I discovered in MIT Professor Robley Evans’ 1955 textbook on “The Atomic Nucleus” in 1961,
and later learned that a 19-year old student had discovered at the Imperial University of Tokyo on 13 June 1936, exactly four months before I was born:
Between those two end points, I spent most my time using the high-sensitivity mass-spectrometer Prof. John Reynolds developed in 1957 to analyze and report supernova products from local element synthesis in samples of meteorites, planets, the Sun, the Moon, etc.
]]>My research mentor encountered the full force of this NAS group sixty-one years ago at the 1956 Annual Meeting of the AGU (American Geophysical Union).
That year Dr. Paul Kazuo Kuroda went to the Annual AGU Meeting to present evidence that natural nuclear fission reactors may have burned spontaneously on Earth about two billion years (~2 Ga) ago.
Kuroda was apparently publicly scolded by the chair for presenting calculations that Enrico Fermi himself had already discredited. Kuroda’s results were limited to a single page publication in 1956.
After scientists from the French Atomic Energy found and reported evidence in 1972 that a natural nuclear fission reactor had in fact burned ~2 Ga ago at the site of the Oklo uranium mine in Gabon, Africa, the late Dr. Dwarka Das Sabu and I travelled to the 1976 National AGU Meeting to report irrefutable evidence the Sun made our elements and birthed the solar system in a supernova explosion about five billion years (~5 Ga) ago.
The published schedule of speakers was changed at the last minute, an astrophysicist from Harvard was inserted into the program to speak (without abstract) before us on, “The supernova trigger for formation of the solar system,” falsely claiming that the data could be explained by material injected from a nearby supernova explosion.
Regretfully, it will be impossible to drain the swamp around Washington, DC without first relieving the US NAS of responsibility for future reviews of programs and budgets of federal research agencies.
. . . was hidden from humanity by a simple logical error in 1935:
Government scientists now create new lies each year to keep the public living in fear of the only place where life is known to have originated, evolved and thrived.
To escape the Matrix of fear, I will live in gratitude for the benevolence of Nature.