Comments on: Read this one: it’s about over-crowding the space of your mind and rendering it inoperative Thu, 08 Jun 2017 03:19:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denise Anderstrom Douglass Thu, 08 Jun 2017 03:19:01 +0000 Thank you, Jon. You are a rare talent these days, and you write the truth.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 07 Jun 2017 09:50:37 +0000 Jon

Those that focus on the “packaging” rarely see the value of information,


By: Kevin Scott King Tue, 06 Jun 2017 13:54:51 +0000 Maybe the most important article you’ve written Jon. MSM is propaganda, it is Thought Control. If you constantly are consuming the thoughts of others, which is what ALL media is, then you never have time to ‘think’ for yourself. You are constantly ‘reacting’ to what you consume. If all we do is react then we are controlled by those we react to. Turn off your TVs, switch off the radio, put down your smartphone. All are extremely effective thought control devices. And knowing this fact does not make one immune from their effects if you continue to expose yourself to them.

Be still and know.

By: Ray Tue, 06 Jun 2017 00:40:18 +0000 I’m going to echo Jon on the benefits of logical thinking. I got my start when Ayn Rand was popular. Life got easier as I got older. And it still does.

As I expanded my learning on a popular subject, I knew I hit paydirt when I found a simple nugget of logical truth that a child could understand. Some examples:
Medicine: can’t build health by being poisoned.
Global Warming: cold air by any name cannot trap warm air. Heat flows from hot to cold.
God: a being that exists without energy means it doesn’t exist.
Fiat currency: a monetary system built on debt cannot stand.
Solar phobia: if the sun was harmful, we wouldn’t have bare skin.
Taxes: based on the assumption wealth is built by stealing from ourselves.
Politics: the expectation politicians know better than we do what’s best for us.

It took me decades to dig through piles of manure to get to insights like those. Many of them weren’t mine. But I recognized them when I saw them.

It continues to bother me to think of all the needless human suffering because people won’t think.

By: From Quebec Tue, 06 Jun 2017 00:27:51 +0000 George Carlin Exposing the media, the government ect.

By: truth1 Mon, 05 Jun 2017 21:20:38 +0000 I think all intelligent people learn that some stuff is not worth pursuing, and other stuff is. We need to be able to filter. This is not the same as shutting off all incoming data. Even the brain when we are new born, filters data. When our subconscious goes to work for us, it filters ideas and data, too.Its a natural and important process.

By: barn moose Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:51:32 +0000 Depends a lot on one’s native capacity for addressing a high volume of info at high speed, no?

Some suck the firehose with glee, while most sip best from a gentle stream in the garden.

By: memyselfnie Mon, 05 Jun 2017 13:17:27 +0000 Oh, I read every one anyway, Thank You so very much for writing em!
