Comments on: Facebook, the CIA, and the Clintons Tue, 13 Jul 2021 16:05:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: bleak (@bleak) Fri, 23 Jun 2017 23:04:27 +0000 Oh hell yeah. Thanks for posting. So Fuckerberg could be MK. Totally makes sense and ties with the Clinton’s/Bush’s.

Have you heard of Cathy O’Brien? She was MK victim allegedly rescued by CIA asset Mark Phillips. In her book, Trance: Formation of America, she really paints a picture of the Clinton’s (and Bush’s, Ford, Cheney and a bunch of less famous criminals) that is hard to erase from one’s memory after reading it.

By: bleak (@bleak) Fri, 23 Jun 2017 22:35:54 +0000 This is one of my questions as well. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA goes into great detail. OoP but still available I just ordered.

By: bleak (@bleak) Fri, 23 Jun 2017 22:09:00 +0000 “Most people have a problem looking at log-term ops. They conceive of covert actions taking place along severely limited time lines. That’s exactly what major operatives count on. They can plan in the dark for two or three decades ahead (or longer) and feel they’re in the clear.”

Indeed, it’s the long/big picture that they keep on the alter of Satan. “They” are always five moves ahead of the cognoscenti and five gazillion ahead of everyone else. At the end of the day/millenium it’s always “follow the money,” isn’t it.

By: bleak (@bleak) Fri, 23 Jun 2017 21:52:38 +0000 Uh, “highly strung” not only AJ I guess. Yeah, that means you, Mason Boy. Leave Jon alone. He writes what he wants to write and when he wants to write it. He’s been doing that probably from before you were born. I personally glean more from one of his articles than anyone possibly could from your rantings. Maybe you just lack the intuitiveness and foreknowledge to get what he’s saying. Trump? Yeah, sure ya dumb ass. You have no earthly idea and THAT is the truth.

By: nexusxyz Fri, 23 Jun 2017 07:07:26 +0000 Go look up the legal case Leader Industries versus Facebook. He is a myth and the Hollywood film is an even bigger myth

By: Klaus Schiffler Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:08:32 +0000 Just out of curiosity. What type and what names are the weapons the CIA manufactured in Arkansas? And where were or are the location(s) of the plant(s)? Do we have the names of workers employed there? I hope one of them was not Larry Nichols.

By: Michael Wed, 21 Jun 2017 06:18:00 +0000 To/From Quebec…

You’ll read my comment, you’re a french woman for god sakes…

Oh yes you will, I know your type…you see I am married to a french woman; their so passionate, firey. French women. They always read the comments. And your curiosity will make you read mine. I’ll bet the dog on it, and I love my dog and don’t want to lose him. Of course you can write me back if you didn’t, and I’ll be proved wrong.

I’m not bothered by censors like yourself. That’s the problem with this left/right thing, no one listening, no talking. Censoring each other. Throwing insults.

Ban me would ya, see that difference between me and you, I believe in freedom, and I wouldn’t ban you, even though I disagree with you, because I learn from people like you. You think I insult Jon, lol. You’re a shallow one. 

You idolize people; Donald Trump and Jon Rappoport. You see them above yourself. I see them as equals. 

I’ll tell ya story:

“In fact, back in 1997, when the Donald Trump version of the tale was still relatively new, Trump’s office was actively denying its truthfulness of the story:

The implausible story making the rounds at Toronto doughnut shops is that somebody’s newphew’s friend’s cousin, Joe, was driving down Highway 401 in his pickup truck when he spotted a white stretch limousine, with its hood up, on the shoulder.

Joe, being a good Samaritan, stopped to help. Within minutes, he got the limo running and a grateful driver asked for Joe’s card so he could send him a little something.

“Nah,” Joe said. “It was nothing. I was just trying to be helpful.”

The driver insisted, so Joe gave him a card and forgot about it. A week later, he got a call from his bank informing him that his $160,000 mortgage had been paid off by Donald Trump, who was a passenger in the limo.

“We’ve heard the story,” said an irritated-sounding assistant of Mr. Trump’s at his New York office. “No, it isn’t true.”

There is a lot of urban myth From Quebec, but then there is truth; what you see, and hear, and feel, taste and touch, and what you can deduce and intuit; what with critical thinking you can gain from that logical analysis, and the facts.

I’m sorry that your mind is so closed to anything other than what you believe…

By: barn moose Wed, 21 Jun 2017 04:09:21 +0000 “Since Facebook went public with an IPO (Initial Public Offering) of stock in 2012, I’ve been following the trail of its stock price.”


“This has the earmarks of classic shakeout and squeeze play… First, [insiders] drive down the price of the stock, then they trade it at low levels that discourage and demoralize public investors, who sell their shares…As the stock continues to tank, the insiders quietly buy up as much of it as they can. Finally, when the price hits a designated rock bottom, they shoot it up all the way to new highs and win big.”

Question is, did he profit by his insights, did he invest in the stock?

Would that be hypocritical (a la Celene’s “You can’t survive without being a hypocrite most of the time.”)?

Or Robin Hood-ish (“steal” from/with the rich to fund one’s work in exposing them)?

By: From Quebec Tue, 20 Jun 2017 22:20:29 +0000 You are lucky that I do not own this website, because I would ban you.
Insulting Jon like you do daily, shows who you really are. A brainwashed know nothing idiot..

Do not bother responding, I wont read your clueless comment.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 18:58:21 +0000 celene & michael. i like what both of you wrote.

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” v lenin

it was certainly more than one generation, but with the mind control tech available of late the inbreds are reaping their reward. hopefully, it did not work on a great many.
