Comments on: Tiger Woods’ life is on the line: where is his doctor? Thu, 15 Feb 2018 22:46:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: artemisix Thu, 15 Feb 2018 22:46:14 +0000 She admits it one day then denies it the next……without the truth you have nothing, and she had lost reality…

By: artemisix Mon, 20 Nov 2017 03:53:33 +0000 I am so sorry that happened, my sister too is on that path…. and i do not know how to help her…..

By: Oliver K. Manuel Sun, 17 Sep 2017 02:38:56 +0000 Thanks for sharing. The 12 Step program saved my life and also led to an awakenig to the reality of a benevolent Higher Power

By: arcadia11 Sun, 27 Aug 2017 17:54:51 +0000 erwin and artemisix – i am heartfully sorry for your losses. i lost one brother. the others are
still here but have so many physical and emotional problems. they all switched from recreational drugs to the approved pharmaceutical versions (along with alcohol). my sisters, who do not consider themselves addicts because they have only ever used prescribed drugs and ‘necessary’ surgeries, well, you know…..

what grace and energy i have i impart to them and all struggling with such issues.

thanks for sharing your stories.


By: Erwin Alber Sun, 27 Aug 2017 14:24:40 +0000 My sister was addicted – until she took her life at the age of 40. The drugs had messed up her kidneys and endocrine system, so life for her was on a downward spiral and no longer worth living.

By: freebiesnowblog Sat, 17 Jun 2017 19:18:51 +0000 It is sad that Tiger has not been able to break free of the pain and addictions. But he needs help and move away from the past.

G-O-L-F really is

By: Eduardo the Magnificent Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:27:13 +0000 “Tiger is taking opiates because of the chronic and excruciating pain.”

There was an article about him several years ago that chronicled how he lived after his dad died. Turned out, he was pretty lost, so he wound up doing crazy things like training with Navy Seals: shooting high-powered rifles, doing combat simulations and jumping out of planes. That’s how he suddenly got jacked. Apparently he also ran several miles a day in combat boots, which definitely messed up his knees and his back. He was also socially awkward, and many of the mistresses and hookers he hired he used more to have someone to talk to than sleep with (not that he didn’t sleep with them too, but still). Tiger is a messed up dude. I don’t think either the public, the media or Tiger knows who he really is. We only know the persona his father carefully crafted for him. Which worked great, until his dad died. Drugs aren’t going to fix that.

By: Grace Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:49:02 +0000 There is an elite and they are behind professional sports and behind celebrities, like Tiger. If Tiger’s life has been a script, then his downfall is part of the script too. Hard to believe, and ludicrous on the surface, but very possible. I suggest leafing through Miles Mathis’ essays. Start with Steve Jobs. That one changed my world.

By: Grace Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:46:36 +0000 Thanks for giving a shout out to Miles !

By: Grace Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:44:39 +0000 Great! I didn’t see your comment until now, and I myself just posted above about Miles Mathis’ opinion on Tiger. I think Miles is onto something.
