For example, Trump ordered Tomahawk missile strikes against Shayrat air base in Syria, even though the U.S. intelligence establishment was telling him that no chemical weapons were used in the April 4th attack that was the excuse for the retaliation. See Seymour Hersh’s piece in Die Welt on the subject. It’s telling that Hersh had to get it published overseas.
I see a lot comments dismissing global warming. I don’t think most people have the expertise to say one way or the other, but my personal opinion is that it’s happening, but it’s really being caused, on purpose, by geoengineering, which in true cabal fashion, the rulers of the planet trot out as the solution to the problem. Essentially, a problem-reaction-solution deal. Don’t know, just my opinion.
]]>Oil is not a bad thing…
The toxic waste from solar panels alone are 300 times that of nuclear power.
Why I banter with you idiots that have this religious belief about climate and mother earth. And that we are destroying the planet. The planet has gone through far worse than we can conjure up. Long before we came along. There have been five great extinctions before we came along, and one of them, took out 90% of life on this planet. This will happen again, and again.
You might not like the facts but here they are…
Wind turbines are hell on wildlife; large birds of prey are most susceptible, and a lot of wind turbines are closing down because it costs more to generate per watt that traditional methods. Most if not all, run on government hand outs. How will poorer people afford electricity, gain that power that equalizes us all, if it costs so much to produce.
You talk about global warming; here the fact jack, it will cost $4 trillion dollars annually in increased carbon taxes.
As far as the wonderful plant food carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there is a deficit. We easily could use 800 to 1000 ppmv. And at present is 4 parts per 10,000 of this atmosphere, that less than your spit in a swimming pool.
There is no global warming, you fool, we are currently in solar deficit, three years away from solar minimum; a cold one that hasn’t happened in 150 years. Solar cycle 24 is turning out to be very strange indeed. We go weeks without sunspots, and they generally are very weak.
Climate changes, get use to it; it always has, right now you are living in a time of manufactured weather.
There was two miles of ice above our heads for well on 100,000 year. Now, we have the glacial remnants of that ice age, and the great Laurentide ice shelf. Eventually there will be more ice…
The antarctic is gaining ice. The arctic fluctuates.
There has been no increase in temperature in the last 17/18 years, and at present mean global temperature is dropping.
This is the coldest summer I have experienced in Saskatchewan; the ground is cold, crops are very slow and all farmers are complaining. Garden around her are weak and failing. Some things are not growing at all. Last year at this time I was harvesting a lots of strawberries; I have lost a lot of plants and the crop is poor now, I have gained only a few quarts.
Tesla was dealing with some very dangerous technologies; do you think you would like WiFi’ed electrical energy…hm.
There is no such thing as free energy, perpetual magnetics. There must be energy in to gain energy out. That’s a given except it. Zero point, or cold fusion these are pipe dreams. Gain an education first in physics before you spout of about some leftist idealism, it doesn’t exist .
We are in a carbon deficit, and there are huge amounts of cheap coal available, and oil. But a marxist ideology, and that shit-head Soros have demonized it’s use. Why not use it?
We have a long, long way to go before we become a type One civilization, and reap the vast energy put out ever single second of every day by this Sun. We haven’t finished dealing with people like yourself who live in a dark place, and are ignorant of any truth of these matters. Propagandized by your leftist religion.
]]>There is little doubt that CNN is already being helped.
They can’t be this fucking clueless all by themselves.