Comments on: Shocker: some things are learned for their own sake; not for “application” Mon, 10 Jul 2017 06:46:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: artemisix Mon, 10 Jul 2017 06:46:27 +0000 Wow, Mr. Rappoport , it is like you lived my life in another dimension. Much appreciate this…

By: Michael Burns Sun, 25 Jun 2017 17:45:52 +0000 Postscript:
Lol, as soon as I completed the above comment, I moved on to Corbetts site.
This met me as I arrived…far too funny.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 25 Jun 2017 17:30:50 +0000 Yes, escaped, but at what price…

By: Greg Simay Fri, 23 Jun 2017 00:22:59 +0000 Hi Michael,
I’m not a student of Sumer, though back in ’14 the British museum had some wonderful Sumerian exhibits. Haiku is just one way I try to pay attention to and appreciate my (new) rural Michigan surroundings. Here’s another haiku that owes itself to a pleasant summer day on a nearby lake:

Puffy summer clouds…
stepping stones across the sky
for the light hearted.


By: arcadia11 Thu, 22 Jun 2017 21:01:33 +0000 yet…here you are telling the story.
it would seem that some escaped the worst.

By: Michael Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:57:42 +0000 She is a fire-cracker, isn’t she; I like her.
University has become a sewer filled with the zombies of the Frankfurt school.

So many have believed the Nazis lost the war. They did’nt…
Gehlen, with his evil side kick Dulles invented the CIA which gave us MKUltra. Marcuse applied it like a Bernay’s.

I.G Farben became Bayer and taught Monsanto and the rest..
Science filled up with paperclips, and I have known that those psychological misfits, and the atheistic jews to boot have been the real shard in the mind of America.

The Frankfurts who could’nt fine a home because they were Jews sucked the mind out of the baby-boomers, the CIA stole their soul. And the new and improved Nazi inspired corporation stole their money.

We are a hollowed out shells of what we could be. manufactured humans…Lukac, Horkheimer, Marcuse. Aldopho, Spock and the rest of their prodigy turned American brains to butter.

The left is the perfect prcurser to the Huxley vision. Of course the disease is also on the right now, I have recently learned. They will all fit so well, into that Matrix.
Things are going along just fine.

By: Michael Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:28:06 +0000 Nice imagery…

Are you a student of Sumer?

By: Michael Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:25:36 +0000 Are you sure the test did’nt make a mistake…maybe it was 13..the abstract is a hallmark of real intelligence.
Poetry for the mostpart is an abtraction.
Abtractions are inventions of consciousness; they allow us to build neural pathways without experience, without sensory input, but rather by imagination the well-spring of genius.
In a sense, the thinker creates his own mind. His own brain, he imparts neuro-genesis.

To write and read poetry is the martials arts of consiousness. It lets us reach out past the boundaries of the five horses attached to the chariot with a reinless rider.

To use only the left side imparts an atrophy on the right and soon you become SteveFFFFF O and not a Steven, or a Steve. Possibly a Stephen, or Stefanus Stepane Stefan Stephano

or even….Esteban.
Waste of time, really Stevie. Keep searching.

By: SteveFFFFF 0 Thu, 22 Jun 2017 07:03:48 +0000 I don’t like poetry at all, I test at 130 IQ. Just say what you want who needs all the metaphors or whatever. Learn whatever you want on your own but don’t waste time and money for college unless only being trained for a specific occupation all other courses a waste and state propaganda.

By: Greg Simay Thu, 22 Jun 2017 05:55:00 +0000 Cuneiform geese
wedging across wet clay skies,
inscribing winter.
