Comments on: Shocker: study unwittingly links vaccines to autism Mon, 26 Jul 2021 13:25:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: crystalclear70 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 02:48:53 +0000 I was NEVER sick when I was pregnant… in fact I was so healthy and glowing, everyone constantly remarked about it… nor were any of my friends who were pregnant.
You must eat GMO’s soaked inside and out with toxic pesticides and have a diet high in processed foods. You must take big pharma drugs which destroy all that makes people healthy.
I’ve never known ANYONE pregnant who was ever sick.
The mother’s immune system is heightened naturally by the Creator at times like these.
It’s mankind’s medical maniacal, pharmaceuticals that will make you sick.
If you are sick when you are pregnant, you are not giving your body the proper nutrition and immune support through herbs and plants the Father has given us.
You can change.

By: flyingcuttlefish Sun, 18 Jun 2017 18:34:18 +0000 Sent to me –

Add this to the Eugenics File:

A truly Through the Looking Glass Intent and Rationalization. This sounds like a Dodge to establish plausible disconnection of responsibility from the outbreaks that will be coming down the road due to the weaponization of this pathogen for application to human populations:

In 2014, a moratorium was placed on federally funded research which involved making flu viruses more lethal. The moratorium was placed after heated debate generated by research published by a Netherlands team, headed up by Ron Fouchier. Fouchier’s research had produced a strain of H5N1 which was able to go airborne, thus greatly enhancing its ability to spread. Fouchier focused on the transmission of the disease among ferrets, which are the lab stand-in for people.

Scientists Publish Recipe For Making Bird Flu More Contagious

Now, scientists in California have published research concerning enabling the human-to-human transmission of the bird flu virus H7N9. This virus strain is of concern to scientists as it has already infected 1500 people and killed 40% of them. H7N9 has not been known, however, to spread easily from human contact . . .

My, my, What A Good Boy Scout, “Be Prepared”:

. . . “According to Scripps biologist Jim Paulsen, as quoted in an NPR article, “As scientists we’re interested in how the virus works…. We’re trying to just understand the virus so that we can be prepared.””
A Few Genetic Tweaks To Chinese Bird Flu Virus Could Fuel A Human Pandemic

They Shoot This Arrow in the Air. It Falls to Earth, They Care Not Where.

By: Sara Sat, 17 Jun 2017 13:11:05 +0000 I’ve been pregnant 4 times and never found myself more prone to sicknesses during ride times. More recent research has shown that the pregnant woman’s immune system does react differently, but it is NOT lowered.

By: mimb Fri, 16 Jun 2017 10:11:44 +0000 Yes – if effects were even slightly doubtful or unknown then the instruction was err on the side of caution unless the mother’s health was in danger.
I was not permitted my B12 injections for #1 and persuaded my GP to allow me a half vile dose for #2. [I eat a very good organic diet but have pernicious anaemia].

By: flyinggabriel Thu, 15 Jun 2017 06:46:21 +0000 You make a very valid point and make it well. I’ve heard more testimony of it’s effectiveness than I have looking deeper at this, thanks for the prompt. Of course there’s a myriad of reasons beyond just vaccines for taking it seriously. It’s modern diease that’s killing us not the old. Toxins are in everything.

By: no more vaccines - ever Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:29:15 +0000 dr suzanne humphries has written two books proving ALL vaccines are harmful to ALL people – she quit her job to write about this. She could no longer cover up the harm caused by vaccines on the kidneys, as her supervisors mandated. A very brave women, who would not be bought off for any title or money.

By: Tony Piastowski Thu, 15 Jun 2017 02:26:57 +0000 Dr Joel Wallach is a world renowned pathologist/many other degrees and he has very good videos about vaccines. Our bodies need 90 nutrients in optimal amounts for our weight everyday and if you are lacking in any of these nutrients you get problems. For instance, if your body had everything it needed the vaccine wouldn’t be able to cause this kind of harm. A lot of these problems are reversible with avoiding toxic foods and supplementing with the 90 essential nutrients (16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 60 minerals and two fatty acids). Our soils are greatly degraded in nutritional value as well, making it impossible to get the required nutrition for the body through just eating healthfully (it takes 50 gallons of milk to absorb your daily need of calcium). We used to replenish our soils with wood ashes (Old European custom) and that is how we used to supplement our diets with minerals (burnt wood is minerals the tree sucked up from the ground) but now we obviously love round up and Monsanto. High processed food diets, lots of sugar, carbs, additives, preservatives, GMO, nutritional deficiencies, vaccines and that my friends is exactly what you don’t need to develop the human body.

By: amnesiaclinic Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:56:17 +0000 Brilliant.

By: skedaddle Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:52:02 +0000 I’m shocked that pregnant women are allowed, even encouraged, to take pharmaceuticals while pregnant. I was pregnant in the mid 1990s and doctors still said to take NO medications, NO vaccinations, no smoking, no alcohol, eat real food, etc. Pregnant women nowadays who wouldn’t dream of drinking a glass of wine ingest anti-depressants and every sort of drug without a thought because their doctors say it’s fine. They also eat the most astonishingly atrocious diet of junk “food” imaginable and then wonder why their babies have problems.

By: voza0db Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:29:28 +0000 Roger… Roger… Accumulation of Time, in your case, is not a sign of wisdom!

A vaccine is simply a way to induce the development of an infection/disease in an animal!

When the human animal body is invaded by virus/bacteria the immune-system reacts to the infection by rising the temperature of the body (one of the defense mechanisms of the organism)!

So why do you want more and more and more waste of paper, in the form of “studies” to acknowledge the basic?
