Comments on: The psychiatric agenda destroys creative children Sat, 08 Jul 2017 10:36:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: greggg Sat, 08 Jul 2017 10:36:35 +0000 ADHD does exist, but many that are diagnosed just have behavioural problems or don’t fit with what is considered normal.
A damaged microbiome is usually the root cause, and your son would have inherited your microbiome. Toxins (food, environmental and pharmaceutical) impact on people with infection (in gut and body) MUCH more than people with a healthy gut and no infection in body.

By: White Eagle Thu, 29 Jun 2017 21:42:38 +0000 I grew up with ADHD without knowing what it was that was affecting me. It was a rough road, but I tought myself concentration techniques that ended up working, though it was a struggle to make it though school. This article and many other anti drug ones have absolutely NO idea what the aflitction is, or involves. Biolobically some of us inherite it, and its nicknamed the ‘warrior gene’ because we are awair of everything….rather than concentrating on any one thing. The brain essentially gets drowneded in information. With no , or very little ‘stop button’ control to our behavior, impulsive and often to a dangerous extent. Yes, all go and no stop. That is why amphetamines are sometimes prescribed to ADHD afflicted persons, to stimulate the part of the brain that gives self control. Its not a good solution, for most Ritalin is a much better medication, it depends a lot upon the individual what med works best. When my son at a very early ages showed obvious signs of having the same disorder, I vowed that he would not have to go though what I did, and when it came time to send him to school, (he got thrown out of kndergarden too!), and he got dismissed from private school first garden and started public school, we started him on Ritalin. Took him off of it each summer so the body could ‘reset’ and avoid some of the possible side effects, and just toughed it out with the bad behavior thereby at home. It most certainly did NOT stifle creativity. IT DID enable him to concentrate and go though school, and along with an aide to assist in keeping him on task and to not explore the whole school instead, he graduated and became a productive member of society.

One thing to note…the environment is one of the main factors negatively impacting health and behavior…Sugar intake , artificial sweeteners, MSG and other excite-toxins and of course, too many vaccines and at too young of an age, can obviously all affect behavior. Look at the percentage rate of kids born with autism. Something you didn’t see in the past.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 28 Jun 2017 20:49:34 +0000 the parents were damaged as well.

By: mtman2 Wed, 28 Jun 2017 16:07:17 +0000 How out of touch must parents be if using critical thinking not to see thru this scam and harm to their own flesh and blood…

By: Theodora Sat, 24 Jun 2017 09:36:42 +0000 This is what I thought !! We are in dark ages.

I cannot understand why nobody in the psychiatry community starts looking at what a young child really needs. It´s little but basic: having a loving parent around the house.

Nowadays both parents work for a boss; they spend their best energy and precious time on money making. Parents who are tired after a day’s work are more willing to accept anything the school nurse comes up with. It’s a shame! We have to turn around this situation. We have to avoid daycare to start with. It makes children nervous and gives them a feeling of being ‘disposable’ – there are so many kids around and the daycare worker doesn’t have the sense of bonding with the individual kid. I know it cannot be done in two days, but we have to change our way of living and spend our best time and energy on our children.

Big Pharma is ‘poisening the well’ so to speak and we have to defend our future generations by being present !!

By: fauxscienceslayer Fri, 23 Jun 2017 21:55:14 +0000 Earth’s ruling Demonic Warlords are the ultimate Luddites, as all the required ‘inventions’ necessary for their Dystopia have been created, the patents stolen and the zombie/robot manufacturing is in place. Allowing ‘creativity’ would allow uncontrolled developments.

By: Sunshine Fri, 23 Jun 2017 20:48:33 +0000 And Then there are the families that WANT to get diagnosed with a mental illness (preferably ADHD which supposedly runs in families) so they can all be prescribed amphetamines. Helps the parents feel better to have an excuse for their kids behavior, gets the teachers off their backs, and the parents just feel good because, well, they are taking amphetamines too.

By: Mark Fri, 23 Jun 2017 20:43:38 +0000 While science may have led us out of the dark ages once, it’s now leading us into a new dark ages, because science now follows money.

By: Sunshine Fri, 23 Jun 2017 20:40:30 +0000 It starts with the teachers. Most teachers are brainwashed to believe ADHD is real and should be treated. Schools used to get subsidies for this diagnosis, so now it’s been mainstreamed. The teachers have a meeting with the parents and a counselor with a list of gripes and recorded behaviors involving the child. The councilor has a packet already prepared to give the parents. It contains 2 sheets, one for the parents and one for the child’s doctor. Instructions tell you to rate you child for the behaviors listed on the sheet.

At this point, as a parent, you have a few choices.
1. Ignore the whole thing and throw the papers away (you will be hounded by teachers for years), or
2. Check all the right boxes because you want to be compliant because you believe ADHD is a real thing and modern drugs are wonderful, or
3. See you child’s doctor to tell him your child has troubling behavioral issues only in school caused by extreme anxiety, so you are going to move your child to a different school or class or homeschool, ask the doc if he agrees (which he will if he knows you and your child well enough) and you want that fact to be recorded in his or her medical records.

We chose number 3 and haven’t regretted it.

By: desireerover Fri, 23 Jun 2017 18:09:56 +0000 Ever met a normal psyche hater? The losers that hoped to turn their academically induced psychopathy into a science? If I am honest, I have met some peculiar specimens. But i can’t talk to them, the wires get into a knot.
