Comments on: Leftist celebs flirt with violence, get it on baseball field Tue, 20 Jun 2017 04:31:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elaine.Benis.Ii Tue, 20 Jun 2017 04:31:40 +0000 You are the first person who has ever said exactly what I think with regard to all of this. Thank you for putting what I most certainly believe is the truth out there so eloquently and precise.

By: arcadia11 Mon, 19 Jun 2017 21:54:15 +0000 an important observation. should not be taken lightly.

By: flyinggabriel Mon, 19 Jun 2017 21:05:55 +0000 While you’re splitting hairs don’t forget intent. Any man not in possession of all the facts (or should that be ‘every man?’) will be guilty of omission. There are also those ‘facts’ genuinely held to be so, which later prove to be otherwise.
It must come back to intent. Any deliberate omission or addition knowingly included in an effort to distort or manipulate what is known to be true – is a lie, however big all small. Conversely, there is very little when taken at face value, that cannot also be presented as an attempt at deception.
Knowing the differences is no small thing.

By: flyinggabriel Mon, 19 Jun 2017 20:45:12 +0000 “Oh they’ll talk to you and talk to you and talk to you about individual freedom, but when they see a free individual . . . they get scared.”

“Yeah well … it don’t make ’em running scared.”

“Nope . . . it makes them dangerous.”

By: truth1 Mon, 19 Jun 2017 20:04:55 +0000 Agreed! Its my opinion that all youtube “Alt Media” or maybe only 99% are agents in waiting to spring a lie. Some are doing it now.

By: truth1 Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:14:54 +0000 Oh the picture is getting clear now. You are quite the Trump advocate, for sure. Yes, and you have close connections with him, too. Objective? Unbiased? I suspect you received special help from President Trump and I am not finding any more fault with President Trump than any other previous president. And I hate the left and appreciated much of Trumps rhetoric. I truly did. But all presidents are actors and appointed by very powerful people. You had great things done for you, but that could have been for show. All politicians do that. I don’t fall for any of it. I was not born yesterday.

I predicted before the elections that no matter who went in, the result was going to be WW3 and I stick by that. And anyone who promotes world war is not a friend of mine.

By: Michael Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:08:34 +0000 “Half truth is still half lies, too.”….

I don’t think its half lies, its choosing information to slant a story a specific way. It’s a manipulation. I don’t think; and this is my opinion! That Jon would use lies…he might, he could. I don’t think he is that type of man. But there is sutle mind-control here, even if it is for a greater and more righteous purpose.

I guess there is truth to the adage; “He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. …” Friedrich Nietzsche

By: truth1 Mon, 19 Jun 2017 05:43:29 +0000 Michael, you have been on fire in this post. I really appreciate it and heartily approve of what you say.,

By: truth1 Mon, 19 Jun 2017 05:40:20 +0000 You are right Michael. Half truth is still half lies, too. To leave important info out or ignore it is a form of deception.

By: From Quebec Sun, 18 Jun 2017 20:38:13 +0000 Here is another one for you thrut1

Donald Trump saved my family: Widow’s daughter recalls how The Donald paid off her mom’s $300,000 mortgage after her father committed suicide
Betsy Sharp told a campaign rally that Trump paid off her mother’s farm mortgage in 1986 after her father killed himself
