Comments on: Ten basic forms of fake news used by major media Thu, 29 Jun 2017 23:57:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Thu, 29 Jun 2017 23:57:55 +0000 Yes, indeed! Hypocrisy! Or, Hypocracy rather than Demon-cracy. The left has long been famous for exploiting character flaws in the reigning status quo power, and after they manage to topple it, they are ten times worse. Again, lies can’t go up against a comparison. It needs to be one sided, with no rebuttal. Note that our media do not allow rebuttals or equal time. Its always one sided.

Tiberius Caesar said it: Do not do as I do, Do as I say! So how is it we always fall for this crap? When the scum and useless idiots become more numerous than the good and the intelligent, then traitors and saboteurs come out into the open and lead the charge to overthrow.

And guess what, guys and gals? We have arrived. IQ is out, and selfish bribes are the rage. When people only consider their own situation and not that of the greater good and the long term survival of their nation, cause, concern, then they lose it all because after the saboteurs accomplish the overthrow, they then wipe out the useful idiots as they once called them. They never liked the useful idiots but were happy to use them to achieve their goals, looking forward to the day they could kill all the now suddenly Useless idiots and establish a government much like the one overthrew. Ain’t it a riot?

By: truth1 Thu, 29 Jun 2017 23:44:11 +0000 That was a great scripture in Isaiah to add to my collection. 5 stars * * * * *

By: CPP Thu, 29 Jun 2017 04:49:42 +0000 I just noticed that the CDC’s mega-fake swine flu number was 22 million, and the number of people it is said will lose insurance under the Republican healthcare bill is also 22 million.

They like that “master builder” number, 22 — JFK assassination, various terror attacks etc. (Manchester being the most notable: 22nd of May at 22:33, and, reportedly, bomber age 22 and 22 dead. Also, Manchester is located at longitude -2.244644, and, from a YouTube comment, “May 22 is day 142 of the year. 142 minutes is the time 2:22”.)

Terror events on 22nd reviewed here: (missing from this list is the October 22, 2014 attack at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada.)

Found this interesting tidbit in comments on above article: “in roman numerals 9-11 is IXXI or 22 if you add them up 1+10+10+1…the jesuits have a ring with IXXI on it so its a very important symbol to them”

Also found this in a YouTube comment: “Isaiah 22:22 (the key to governmental authority) I will place on His shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”

More about 22 here: (that biblical passage is also reiterated on this page, adding, “This number 22 is the gnostic Key to revelation in the Bible, where it is revealed in Isaiah 22.22”)

YouTube comments cited are from “LambAndTheDragon” and “cc brown” under this vid:

By: Thx1138 Thu, 29 Jun 2017 03:06:20 +0000 “accusing their opponents of committing the crimes they are, in fact, committing.”

And that is a primary modus operandi of a psychopath or a psychopathic organization.

By: Michael Cecil Wed, 28 Jun 2017 20:54:21 +0000 And the 11th form of fake news: Religion news. ALL of it:

By: From Quebec Wed, 28 Jun 2017 20:43:36 +0000 I guess you could call that number 11: accusing their opponents of committing the crimes they are, in fact, committing (Jon)

When politics are involved, this is their biggest tactic.

By: truth1 Wed, 28 Jun 2017 14:34:26 +0000 A good summation of the problem. I would reduce it to this: When all normal and proper obligations of investigation are not taken and not carried out, then that is a form of deception which is also lying. One I have come across in the land of internet shills is the very concept that if an authority tells you something, you should automatically believe them and not question them. Shill depend on this to carry their war against truth and full thorough investigation, like cross-examining informants like authorities and experts, so called.

By: Dana Doran Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:25:05 +0000 Zika anyone? There is a book (textbook) “Crafting Truth: Documentary Form and Meaning” by Spence and Navarro (Rutgers University Press), that explains how to convince people that a set of events constitutes facts that are true – even if they aren’t.

By: Václav Němec Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:12:39 +0000 PERFECT!!!
