Comments on: What is The Matrix? Sun, 02 Jul 2017 18:10:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: urkeramik Sun, 02 Jul 2017 18:10:46 +0000 some information on the comic :

By: truth1 Sun, 02 Jul 2017 17:51:51 +0000 This was a timely article. Last week and the week before, MeTV played Star Treks “Menagerie” 2 part episode where Capt. Christopher Pike is severely physically damaged and life sucks as a result. So Spock takes him back to a planet where beings can make us see, hear, or feel anything the aliens want them to see or experience. It was interesting. Roddenberry loves exploring concepts like this and they are often a topic you bring up, too.

For me the fascination is in the battle for how much reality we allow in, and how much we might reject, in favor of a fantasy world. Its interesting because both my parents and my brother sort of lived in an imaginary false world. I think a lot of people do this. Most do it. CIA Mind Control exploits these 2 forces to effect compartmentalized programming in the mind. The mind has the power to over-ride reality and there is a point where it is far more dangerous that helpful.

When reality is too much to handle, the mind dissociates and retreats to somewhere else. Anywhere else, when being tortured.

As a rule, we need to be responsive to reality that is all around us. Its not pretty, but if it is to be fixed and remedied, we have to pay attention to it. We have to force feed it down our throats. The sub-conscious (sub-c from hereon in) is an interesting component of who we are and how we are organized in the mind.

The sub-c is a helper and protector. It controls many things that simply sustain our lives, the processes that we are almost never aware of, digestion, breather, pulse, etc. The sub-c also controls the macro processors as I can them. It can deduce nearly anything, if that is what we ask of it. We just have to give it a little time. Maybe hours, maybe days, maybe it will be an ongoing thing for a while, even years if one is ambitious in what they want to learn.

But the sub-c is also a friend, maybe too much of a friend, at times. Friends often do not want to hurt other friends. They often will not tell a friend what they might need to hear or what they might not be aware of. The sub-c is like that. If we are scared by something, the sub-c will keep us blissfully unaware of what scares us. It can hid anything from us, even important stuff we need, but don’t want. It will only let us see what we want to see, unless instructed by the conscious to do other wise.

This is why I say we need to look inward or speak inward. We need to realize how important it is to know the situation as it truly is and not just what we want it to be. If we can appreciate that and make it quite clear to the sub-c that we want the truth, no matter who scary or uncomfortable it might be, the sub-c, with its vast powers of processing, the same ones that taught us a language without any instruction, will go to work to make us aware of things and answer things and bring us to a higher level of what we seek.

This willingness to explore the scary and the dangerous is known to us as courage. Courage is really the most important thing we can possess. The sub-c knows when we really want something or are just lying to ourselves. The sub-c will only comply with that which is sincerely conveyed to it. It does not get fooled by its master’s lies. It know when the conscious lies.

Courage dares us to look inside and then search outside, too. Courage is EVERYTHING. That is the solution to the Matrix quicksand.

By: urkeramik Sun, 02 Jul 2017 17:49:20 +0000 “Imagination trumps reality”:
