Comments on: India: corruption scandals reveal a gaping hole in society Tue, 20 Jun 2017 02:19:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: crystalclear70 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 02:19:57 +0000 When they methodically took prayer out of the schools, took the Ten Commandments out of all Government buildings, the mention of Merry Christmas banned from many businesses and Hosp., Schools can no longer have Christmas productions… the country started down hill.
It’s been plummeting toward the bedlam we are seeing now for decades.
If we all are not speaking out, I don’t know how we can just stand by wringing our hands.

By: CPP Tue, 13 Jun 2017 21:54:37 +0000 I once heard a comedian say how, in India, bribery is so routine that if you go to bribe a cop he’ll ask if you want change.

By: Mohammed Cohen Fri, 09 Jun 2017 00:06:46 +0000 In comparison to India’s corruption, Clintons are just enrolling for the kindergarten classes! British colonist aka British Raj systematically induced with social engineering planning the seed of corruption in each and every segment of Indian society and played with it for almost 200 years during their occupation. After loosing India to Indians, compliments of Mr. Gandhi, Britishers made sure that the debilitating and cancerous structure of corruption is is highly developed and has become part of India’s DNA. Ever since the liberation from the genocidal clutches of the British criminals, India has achieved the level of corruption to a point where today’s Britishers are learning few things from India. The corruption is ingrained in India’s psyche that if one does not participate in this cancerous disease, chances of success in any area of interests would definitely face a guaranteed failure! Regardless how high or low one gets to do business in India, without corruption it is impossible to move one inch for any business in India. But now India has met its match by joining the trade, commerce and the national defense of India with world’s leader of deception… Israel. Since their eloping in last 20 odd years which has now bearing its fruits in today’s India with a high speed forward which is openly displayed to the world. Gaping holes in India’s diverse society have become a routine and no one seems to care about the open corruption. If India does not come to its senses, soon there will be many smaller “Wet Banks” appearing in India. Keep a good tab on Israeli activities in India to see it grow like the wandering jew… as we call the vine in South Africa that takes over and destroy its host by suffocating it from outside in!

By: Oliver K. Manuel Thu, 08 Jun 2017 21:05:38 +0000

The theme: “Can scientists examine Science?”. In reply, we have no option, selfish greed for government research grants has destroyed our way of life and destroyed the credibility of government science. We allowed it to happen and we

By: MA in MO Thu, 08 Jun 2017 19:31:31 +0000 Interesting. Very interesting. Over the course of the last few years there are have been many scientist, I think they all specialized in microbiology but not sure, that have mysteriously died. Yes there is an evil among us that is making things happen. We are truly living in the last days. May the Lord have mercy.

By: LMP Thu, 08 Jun 2017 19:22:47 +0000 An advanced reminder of what I was first awakened to in my early 20’s by a self-help book of all things. I had never before heard about the individual’s power to act when confronted in the most desperate of circumstances and oppression. I think about it when frustrated or tempted to complain: “What can I myself do right now?!”

By: Oliver K. Manuel Thu, 08 Jun 2017 17:04:16 +0000 I love and endorse the opening quote. I too have an abiding faith that society will recover, in part because I have experienced recovery in my own life. My wife and I plan to go to Nepal in August to share the story of recovery and hope at a conference on science and spirituality. I will try to find and post a link to the Conference.

By: Jennifer Thu, 08 Jun 2017 15:18:03 +0000 My thoughts exactly, Diane Wilson!

Yes, the individual is the key, but we would say an even greater key is the individual who asks for God’s guidance and who listens. That’s our conscience, of course.

When we were living in a housing complex our son played with the many children and he found them to be bullies, liars, and cheats, and oftentimes mean-spirited. After a problem we went to speak to the children and talked about the Ten Commandments. Not one child had heard of this, of these rules. It about blew me away. How can we ever hope to have decent societies without adherence to laws to guide us. However, too many laws as we have today is so very wrong.

By: Old Hickory Thu, 08 Jun 2017 14:56:02 +0000 Hi Jon! Thanks for the reminder! I needed it!

A name which comes to mind is Ellis Medavoy!

By: Diane Wilson Thu, 08 Jun 2017 14:27:49 +0000 Sounds like the Clintons.
