Comments on: Medical drug effects in a world organized on Scarcity Thu, 22 Jun 2017 14:40:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Reginald Tyler Thu, 22 Jun 2017 14:40:55 +0000 The push towards organic( solutions) for cosmic and imaginative disorders has been a hallmark of the scientific community for too long.We as a species and as individuals must return( for our own good) to nature for our medicinal needs as well as for our nutritional needs.The planet does not need us to survive we need the earth(planet) to survive the onslaught that is in motion.We should also recognize that the source of the restorative powers inherent in the planet comes from a creative entity and this entity has the best interest of humanity at its core.

By: betty Fri, 16 Jun 2017 18:14:51 +0000 A friend of mine who is a life long nurse and I were talking this morning about natural cures for things, She told me that medical people including herself are forbidden to recommend any natural cure to any patient, if caught she would loose her job, licence, and the right to work in her field. All medical people should sue the AMA for their loss of free speech. These people are harming and killing people on a daily basis Isn’t it time the medical community stood up for free speech?

By: Suzie Qs Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:42:26 +0000 I think Maria’s point is, not the specific health issue, but the effect of the drug she had taken for so many years. The drug caused more symptoms than the original issue and, when she got off of the drug and turned to a naturally holistic way, her life dramatically improved.

Everyone needs to find what works for them and, from what I’ve seen from 90% plus of the people around me, drugs are doing more harm and, as Jon shows, ending lives prematurely.

I often get ridiculed at work (surrounded by countless number of diabetics, etc) when I don’t go to a doctor, but figure out my natural path of healing. I quietly smile inside and sadly have had to go to too many funerals.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:20:31 +0000 I have never lost it…we think on similar lines.
Everyone wants to ride your transformer.
The mega-mind sits atop a collection of organisms that has found symbiosis, in the creation of you.
Being a human is not what most understand it to be. I agree; stopping viruses from coming on board earth’s ship you and helping with your evolution, stops evolution.
We are getting weaker as a species…off course they know this. The life management people.

By: Thx1138 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 20:13:26 +0000 I had to look it up:

RRMS – the most common disease course – is characterized by clearly defined attacks of new or increasing neurologic symptoms. These attacks – also called relapses or exacerbations – are followed by periods of partial or complete recovery (remissions). During remissions, all symptoms may disappear, or some symptoms may continue and become permanent. However, there is no apparent progression of the disease during the periods of remission.

Please don’t assume that everyone knows what your particular acronym stands for.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 16:47:46 +0000 definitely food for thought. for hungry people. thank you.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 16:40:06 +0000 and bravo to you as well, maria.

By: will iam Tue, 13 Jun 2017 11:11:07 +0000 interesting comment, thank you!

By: Maria Peccorini Tue, 13 Jun 2017 05:09:27 +0000 Just wish to comment that I resonated w/ this blog intensely. I was diagnosed w/ RRMS over 25 years ago & have worked both like a dilettante & zealot off & on for that amount of time.
Other than a drug (Copaxone), which supposedly was to “manage my exacerbation’s”, that I took for 22 years, until recently, I stayed away from all other drugs except medical marijuana. I stopped taking the MS Manager as I’ve dealt w/ chronic constipation for all that time & since I’ve stopped, I’ve gotten better.
The drugs available for most chronic illnesses, in my opinion, seem to systematically cause more symptoms, than relieve them . I firmly believe that this the reason why so many people I know also are either dead now, or dying, is because they chose the “road” more often traveled. I feel more than a survivor at times, despite feeling the frustration of being a “lone wolf” amidst a of sea of others who may seem to fall into deep despair from the choice of “standard treatment”. Other than Medical Cannabis Sativa, I plan to work til I die, being “pharmaceutical-prescribed FREE”

Bravo to you Jon, for telling it like it is!

By: ItisMe Mon, 12 Jun 2017 19:57:30 +0000 Bacteria and Viruses make up the connection/bridge of communication between our body and our Mind.
Conscious and sub-conscious communication..

In the event of being taken out of our evolutionary system {Just as the medical establishment has done by injecting fear into us concerning our MicroBeings and in turn taken over the role that the bacteria and viruses previously engaged in} i.e.Copyright infringement
We unknowingly have compromised our own evolution of Self-Healing.

Bacteria and Viruses bridge the communication between our thoughts and our Body, through electromagnetic communication…Our Belief System installed within each of us , is the blueprint from which these micro beings carry out their processes….Want Proof of Research …

Look at DNA programmed by words-
“One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.
This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.”

Electron-eating bacteria…

“Bacteria that has remarkable dexterity in obtaining energy and is able to take cues from the environment to employ photoautotropic, photoheterotrophic, chemoautotrophic, or chemoheterotrophic metabolism.”

Bacteria were exposed directly to an electrode, they were readily able to uptake the electrons and convert them into energy using carbon dioxide as an electron acceptor. {Take away the source that converts CO2 and you get a Greenhouse Effect!!!!} i.e. antibiotics

Magnetotactic bacteria.

Magnetite-producing magnetotactic bacteria are usually found in an oxic-anoxic transition zone (OATZ), the transition zone between oxygen-rich and oxygen-starved water or sediment.

Our Self-talk creates the “Blueprint” from which our microorganisms within respond to…If we set up a system that disempowers them. We are also setting up a system that is susceptible to Disease instead of DIS-EASE. The source of All Medical Establishment’s so-called Discoveries, are from Observation and Analyzing Our Microrganisms…Setting us into fear of them and STEALING the Actions and processes from them and thus our self-healing power from Us!!! Under the disguise that They {the medical establishment} Are Our Heroes And the microorganisms are to be feared and gotten rid of. Identiy Theft

Talk about selling your soul to the Devil…..We are Energy-Based Beings …Interconnected at ALL LEVELS…

To be Used as Guinea Pigs While we are Programmed and Taken advantage of financially was NOT IN The Picture…. A STAGE Of development I can understand, BUT NOT CONTINUAL MANIPULATION OF OUR BODY MIND AND SPIRIT…And our Home..EARTH…

Do Your Own Research and Discover For Yourself…. Return Our MicroBeings Back To Their Rightful Place of Co-Creation. And Take Back Your Ability to Self-Heal.!!!!
