediately gave the researchers a grant to produce an implant to ram into people’s brains to forcibly inject the drugs into them every day for the rest of their lives!

Also in 1979, they say “Inoculation of behavioral drugs [Ritalin] can speed the transition for the child (mandatory)”, as “the family unit must be carefully disintegrated, and state-controlled public education and state-operated child-care centers must be become more common and legally enforced so as to begin the detachment of the child from the mother and father at an earlier age.” This is to bring about a process of “benevolent slavery and genocide”, as outlined in the “25th Anniversary Edition” of the original 1954 “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”, which, guess who, the Rockefeller Foundation “got in on the ground floor” in 1948 to set up, and was presented at the first Bilderberg Meeting. Ritalin (actually just super-charged cocaine, which also changes the structure of children’s brains for the worse) has been around since the 1950s.

And in 2009, it was proven by Irving Kirsch in “The Emperor’s New Drugs” that SSRIs do NOTHING for depression, despite the drug companies hiding what they knew since 1978.

But apparently they were really happy about this in their boardrooms! I was thinking, how could they possibly be happy about that?

It turns out they had invented a new category, “treatment-resistant depression”, and are now saying that if someone is depressed, they need to take BOTH an antidepressant AND an antipsychotic, so the antidepressant will work! As usual, the drug companies blame the patient for their own fraud! And double the profits! (Actually more than double, as some antipsychotics have a 500,000% profit margin, making them the most lucrative drugs on the market.) I can never learn to think like these psychopaths. Antipsychotics are the most toxic drugs this side of chemo, and even the head of the NIMH admitted in 2013 they worsen psychosis:

Actually, they reduce recovery from psychosis from 80% to 5%.

Back to what medicine should be like:

[youtube/] watch?v=y-oizB2HE1o

In her instruction course on how to do the above, this woman warned her students to stay away from doctors and all their drugs and vaccines:

[youtube/] watch?v=tAR5FyqURrU

By: Rastafari Thu, 11 May 2017 22:53:16 +0000 i quit reading when the article mentioned cannabis (hashish).
proven to actually cause neurogenesis.
most helpful plant on earth, constantly made demon.
just like here, lump it in with other bad stuff.
brain dead zombies will read and nod their brain damaged skull, yes, yes.
and LSD was used for mind control until they discovered that it had no side effects.
in addition, it was curing alcoholism and other so-called mental illness.
that’s why you never hear of it anymore except for example, in this article where it’s lumped with alcohol.

cannabis is the cure.

By: rabbitnexus Thu, 11 May 2017 02:34:10 +0000 Too much for me to know where to begin. Thanks Jon.

By: Bunny Wed, 10 May 2017 18:16:58 +0000 Not only will they not use the word “cure” but they will sue anyone else outside of their cartel’s control who dares to use the word.

By: Tom Wed, 10 May 2017 14:45:07 +0000 Keep bringing this information to the surface Jon! More people need to read this kind of information, this kind of article needs to be out in the ether’s to gain momentum so we can abolish this crime. Thank you!

By: By Kevin Wed, 10 May 2017 14:32:36 +0000 Love Jon Rappoport. I hope history recognizes you for the amazing hero you are.
God bless and protect you.
