Comments on: Manipulating information is manipulating space and time Wed, 28 Jun 2017 11:37:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Doud Wed, 28 Jun 2017 11:37:45 +0000 Synthetic Telepathy

Place an electrode on the skin of your throat, just below the larynx.
Monitor the electrophysiological signals.
Refer to a Sound Chart and its atomic elements: consonant sounds and vowel sounds.
Enumerate the consonant sounds, recording the electrophysiological signals for each.
Enumerate the vowel sounds, recording the electrophysiological signals for each.
Now, subvocalize or silently mouth the words.
Pattern match the atomic electrophysiological signals against the compound electrophysiological signals.
Voila! Synthetic Telepathy.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Fri, 23 Jun 2017 11:59:11 +0000 N-N repulsion in tritium is stronger than P-P repulsion in He-3. But N-N repulsion in Mg-26 is weaker than P-P in Al-26 so the reverse beta decay occurs spontaneously.

By: Thx1138 Fri, 23 Jun 2017 06:04:55 +0000 I’ll reiterate that the notion of space-time is a complete mathematical fallacy. Newspapers and television or any other propaganda tool can only change the perception of space and time and cannot actually change the physical existence of either one.

Some people think that magic is real. It is only real in one sense in that it is deception and nothing else.

By: Thx1138 Fri, 23 Jun 2017 05:58:27 +0000 I completely disagree. The sun is not powered internally by Fusion processes powered by gravity but is instead powered by electricity externally originating from electric currents from our galaxy and from the entire universe.

Nuclear weapons are a hoax perpetrated on the people of the world by wartime propagandists.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Thu, 22 Jun 2017 17:11:40 +0000 Agreed

By: Oliver Manuel Thu, 22 Jun 2017 13:38:17 +0000 Fear of world-wide nuclear annihilation after WWII seems to have convinced world leaders to hide the source of energy in atomic bombs after WWII, but this is also the source of energy in the Sun that made our element ~5.1 Ga ago and sustained the origin and evolution of life on Earth after ~4 Ga ago, Neutron-repulsion.

Earth orbits just 1 AU from the pulsar that made our element and birthed the solar system ~5.1 Ga ago The primary goal of modern physics is to hide this reality from the public, but the project is doomed to failure because neutron repulsion is indelibly recorded in rest mass data of all atoms and causes, for example, tritium to decay spontaneously to helium-3. despite Weizsacker’s false prediction that tritium has greater nuclear binding energy than He-3..
