Comments on: Delusions about private property and the fantasy of equality Thu, 05 Jul 2018 21:07:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: cjohnson Thu, 05 Jul 2018 21:07:27 +0000 Bunny the issue is USC TITLE 8. at our birth’s in American States. We were made subjects of the US/ birth certificates. We have dual citizenship. The US CITIZEN can be rescinded at the age of majority. The you come back to America as a National. Nationals are tax exempt, have all rights restored and are exempt for U.S. Statues and codes. When you come back as a National, you can own land. U.S. CITIZENS are only visitors to America. They can own no land here. All Land here, belongs to Americans Only and all rights are reserved for land owners ONLY. Learn more, follow Anna Von Reitz blog. Live and be free. Study, USC TITLE 8. There’s a lot more, but that title is the perfect place to begin.

By: kenshohomestead Mon, 22 May 2017 18:41:02 +0000 Reblogged this on Kensho Homestead and commented:
“Here is utopia laid bare: the government and its partners, who are doing everything they can to limit, squash, and outlaw the individual right to own property, are the same force that is acting as the wondrous representative of all the people; surrender to this force; give it power to appropriate all property and hold it in trust, for that day when the population has risen to enlightenment, when the open sharing of “everything” is a natural impulse. Then victory will be ours.”

By: Terri Mon, 22 May 2017 04:37:26 +0000 May he who has not sinned cast the first stone, JB. i would surmise John Adams has contributed more positive to the world than you with your small cynical mind could ever come up with.
A wise person takes what is good and true and leaves the rest.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 21 May 2017 19:02:05 +0000 being aware of the agenda, i have frequently visited cynicism and despair. it is the siren call for the weary. but i always come back. as myself. thanks for the reminder of what it takes to carry on. it is needed every now and then for us all. you are very good at that.

much love –

By: arcadia11 Sun, 21 May 2017 18:47:07 +0000 yes.

By: Dana Doran Sun, 21 May 2017 15:24:17 +0000 And behind them are very rich attorneys….both sides.

By: wasntme Sun, 21 May 2017 13:07:15 +0000 Remember the golden rule.

By: JB Sun, 21 May 2017 12:28:45 +0000 What professions are older than prostitution?

Those that enjoin theft of property and the subversion of ownership.

By the reasoning presented in this essay the concept of “We the People” also is negated.

Who is this “we”? It wasn’t me, and it wasn’t any of my forefathers who immigrated here in the late 1600s, seeking a piece of dirt they could till without paying rent to LAND LORDS.

Of course many of those immigrants soon ran into trouble with the natives over the very concept of “ownership.” They brought the seeds of their own demise with them in the paradigms they lived by.

By: JB Sun, 21 May 2017 12:09:20 +0000 Who was it that authored the Alien and Sedition Acts, imprisoned people without due process (some dying in jail), who sought to control the words people spoke about the government and “his rotundity”? The fellow who first began in earnest the constrictions on freedom of speech and conscience at the Federal level?

John Adams; deceiver, control freak, pompous. Run out of office leaving smoke and fire in his wake.

By: mermaid19733 Sun, 21 May 2017 08:39:17 +0000 Everyone should research “the legal name game”. It’s all about the NAME you think is yours, but actually belongs to someone else and now you’ve become a surety/trustee. It’s subtle and diabolically ingenious and it’s done whilst we are infants through the birth (bond) registration process.
