Comments on: The collective experiment on planet Earth Tue, 28 Jan 2020 19:03:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denton W. Tue, 28 Jan 2020 19:03:03 +0000 You are correct…it may not be flat but it’s certainly not a wet spinning ball surrounded by a vacuum. I will always have some level of shame for believing in the’s absolute nonsense.

By: futuret Tue, 04 Jul 2017 17:29:06 +0000

By: Arthur Braithwaite Tue, 04 Jul 2017 16:39:18 +0000 Are you arguing with a political ideology or with yourself? It’s like the difference between the American counter-culture of the 60’s, referring to Declaration of Independence “freedom” and “inalienable rights” and UK anarchists of the 70’s who were on the dole arguing for a balancing of social collectivism where the rich shouldn’t be so rich when there are poor suffering, a system for that, not charity, an organised way of balancing out socio-economic inequality.

By: Sue Sat, 01 Jul 2017 22:45:16 +0000 You’ll have to explain to me the reason behind submitting that story. It doesn’t seem really relevant to what was posted just before it.

By: futuret Sat, 01 Jul 2017 16:34:03 +0000

By: Joanie Detlefsen Sat, 01 Jul 2017 04:29:27 +0000 You might want to read the best US authority on Nikola Tesla physics, William Lyne. Not sure if Occult Ether Physics or Pentagon Aliens would appeal to you more, check out his books on Amazon. He’s got stuff in various areas of the internet but in a nutshell, the Dynamic Theory of Gravity of Tesla’s in his research, experiments, the weaponized inventions the government made from his stolen files, has the missing science we are not taught. It is an ether plasma atmosphere we live in. I am not a physicist so that’s the best I can do. It’s great reading because Lyne has so many personal stories to tell and he’s a great storyteller, as well as an artist (Jon). Certainly expect it would help to answer some of the questions you bring up in you comments.

By: Terri Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:21:41 +0000 My question is, does it really matter? if this is merely a hologram, a dream, an illusion, and the key is within us, then to me, seeking outwardly such things, while they may be interesting, or entertaining, are just distraction and a waste of time.

I like to look at things in terms of, what can i personally experience about a premise to agree or disagree. In this case, i can not except perhaps astrally fly above the earth and look and see for myself. Until then, its all just opinion.

There are far more important things to ponder, but that is just how I feel about it. It is good to question all things, and everyone is going to choose what they feel has merit or not to seek answers for.

By: Terri Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:14:48 +0000 truth 1 your beginning premise that humans act like herd animals and that lower IQ humans are animal like is false. You obviously haven’t spent a lot of conscious and aware time with animals.

The way you speak in terms of instinct is pure speculation and not accurate at all.

Herd animals are actually superior, as are most animals to the human animal. The human species is a most inferior barbaric primitive species, hence its destructive nature. There are a few exceptions, but these are merely spirits who have come into a human body from a higher form of existence.

Animals in a herd, or flock, or pack,are very much individuals and choose to live together in harmony and mutual benefit as a large family, with close family ties remaining strong throughout their lives. They are overall, very loving and patient, especially with bumbling humans who are more often than not, cruel and negligent, either from ignorance or purposefully. Even those who have been abused can learn to trust and care again. It is a beautiful thing to be blessed to be a part of this process.

Humans who choose to be part of a collective are mindless thugs merely automatons who choose not to choose. They have abdicated all responsibility and carry a victim card which they love to use on every occasion. They have no solutions and do not want any, for being right and blaming others is far more satisfying to them.

Perhaps you should spend some time ( a year or two) on a family farm and learn something from our animal brothers and sisters, instead of making assumptions. It is far better to speak from one’s own personal experience than to regurgitate material one has been brainwashed with. The former, rather than the latter is truth.

Our alignment with nature, would serve us far better, as nature is abundant and positive, not corrupt and spiraling inwardly into destruction. There is nothing natural about subversion and perversion.

It is actually the human arrogance that it is greater than nature and better than that creates all the destruction. Humans are the only animals who do not exist in harmony with each other, or any other species or even our Mother earth.

If humans were honest with themselves and sought and practiced humility, appreciation, love and respect, they would begin to evolve in a positive manner and everything would change. Until one admits one has a problem, illness or weakness, one can not seek a solution and shall keep going round the mulberry bush, chasing their tails.

The collective experiment is not new, and certainly can not be equated with a herd. They are not the same. It is insulting to animals to be denigrated in such a way, and allows humans to torture them in all kinds of ways and make excuses for it.

It is okay for humans to be primitive and ignorant, it is not okay to pretend that this is a superior position in any way and there is nothing further to learn nor achieve.

By: arcadia11 Fri, 30 Jun 2017 22:30:09 +0000 i agree. definitely merits investigation and public interest.

By: Greg C. Fri, 30 Jun 2017 19:21:26 +0000 I’ll take logic and sense over a “huge buzz” any day.
